MA Rudeness/Bad MAC experiences/Rants


Well-known member
Originally Posted by allan_willb
I thought that the MAC employees are NOT supposed to apply,re-apply or touch of their make up at the counter/store?Also sushi, it really seems to me like your are really not being treated the right way at the counter.If I was you I would'nt wanna shop there too!I'd feel too uncomfortable around that kind of people. :confused:

Also yes, all of the MAC MA's on here are the shit!They all know there stuff like the back of there hand.It's also nice that we can always ask for help or recommendations from them.Thanks guys.

Generally, yes. Youre never supposed to touch yourself up on the floor. However, if it's slow (meaning NO customers) often times a more seasoned MA will sit down a newbie to show them tips on how to do their own makeup that they can use on customers as well.


Well-known member
Follow up to my bad MAC experience!!!

I posted about a bad experience about 5 months ago at a MAC. I know some people may remember because the thread kept getting bumped up. Anyways, basically I was trying to test some colors and a MA told me I couldnt in a really rude way. Well...I was never going to go back but today I was desperate. I went today and the same gal was there that was rude to me was there. Another girl helped me and she was actually really nice! She commented on my e/s...Swimming and Meadowland ( for some St. Patty's day action
) and said it looked great on me and that I applied to it really well !! Well, when I went to the counter to check out, the rude MA says "We were just trying to figure out what e/s are you wearing, its so bright!!!" I told her and she says "Wow, I can never get it to look like that on me!" So alas, I found a MA there who was really nice from the get - go and the previously rude MA was impressed by my makeup! I walked out with my chin a little higher in the air
Not to mention with some new goodies. Just had to share that!


Well-known member
That's Great! Doesn't it feel good to have an MA compliment you on your makeup?

Who knows, maybe she was having a bad day the first time you dealt with her. I know I have come across some people who were very rude the first time I dealt with them, and when I went back they were so nice. Lord knows we all have our days!


Well-known member
Yeah...I think she may have been having a bad day and taken it out on me. Ah well, I guess it happens to us all once in a while. Im just glad it turned out ok


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shabdebaz
"There's bad customer service in every industry". Amen! "When MA's don't know shit..." is a little harsh, don't you think? It amazes me when I read through threads like this one. Honestly, if you think you can do a better job than whoever works at your local counter, or if you know more than them...then just apply!

this is the most accurate piece of literature i have read on this website. sometimes they cant know everything. if you know it thats wonderful! dont get pissed because they cant get to update class - sometimes its delayed like right now im waiting for Class update for Chanel which was reschulded 2wice . sometimes its canceled for whatever reason -theres two kinds of people who work at makeup counters - people who inspire to be a makeup artist and help others beautify themselves and others who want satistics and a whole bunch of $$$ - i worked for MAC for 5 months - i just quit to become the Chanel Manager in Lord & Taylor next door, half the girls i worked with wanted to presue a job in makeup others were there for the $ or they didnt care where they worked and hopped around ALOT. so next time instead of huffing your way into the makeup counters and demanding the certian new colour, or trying to quiz people on what they know and they dont know - treat them the way you want to be treated - yes i admit some girls are idiots - thats in EVERY job - but some of us want to help you - not be quizzed if we can remember when heatherette or browze came out!! if a customer tells me something i dont know i gladly appreciate it... but its rare but i do appreciate it - working in cosmetics is hard. some people say the makeup sells itself *which i HALF believe it does but then theres the ugly side to retail called WORK* but there is alot behind the ringing up of a eyeshadow or a pencil - i do it for pleasure but there is the businuess side to it - moving to management its totally different - i have to do accounting sheets, inventory, stock, total revenue satistics and trying to keep track of what we sold today and whats todays goal - endless hours calling to premote new items and making event appointments, a deadline each hour, if you dont make your deadline youre in the hot seat- getting people in that chair and helping people in general - so next time you get a MA or SA hurrying you along dont take it as us being snotty its us trying to keep up with our work and schulde, and if you do get a retarted SA or MA poliely smile and ignore it. its not worth your time to bitch to others. if it really irks you then take it up with the makeup line's manager or store manager.


Well-known member
For everyone upset that some MA doesn't know about a product in a new line, please understand that we get very little time at Update with the actual products, or there are four different lines we are hearing about, and it's ususally held quite some time before the actual launch.

