Matching FOTDs... I love my Husband!!!


Well-known member
That's funny, hehe. I've asked my man if I can apply makeup on him before, he avoids it like the plague.


Well-known member
omg your husband looks great


Well-known member
Hahaha!! What a good sport for not only letting you do it but also letting you put him on the internet!!! I love the "acting tough in makeup" shot, lol!!

You did a great job though & his eyes are awesome!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
That's funny, hehe. I've asked my man if I can apply makeup on him before, he avoids it like the plague.

lol same here he asked if he could just buy me a mannequin or something! His lashes are awesome and you did a great job on the makeup!


Well-known member
OMG, He's the best!

My BF has the most perfect lashes but he never lets me put any mascara on him


Well-known member
The makeup looks really good especially with the gorgeous color of those contacts!
And darn him for having such great lashes! My brother has really pretty ones too but I don't think he would let me put makeup on him.


Well-known member
LOVES IT!! That is so awesome of him to be your tester!
You did a great job... and omg, am I jealous of his eyelashes!!


Well-known member
Haha, that's cute. Last time I did makeup on my beau, he wanted neon pink and green with black in his crease, and he told me, "This isn't slutty enough!" Its nice knowing that some men like to look classy.


Well-known member
You have beautiful eyes and your husbands lashes are out of this world!! Good job on ur mu and his lol


Well-known member
your husband is a reeeeally understanding fiance wont even let me get close to his face with any makeup so i can't practice on him but i do have my mom so it's ok. lol.

my fiance has lashes like your hubby's...i always tell him how jealous i am of him and how girls would die to have lashes like his. lol. he just laughs.

i think that the crease for both you and your hubby looks great!! i love how you both make faces lol. similar ones none the less. but anyways enough of my rambling. lol. Great job!!


Well-known member
This is sooo funny! but it's cute! =)
WHY DO GUYS ALWAYS GET THE BEST LASHES?! This is true of my boyfriend too!

But you both look lovely!