MAC - Tour de Fabulous Discussion


Well-known member
Well, the reason they did not sell, in my opinion, is that they did not do what they claimed to do, which is to last longer than a regular lipgloss without drying out the lips. Yes, they were nice and moist, but they did not last! My goodness, Maybelline makes a better lip stain. Now if only they could incorporate THAT formula into the wonderful colors that MAC envisions. That is what I'd love to see in the Glam gloss. By matte, I hope they mean they will make it past a cup of coffee or a few hours. My Satin formula MAC lipsticks last longer than that and they are not promoted as "kissable", "liquid lipstick" or "long wearing." If the product claims to do something, it better deliver or expect to see disappointing sales.


Well-known member
Interesting the Kissables didn't sell well... I wonder if (like me) everyone overspent on the eyeshadows. I only had enough cash left over to pick up two of the Kissables. I definitely would have gotten more had they been released on their own.


Well-known member
Interesting the Kissables didn't sell well... I wonder if (like me) everyone overspent on the eyeshadows. I only had enough cash left over to pick up two of the Kissables. I definitely would have gotten more had they been released on their own.

that's what happened with me
now I need to track down some of those kissable lip colors!


Well-known member
I keep wondering what form this product will take - will it be somethings in a tube with a doe foot, or maybe something like the Clinique Chubby Sticks, but with a more matte texture?

I'm really curious to know more about these. If these are indeed a matte/velvet/satin gloss, I am excited. I generally dislike regular gloopy, sticky, shiny gloss.


Well-known member
I keep wondering what form this product will take - will it be somethings in a tube with a doe foot, or maybe something like the Clinique Chubby Sticks, but with a more matte texture?

I'm really curious to know more about these. If these are indeed a matte/velvet/satin gloss, I am excited. I generally dislike regular gloopy, sticky, shiny gloss.
they are gg to be liquid lipsticks.. so im guessing a little like the kissables but better..


Well-known member
Yeah, Im really confused as to what "liquid lipsticks" mean...Arent liquid lipsticks lip glosses..duh lol

I am probably just as confused, but in my mind the difference is supposed to be the texture, a liquid lipstick should dry to a more matte finish (or semi-matte) with very little stickiness and a gloss is more sticky and tacky and more shiney. In reality, I would imagine there is an inbetween texture, which is what the kissable colors were like, with a little more pigmentation than I have come to expect with most lipglosses, and a texture that is less sticky, but not as matte as I would love to see MAC create. I would love if they could come up with a texture like MF Lipfinity with less dryness, good long wearing finish, and the awesomeness that MAC brings to the color creations. Now, that would be worth paying more than $14.50 per item to me. (although if it was less that would be a bonus!)


Well-known member
geeze, with all the name changes I realized today that I worked on these last year -- but the name was Euro Gloss.. and yes, they are a liquid but the easiest one for you guys to compare it to would be the Peacocky -- just a bit more glossy finish.. They are light and fully pigmented. hth.

great colours too!


Specktra Bestie
geeze, with all the name changes I realized today that I worked on these last year -- but the name was Euro Gloss.. and yes, they are a liquid but the easiest one for you guys to compare it to would be the Peacocky -- just a bit more glossy finish.. They are light and fully pigmented. hth.

great colours too!
Thanks so much!

I think that the difference between a highly pigmented gloss like Dare to Wear and Liquid Lipsticks like Peacocky is fairly narrow. These ones sound like they're narrowing the gap even further...


Well-known member
yw katred !

it's technology working to serve you better.. lol I sound like a GE advertisement..


Well-known member
Do we even know how many shades there are supposed to be? This is ridiculous that we don't have any solid info about them...the release date, for one.