MAC - Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Discussion

Almost black.

Well-known member
I bought Blonde MSF and can't wait to get it

I really hope it's great


Well-known member
blonde is a beautiful msf! one of my faves! i love it over dollymix blush - gives it such a pretty sheen!


Well-known member
Yes, It is. All the MSF'S were some of the best as far as smoothness and color payoff.

I love Blonde over CoyGirl.

My Colour Crafts MSF were nice but not special like these.


Well-known member
I really liked this collection after the fact. I am slowly picking up more and more items like e/s and lip products.

The darker strip of Brunette is so pretty on my skin. I wish it was just a pan full of that.


Well-known member
I was lucky enough to get Marquise D', All's Fair, Live & Dye, Soft Wave, Henna, & Femme Fi at my CCO a couple weeks ago. I'm going back today for the 165 brush, Strawberry Blonde, and maybe a back-up of Marquise D'. Do you ladies think the Blonde MSF will show up or look good on me? I'm NC30 and light olive. TIA!


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It the perfect mid-tone just on the border of hot pink but not quite mixed with a berry blue tone.

It's perfection.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
I love Strawberry Blonde.

Yeah, Blonde MSF will show up on you. I am NC50 and it shows up on me.

I never could make this l/g work for was almost a coral pinky red on me...dreadful


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
I never could make this l/g work for was almost a coral pinky red on me...dreadful

what a shame! i always go crazy over the glosses that have good pigmentation like this one. you should sell it in the clearence bin Tish if it really won't work. that way you get more money for new gloss!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
I never could make this l/g work for was almost a coral pinky red on me...dreadful

It looked like shit on me too, Tish!


Well-known member
I am so surprised because it looks straight like the bottle on me. I even contemplated back-up but decided they will release this color a million times.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
I never could make this l/g work for was almost a coral pinky red on me...dreadful

hmmm, maybe I'll skip on SB then. I don't think coral pinky reds will look good on my light olive skin.


Well-known member
still luving my brunette msf, I went to my CCo last night and they had almost the entire collection, all the msfs, marquise'd l/s, glosses and shadows.


Well-known member
I'm hoping to make a trip to the CCO sometime soon to find this collection so that I can get both Blonde and Redhead MSFs. I also need a backup of Brunette MSF since that MSF gets lots of love!