So if a line is sent to our store missing some pieces, it's hard to remember exactly what pieces were supposed to be there. We actually ran out of 'Culturebloom' lipstick one day after the launch and Botanical and Spring Up a day later. So some MA's never actually saw those products in the line depending on their schedules. We generally just replace it with something (sometimes any old thing so the spot won't be empty in the display). AND it happens all the time that we are sent a line missing products. We never, ever got one of the Chromeglass colors - still waiting on it though ;-)


Well-known member
oh the drama we go through at MAC. if you guys only knew... lol.

i understand some of the posts about bad customer service and if muas just don't help you or they're rude, then you should definitely make a complaint. my counter/trainers always try our best to give good customer service and be nice.

but sometimes we have our off days, have brain farts, etc. some days we have so many customers that come in and are so indescisive about what they want. it can drive you batty. they say they want something but don't know. then they want us to pick something out for them which we think would look nice on them and they're just like "uh. no." we try to get info and people just don't answer us at all. so it's like how can we help you if you don't know yourself...?

with d/c'd products, sometimes we don't know it's discontinued. we just found out Sobe lippie is d/c'd cause i was going through our new lipstick schematic.

like a mua said about LE stuff, sometimes we don't get it in so we don't know what it is if we aren't around it. or it gets sold out so fast that some people who don't work everyday haven't seen it. and when people ask about LE lippies that are still out and we forget, think about the other stuff/new launches that are now out that we're focusing on. sometimes customers get the name totally wrong or say "it's a new color" and it's from last year. lol. i had one lady come in and said she was looking for an e/s ut she didn't see it. she's been buying it for years. she then decribed the color and it sounded like sketch. showed it to her and she said no. went through all of the burgundy shades and she said no to all of it. asked my manager and she said it sounded like sketch too. so she was like no, i'll just come back when i check the name. she comes back... what do you know... it's sketch! lol.

when we give you a blank stare when you ask about something, we might not have heard you right and/or we're trying to think of what product you're talking about. at least that's how it is with me

being a mua is a very stressful job. like risa said, we have so many things to do while we're at work (especially for people that are part-time) just to do for the counter along jugging customers who are indesicive, in a hurry, wanting demos, color matches, trying to find a color e/s or lipstick. you have to feel out customers like crazy and there's so much transfering of energy that it's tiring. all during lunch time or closing or when you're the only one on the floor.

and PLEASE save your boxes. especially if you shop at macy's. we have a very lenient return policy: 180 days (half a year) with the box or recipt or maybe even the credit card that you purchased it on. we have so many customers that try to return things without any of those things and give us an attitude about not being able to exchange. then they start going into the "well we shop here all of the time". it's not about that. we as muas are not able to do returns or exchanges without one of those 3, the macy's computers won't let us. so we have to get a macy's manager to override it. and they talk to the manager making it seem like it was our fault that we can't to the return. and don't get me started on people trying to return used USED makeup...

sorry for ranting just trying to give some light on our side.

but with some tricky customers, there are more customers that are very nice and understanding and you have a great connection with. the tricky ones make me appreciate the good ones even more. and i do try my best to make those difficult ones more pleasant by being nice and doing what i can do for them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SonRisa
Generally, yes. Youre never supposed to touch yourself up on the floor. However, if it's slow (meaning NO customers) often times a more seasoned MA will sit down a newbie to show them tips on how to do their own makeup that they can use on customers as well.

Hmm, well i'm not complaining about this at all as it didn't affect me (apart from the fact that they did that little scenario of saying something and laughing while looking at me with eachother) and it was just an observation and it WAS dead there apart from me but the SAs doing eachothers makeup have been working there for ages (atleast over a year and half) and they wern't touching eachother up but doing a full makeover and i see this happening ALL the time at my counter. In fact when i went to talk to the manager once about the complaint (she called me to come over) she told me i'll have to wait awhile as she ws getting her makeup done by another SA which i was really surprised about as it was SO busy that time, there was barely any room to walk and the SAs who were serving were so rushed on their feet yet the manager and the SA doing her makeup were not working when they should be and were making me wait (especially when i want to talk about a complaint about the counter!..
) and even if they were technically on a break or something they were doing it on a customer stool right in the middle of the product tables and so were in the way of all the customers trying to browse on the counter which is tiny anyway.
Anyway like i said i didn't even know this was an issue but yeh it happens all the time at my counter along with the rest of the stuff, and i have no other counter i can go to, but oh well atleast i have Specktra, if the SAs can't help with advice etc then fine but i just wish they could atleast put effort into finding the thing i want from the shelf (after i've given them the name) so i can actually buy it and walk away with it! If they can't even do that then that's unexcusable.

Life In Return

Well-known member
This reminds me of the time I went into a pro store and asked them to recommend a pretty pigment that was eye safe. They looked at me as if I'd just birthed an alien out of my forehead. "Eyesafe? What's that?" and they looked at me as if I'M the ignorant one. I hated that. It was 2 MAs at a MAC PRO STORE that responded that way. And they made me feel stupid saying, "We've never heard anything about pigments being eye or lip safe" and proceeded to laugh saying, "I wonder if the one I have on now is eyesafe"... but making me feel as if I didn't know what I was talking about. As a MAC Pro Store artist, you should ATLEAST know that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Life In Return
This reminds me of the time I went into a pro store and asked them to recommend a pretty pigment that was eye safe. They looked at me as if I'd just birthed an alien out of my forehead. "Eyesafe? What's that?" and they looked at me as if I'M the ignorant one. I hated that. It was 2 MAs at a MAC PRO STORE that responded that way. And they made me feel stupid saying, "We've never heard anything about pigments being eye or lip safe" and proceeded to laugh saying, "I wonder if the one I have on now is eyesafe"... but making me feel as if I didn't know what I was talking about. As a MAC Pro Store artist, you should ATLEAST know that.

omg that is really annoying.


