MAC Spring Trend Lip Palette Discussion


Well-known member
Oh how our little lip palette discovery has blossomed! Thanks for starting this thread Mac Guy and giving it a place for the love it deserves. I still haven't used the lilac or orange shades, but I look forward to playing & mixing more as the weather warms up for Spring. Hope everyone who wants one can get it! Afterall there's a little "Pro" in all of us! winkwink

I'm sure you will find Pulse more wearable than your neon-pink-pigeon

My favorites still are Preferred Pink (serious dip!) and Warm to Bare.


Well-known member
WERD!! HeeHee (and it is Party Parrot... but close enough... damn neon temptress that she is)
I've worn PP the most as well! I'm glad you like it too... I was feeling so conventional just dipping into that "safe" pink so much! But it is sooooo purrrty!

I can get away with a darker purple-ish lippie ok. No fear there. One of my fav MAC lipsticks is Rebel... a fuchsia/berry/purple dream. So, I have toyed with Pulse! And I love your idea of using it as a stain... I NEVER think to do that until I rub of my lipstick at the end of the day and think how nice and kissed my lips look.

I'm sure you will find Pulse more wearable than your neon-pink-pigeon

My favorites still are Preferred Pink (serious dip!) and Warm to Bare.


New member
Guys, just want to state a few things for clarification. First off, sorry if you have experienced MAC artists who have given less than satisfactory service - not kosher and certainly not part of MAC's ideology. I have worked for MAC for several years now and even I have unfortunately experienced this when I go to other locations/regions.

That being said - with regards to the Spring Trend palettes - we JUST received a memo talking about fashion week a week ago. It said there would be Spring Trend Palettes available ONLINE ONLY, but no further information. No release dates, no color/product info, nada zip. If you are experiencing artists who do not know what you are asking for, they are not stupid and it is not their fault for not knowing about the item. I work at a PRO location and we simply got the brief memo over Fashion Week touch bases. At the very bottom it had a blip about "Spring/Summer12 trend products" being available online with no more information. Our resident trainer did not even know because I actually asked about this product two weeks ago thinking it was for summer and literally - did not know. I specially asked "I know you can't tell me details of it, but when are they coming out? Or do you even know what I am referring to?" I actually hopped onto the PRO site to look at some Master Class listings and that is when I saw the product. And sadly, it is online only - what little the memo did say, it did state that it was online only and not in stores. But just goes to show - we don't always get proper information from corporate and that isn't our fault. :(

I know it can be confusing because artists don't always know what you are talking about but yet it is all over message boards and beauty blogs. Just for future reference, here is some information and insight into why that is happening. Again, if someone is felt out rude - that is never okay and PLEASE contact customer service and voice your concern. That upsets me that you guys experience rudeness. So here is (hopefully) some helpful info/insight for you guys and gals.

1) If their managers have failed to share the memo with them (& shame on the manager for that, but there's nothing an artist can do at that point) the artist has no way of knowing about this other than being on the internet and message boards.
2) Senior artists get products sometimes several seasons ahead of launch to test the formulas, colors, etc. Some things you see on twitter and tumblr from Senior Artists will NEVER make it to the counters and stores. Sometimes they will, but it may be a year or more before we all see it. That's why we go to update, we learn a season at a time and that is it. Some artists are self sufficient enough to get online and find out things, but honestly - it ruins update for us and is considered unprofessional in MAC business. So not every artist gets online to find out new collections and information about them, and that does not make them any less educated or informed - it's respecting the wishes of the company. I saw these items on SA's twitters and tumblrs and obviously wanted them due to their packaging and color palettes, but I had no idea if it was for Spring, Summer, or something that was created especially for the Senior Artist's. We simply do not get leaked information the way you guys get - which is great, you guys build amazing buzz and get excited and we love that - but that does not make us uninformed, bad artists, etc because we choose to keep a special part of our job (Update) excited. Nor can we be blamed for MAC literally not telling us about new things until Update or memos. Which brings me to my last point.
3) We sign a VERY serious confidentiality clause. We can, and will ultimately, lose our jobs if we post pictures, discuss, tell customers, etc about new products before MAC gives us the green light. Many artists abuse this and I see it all the time on message boards, etc. Some artists choose to keep their integrity and stick to the clause they sign while many don't. I have asked multiple times why MAC "leaks" information to message boards (because they do and it has been confirmed by multiple higher up sources) and why they will send out testers and product information to beauty bloggers before we all know about it, yet we are still confined to the policy.

