Irrational fears...what are yours?


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I have the worst fear of throwing up. Especially in public. Last year on New Years I was sleeping over at my friends house and when I woke up and got really sick. I was really embarassed about it and for a couple of months afterward I could barely leave my house because I always felt like I was going to throw up.

It kind of sucks. A lot. A lot a lot. I feel like its preventing me from living my life. I'm so paranoid about something making me get sick now.


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When I wash my face I have to do one side at a time so I can keep on eye open. I'm scared something is going to pop up when I look in the mirror!


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My most silly fear is milk, honestly the sight of it, smell, I can't tolerate anything about it. I won't drink it or touch it. If I got milk on my hand or anything I'd be scrubbing it for days.

My really serious fears are veins and needles, I've discovered EMLA numbing cream so I'm getting better with having all my blood tests and stuff (I have Crohn's disease so they are important), I find if I don't feel the needle go in I can stay calmer but sometimes it can throw me into a panic attack. Other than that getting fat, because of my disordered eating in the past and even really still now the thought of gaining weight absolutely terrifies me. Even a pound or two and I'd flip which is irrational of me. Again I just can't help it.


Mine would have to The big edible kind, so goldfish are okay..kinda. omg their eyes are so scary (especially when they turn red) and their mouth and teeth..! once my mom asked me to bring a bag of fish down to the freezer in the basement, and I started panicking and crying. it was so irrational and embarrassing..ugh. so my brother ended up doing it, haha.


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I have agoraphobia...the fear of crowded places...It has gotten better over the years. However I must know exactly where I am going in the malls...If I can't walk immediately to a store and I have to look for it...I totally panic and have an anxiety attack. Thank God most of the stores I love are in strip malls or have a direct entrance from the mall parking lot. As long as someone is with me in crowded places I am good...But to be lost solo...I am sweating thinking about it


Originally Posted by franimal
I have an irrational fear that loved ones will die. Ever since my best friend died, I am scared to even pick up the phone because I think it will be some awful news. Whenever my mother calls, I think she will tell me my brother is dead. When my bf is late, I think he got into a car crash. I will sometimes cry or just be very worried until he comes home. Weird, huh?

not weird at all, I'm the exact same way. I've found it helpful to tell everyone about this fear, and they often do things to help me feel better (i.e. boyfriend got cell phone so I can call him if i'm worried!)

i'm afraid of glass containers and cups. I have these bizzare compulsions to throw or squeeze the glass in my hand and am afraid that I will actually do it and hurt myself or someone!


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I have an irrational fear of needles.

I have actually passed out from getting my blood drawn. My blood pressure drops and I just feel woozy feeling the needle tear into my skin! aaah!

I don't frequent doctors or anything needle related unless I ABSOLUTLY have too! ugh I hate them.

Also I develop bumps that feel like cyst at the injection site. Its so weird.

Does this happen to anyone else?

I also know WHY Im so scared of them. Childhood traumas.


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OK, I've got two more. Thanks to a certain posting =) I now fear brain worms like crazy. I swear everytime I've cooked pork I've gone through like a half a roll of paper towels, 1/5 of my hand soap and I clean the kitchen as if the health inspector was coming!

Second, I'm really fearful of someone hiding UNDERNEATH my car... especially the idea of me fiddling with opening the door and them like stabbing me in the foot or slashing my ankles. UGH. Of course, I always have my keys ready before I leave the lighted area of the building, but now I do a quick check from far away under my car, around it, and I kind of refuse to tint my windows so I can also look into it.


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Spiders; i can look at them and get rid of them with a glass but i dont want them near me. And i hate how they scuttle away.
Cotton wool, i hate the feel and sound of cotton wool ripping apart
Wet towels/wool it makes my teeth hurt. I cant stand to see people chew on their gloves or scarves.
Medical stuff, i was in hospital a lot when i was younger and hate anything medical to be honest(which is bizarre as i work in a hospital, my office is right next to theatres) In fact injections dont bother me as much as blood tests, i refuse to have one of those unless i seriously need one and even then i want it done there and then. I dont want to have to have an appointment.
Fingernail torture- anything showing nails coming off makes me gag.
Teeth falling out-i have dreams with my teeth falling out and its horrible, ive never liked to see anyone with broken teeth/spitting them out etc
Crabs- i hate crabs, when i was younger my uncle tipped a sack of live crabs out on the kitchen floor and i screamed, terrified they were going to nip me.
Sea-Im scared of what lives in the sea, i can only let it go up to my ankles. When i was at uni i got brave and was in the sea at my waist when something moved under my foot. I have never ran so fast ever! Even when i was younger i was too scared to walk barefoot on sand for fear that crabs will get me. Seaweed freaks me out because im scared that crabs are living in it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CherryAcid
Sea-Im scared of what lives in the sea, i can only let it go up to my ankles..


SHARKS: i'm going to hawaii in a week, and i'm going to FORCE myself to go snorkeling. I like the fish, but i'm REALLY afraid of sharks.... i've never swam in the ocean because of it. when i was little i used to think something would magically appear in the pool and rip off my legs.

SPIDERS: i can't look at them. if there's one in my house I'll call my friend to come over and kill it. my x-bf told me there was one on me and i started crying LOL (he was just joking). but that sucked. and ALL bugs in general. butterflies/ladybugs/crickets..whatever. i get that flight instinct and scream and run away and can't breathe like most of you ladies.

Dying in a plane crash over the ocean


the end of the world (ie: comet hitting the earth). i have nightmares about this every week.
i don't wanna be here when/if it happens.

did anyone say heights yet? i think sitting in the window seat of airplanes will fix this, but it never does...

never being able to wear make-up again (yeah right, that'll never happen).