Well-known member
that's awesome
i'm waiting for an MA to compliment me.. the best validation!

i think people forget that even people working jobs we wish we had, they're still WORKING! and sometimes being a customer service person SUCKS, cause people can be really awful. so yeah :}


Well-known member
We have a really crazy lady at the counter nearest me. One day she will say hi and want to help you and kinda play with colors and the next she will literally say, "Did you need something?" She is absolutely insane. But on the days she is nice, she is super nice and is always complimenting me. Sometimes I just avoid the counter all together if she is there. It's just too much of a risk!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Life In Return
This reminds me of the time I went into a pro store and asked them to recommend a pretty pigment that was eye safe. They looked at me as if I'd just birthed an alien out of my forehead. "Eyesafe? What's that?" and they looked at me as if I'M the ignorant one. I hated that. It was 2 MAs at a MAC PRO STORE that responded that way. And they made me feel stupid saying, "We've never heard anything about pigments being eye or lip safe" and proceeded to laugh saying, "I wonder if the one I have on now is eyesafe"... but making me feel as if I didn't know what I was talking about. As a MAC Pro Store artist, you should ATLEAST know that.

AGAIN, remember, they could have been freelancers or new. AND in all actuality, half the time when things are deemed not eyesafe, MAC does NOT tell us. Even with glimmershimmers or MSF or whatever. There's a little symbol in our update books, but that's it. And most people don't go back over their update books. If the trainers don't tell us, we don't know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Life In Return
And they made me feel stupid saying, "We've never heard anything about pigments being eye or lip safe" and proceeded to laugh saying, "I wonder if the one I have on now is eyesafe"... but making me feel as if I didn't know what I was talking about.

There was really no call for them to laugh and joke about it. However, it doesn't only happen at MAC - it happens EVERYWHERE!!!!

It seems to be a natural thing to assume that because you work for a company, you must inherently know everything about it and belittle anyone who questions that.


Well-known member
okay... i know that freelancers and MA's are not going to know everything... my good friend from high school just got hired a couple of months ago as a freelancer and i know more than her.. because of specktra!!hehehe but i love her shes the best!!!! i just dont like it when they look at me like i'm stupid... the MA i asked about the pigments not being eyesafe was def. a perm. worker... and i asked her very nicely about which pigments werent eye safe and which were because sometimes my eyes are stupid and sensitive! and she was like they're all eye safe... and i tried to explain to her how there's a certain paper in the box that has a precaution on it about certain colors... and i told her i forgot what was listed and she kept insisting that there was no such thing... and turned away... didnt bother to look in a box to look at the paper or anything... just gave me this weird look and was like whatever.... sorry i shouldve been more specific earlier... but that time i was mad! but when i asked the other MA she was like oh i dont really know let me ask... and she came back with this answer....some people are just sensitive to the pigmented color in it so it's like a precaution for people to use it on their own risk... i really liked her response better...

and thanks to sonrisa i now know that it isnt an MA's fault to why they dont know about certain pigments not being eye safe it's the company that is not letting them know more info...

but i have to agree with people there is bad service every where at a certain point of time...

MAC employees have enough probs with people saying oh i dont like this do it over... this is out of my norm... and you change it... i've got to say i would be really annoyed! my friend tells me all about her makeovers... and crazy days!

oh and sonrisa!!! i like how you're really blunt...and i love seeing your fotd's... tell it how it is!!!!! hehehe i'm like that all the time!


Well-known member
You mean MAC employees aren't encylopedic make-up robots and are, in fact, fallible humans?




Well-known member
Originally Posted by shabdebaz
"There's bad customer service in every industry". Amen! "When MA's don't know shit..." is a little harsh, don't you think? It amazes me when I read through threads like this one. Honestly, if you think you can do a better job than whoever works at your local counter, or if you know more than them...then just apply!

yea i do think i could do a better job than the asshole who was "helping" me and i did apply but guess what- between school and an internship i just dont have enough hours in my days to have a job as well - and again im going to assume you are literate but decided not to READ my post - i was on vaca in MIAMI at a store that carries PRO PRODUCTS.. not at the usual counter or store that i go to


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
You mean MAC employees aren't encylopedic make-up robots and are, in fact, fallible humans?



no way! i never would have knowN!!