The best answer that I've been given, is that we are not certified to speak on behalf of MAC to the media or social media outlets and they consider releasing product knowledge just that. Whether an artist thinks that is a true idea or not, we ARE required to stick to that. I have sadly had customers know about things far ahead of time thanks to wonderful sites like this, and I have had to stay tight lipped. While I do not hide the fact that I know, I do simply state that I cannot confirm what they saw online and that I have signed a confidentiality agreement with MAC and that I could lose my job if I say anything and that as soon as I can speak to the products, I absolutely will. There's also a difference in giving a general description of a product to a loyal customer who comes in and saying "you know what, there is a product coming out that you will absolutely LOVE. While I can't give you details, it will speak to what you are looking for, etc". So I would say in MOST instances - this is why you get MAC artists who will act aloof when you ask about a product. Not ever region gives training on how to respond to things other than to literally "act like you know nothing". That sadly discredits the artists and upsets customers which is wrong on both ends. And also let me state that I know there are a fair share of simply rude and uninformed and poor MAC artists. To that, I can't say anything other than someone, somehow hired them and they probably shouldn't have been. I'd also like to say that sometimes there are freelancers who are working who do not know everything about MAC and sometimes give out misguided information. That's the point of a freelancer - they aren't permanent employees, they do not go through formal training (some will if they have been previous MAC employees, or are amazing artists who simply want more freelance work and have a good relationship with the manager), they are there more to do makeup than to "sell" the product. Many don't understand that concept, but it is what it is, and if you get someone who gives you misinformation - don't ostracize them. They are not doing it out of maliciousness. Also, people who work for MAC are professional makeup artists. Not salespeople. I know some people come across that way, and sadly, aren't always hired on their makeup talent, but I would say 97% of all MAC employees are actual artists who do work outside of their retail location and will continue to do so AFTER the MAC days are over. The argument of "if they are pro MUA why work at MAC?" Well, MAC pays WELL. Free product, discount, vacation even if part time, paid holidays, good paychecks, etc. In this economy - I don't think that should even be a question.

I did not mean to write so much, but it is important that you guys get the right information and have access to artists who are not only talented, KIND and who gives GREAT customer service, but also understand that sometimes we can't say things because we are obligated and that sometimes, we simply are not given information. The internet is like the speed of light, information travels faster than anywhere else and you guys should feel special that you get to see things and know things before we do sometimes, but please understand that the fact that we don't know about something or cannot say (again, sorry if your artist is rude or doesn't explain WHY they can't say anything - they should) anything does not make us stupid, unprofessional, uninformed, and not a great artist. I hope you guys continue to stay MAC addicts, because we really do love you, even if you get the rotten eggs every once in a while. Again, sorry if you experience that - contact customer service as you should NEVER encounter that. I hope this clears up confusion for you guys and hopefully some of the issues you guys are having can be seen in a much different light than what they may be shed at your local locations.


Well-known member
AMAZING AND WELL SAID!!! thank you so much for this im sure all the MAC artist would appreciate this as much as i do. <3 another mac artist
Guys, just want to state a few things for clarification. First off, sorry if you have experienced MAC artists who have given less than satisfactory service - not kosher and certainly not part of MAC's ideology. I have worked for MAC for several years now and even I have unfortunately experienced this when I go to other locations/regions.

That being said - with regards to the Spring Trend palettes - we JUST received a memo talking about fashion week a week ago. It said there would be Spring Trend Palettes available ONLINE ONLY, but no further information. No release dates, no color/product info, nada zip. If you are experiencing artists who do not know what you are asking for, they are not stupid and it is not their fault for not knowing about the item. I work at a PRO location and we simply got the brief memo over Fashion Week touch bases. At the very bottom it had a blip about "Spring/Summer12 trend products" being available online with no more information. Our resident trainer did not even know because I actually asked about this product two weeks ago thinking it was for summer and literally - did not know. I specially asked "I know you can't tell me details of it, but when are they coming out? Or do you even know what I am referring to?" I actually hopped onto the PRO site to look at some Master Class listings and that is when I saw the product. And sadly, it is online only - what little the memo did say, it did state that it was online only and not in stores. But just goes to show - we don't always get proper information from corporate and that isn't our fault. :(

I know it can be confusing because artists don't always know what you are talking about but yet it is all over message boards and beauty blogs. Just for future reference, here is some information and insight into why that is happening. Again, if someone is felt out rude - that is never okay and PLEASE contact customer service and voice your concern. That upsets me that you guys experience rudeness. So here is (hopefully) some helpful info/insight for you guys and gals.

1) If their managers have failed to share the memo with them (& shame on the manager for that, but there's nothing an artist can do at that point) the artist has no way of knowing about this other than being on the internet and message boards.
2) Senior artists get products sometimes several seasons ahead of launch to test the formulas, colors, etc. Some things you see on twitter and tumblr from Senior Artists will NEVER make it to the counters and stores. Sometimes they will, but it may be a year or more before we all see it. That's why we go to update, we learn a season at a time and that is it. Some artists are self sufficient enough to get online and find out things, but honestly - it ruins update for us and is considered unprofessional in MAC business. So not every artist gets online to find out new collections and information about them, and that does not make them any less educated or informed - it's respecting the wishes of the company. I saw these items on SA's twitters and tumblrs and obviously wanted them due to their packaging and color palettes, but I had no idea if it was for Spring, Summer, or something that was created especially for the Senior Artist's. We simply do not get leaked information the way you guys get - which is great, you guys build amazing buzz and get excited and we love that - but that does not make us uninformed, bad artists, etc because we choose to keep a special part of our job (Update) excited. Nor can we be blamed for MAC literally not telling us about new things until Update or memos. Which brings me to my last point.
3) We sign a VERY serious confidentiality clause. We can, and will ultimately, lose our jobs if we post pictures, discuss, tell customers, etc about new products before MAC gives us the green light. Many artists abuse this and I see it all the time on message boards, etc. Some artists choose to keep their integrity and stick to the clause they sign while many don't. I have asked multiple times why MAC "leaks" information to message boards (because they do and it has been confirmed by multiple higher up sources) and why they will send out testers and product information to beauty bloggers before we all know about it, yet we are still confined to the policy.

The best answer that I've been given, is that we are not certified to speak on behalf of MAC to the media or social media outlets and they consider releasing product knowledge just that. Whether an artist thinks that is a true idea or not, we ARE required to stick to that. I have sadly had customers know about things far ahead of time thanks to wonderful sites like this, and I have had to stay tight lipped. While I do not hide the fact that I know, I do simply state that I cannot confirm what they saw online and that I have signed a confidentiality agreement with MAC and that I could lose my job if I say anything and that as soon as I can speak to the products, I absolutely will. There's also a difference in giving a general description of a product to a loyal customer who comes in and saying "you know what, there is a product coming out that you will absolutely LOVE. While I can't give you details, it will speak to what you are looking for, etc". So I would say in MOST instances - this is why you get MAC artists who will act aloof when you ask about a product. Not ever region gives training on how to respond to things other than to literally "act like you know nothing". That sadly discredits the artists and upsets customers which is wrong on both ends. And also let me state that I know there are a fair share of simply rude and uninformed and poor MAC artists. To that, I can't say anything other than someone, somehow hired them and they probably shouldn't have been. I'd also like to say that sometimes there are freelancers who are working who do not know everything about MAC and sometimes give out misguided information. That's the point of a freelancer - they aren't permanent employees, they do not go through formal training (some will if they have been previous MAC employees, or are amazing artists who simply want more freelance work and have a good relationship with the manager), they are there more to do makeup than to "sell" the product. Many don't understand that concept, but it is what it is, and if you get someone who gives you misinformation - don't ostracize them. They are not doing it out of maliciousness. Also, people who work for MAC are professional makeup artists. Not salespeople. I know some people come across that way, and sadly, aren't always hired on their makeup talent, but I would say 97% of all MAC employees are actual artists who do work outside of their retail location and will continue to do so AFTER the MAC days are over. The argument of "if they are pro MUA why work at MAC?" Well, MAC pays WELL. Free product, discount, vacation even if part time, paid holidays, good paychecks, etc. In this economy - I don't think that should even be a question.

I did not mean to write so much, but it is important that you guys get the right information and have access to artists who are not only talented, KIND and who gives GREAT customer service, but also understand that sometimes we can't say things because we are obligated and that sometimes, we simply are not given information. The internet is like the speed of light, information travels faster than anywhere else and you guys should feel special that you get to see things and know things before we do sometimes, but please understand that the fact that we don't know about something or cannot say (again, sorry if your artist is rude or doesn't explain WHY they can't say anything - they should) anything does not make us stupid, unprofessional, uninformed, and not a great artist. I hope you guys continue to stay MAC addicts, because we really do love you, even if you get the rotten eggs every once in a while. Again, sorry if you experience that - contact customer service as you should NEVER encounter that. I hope this clears up confusion for you guys and hopefully some of the issues you guys are having can be seen in a much different light than what they may be shed at your local locations.


Well-known member
well I just called and...the lady told me she COULD NOT process​
it because it was ONLINE ONLY...well at least she told me nicely I guess... ugh
I went to the PRO store near me too before and wanted to ask and of course the MUAs in that specific location are snobby and very rude. The store was literally empty and all the MUA were ignoring me playing with the makeup even when I asked all of them nicely to help me, they just rolled their eyes at me and all continued to ignore me -_- so I guess that's a sign it wasn't meant for me to get​


Well-known member
well I just called and...the lady told me she COULD NOT process
it because it was ONLINE ONLY...well at least she told me nicely I guess... ugh
I went to the PRO store near me too before and wanted to ask and of course the MUAs in that specific location are snobby and very rude. The store was literally empty and all the MUA were ignoring me playing with the makeup even when I asked all of them nicely to help me, they just rolled their eyes at me and all continued to ignore me -_- so I guess that's a sign it wasn't meant for me to get​
Weird. A friend of mine ordered it and she is not a Pro member. Maybe you can try to call again? There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to buy it. Good luck!


Well-known member
I agree with Mac-Guy! Call again! My bestie is not a PRO member, but I told her to call and they sent her one! It's a PRO item but can be ordered online... So they should be able to send one to you without a problem. You probably just got someone who didn't know what they were tallking about...

well I just called and...the lady told me she COULD NOT process​
it because it was ONLINE ONLY...well at least she told me nicely I guess... ugh
I went to the PRO store near me too before and wanted to ask and of course the MUAs in that specific location are snobby and very rude. The store was literally empty and all the MUA were ignoring me playing with the makeup even when I asked all of them nicely to help me, they just rolled their eyes at me and all continued to ignore me -_- so I guess that's a sign it wasn't meant for me to get​


Well-known member
Well I tried countless times again and every single person Told me I'm not pro so I can't. Lol well I tried maybe they got strict on Who they'll let purchase. It wasn't meant to be lol I can only take "no" So much as answer from MAC. Thank u all though :)


Well-known member
Some great ideas from the Pro newsletter on how to use the palette:

Bold Brights
For a full expression of style, grab a lip brush and colour block. The opaque power of bold brights are sure to capture the camera.

Splash of Colour
For a stain effect, tap vibrant shades into well hydrated lips with your ring finger. Use your middle finger to tone the hue with a second shade and pat until well blended.

A Pale Palette
Remove natural pigment from the lips by blending pastel shades on the center of the lip, fading outward. Roll your finger or brush for the very softest touch of colour.

My personal favorite: Create a stain with Preferred Pink followed by a touch of Make Me Melt in the center of the lip blended outward. It creates "just-kissed" lips that look super natural.


Well-known member
i have no idea why im not getting this news letter!!!

Remove natural pigment from the lips by blending pastel shades on the center of the lip, fading outward. Roll your finger or brush for the very softest touch of colour.

My personal favorite: Create a stain with Preferred Pink followed by a touch of Make Me Melt in the center of the lip blended outward. It creates "just-kissed" lips that look super natural.