Melbourne Girls Get Together!


Well-known member
Ok so I propose the gals in Melb and MrsMay meet up for a coffee or a cocktail or whatever and have a good ol girlie time!!

MrsMay is here between the 19th & 26h of this month (hope I got that right Jen!) so that could be a good date range to pick a time in. I have school on Tues & Wed night and all day Sunday but other than that I'm free. So who would like to meet up and any ideas where and when?

So excited!!!


Well-known member
Yes, my dear you most certainly got that right!!

I fly in 4.30pm Thursday 19th March and fly back 9pm Wednesday 25th...

Thurs 19th is prolly out for me as I'd probably better spend some time with the people I'm staying with lol...

but apart from that I'm probably good for any time! (lol that really didnt sound so good

I will be based at Greenvale but am willing to travel
(it's only 20 mins drive from the city anyway)


Well-known member
and lol - I just opened this thread to say "can I pretend to be a Melb girl" but I didnt have to


Well-known member
Friday the 20th maybe?? That would work for me, no work on Saturday and school isn't til Sunday


Well-known member
I'm up for anytime! (I suspect most of you work so it would be after hours if it's during the week anyway). Friday suits me fine


Well-known member
Can't come out in the evenings.. Anyway, if I can't make it to the meet, I will meet up with you at the pro store on Sunday or Sat afternoon MrsMay?


Well-known member
Friday night is sounding good to me, and I can always meet you at the pro store seperately Nat!


Well-known member
sounds like a great idea,but i can only do mon thru thursday.friday night i work and its very busy for me.


Well-known member
Sounds fun! I work Tuesday-Saturday until 5 but I have Sundays + Mondays free. I'm happy to meet up after work in the city on Friday or wander down to the pro-store for a meetup on a Sunday


Well-known member
SO jealous! Whilst you're enabling eachother in the pro store and having heaps of fun (without me!), think of me stuck in Adelaide (sans pro store) all by myself... waaaaaaa.


Well-known member
woah... i'd love to come.... but i'll probably just sit there and let you guys do the talking....

i'm not so much of a 'chatter' in RL....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CatsMeow
SO jealous! Whilst you're enabling eachother in the pro store and having heaps of fun (without me!), think of me stuck in Adelaide (sans pro store) all by myself... waaaaaaa.

Maybe next year you can book flights and come over with me?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by myystiqueen
woah... i'd love to come.... but i'll probably just sit there and let you guys do the talking....

i'm not so much of a 'chatter' in RL....

Don't worry myystiqueen, I am shy and don't talk much either!


Well-known member
^^I hear ya Myystiqueen and Sambibabe. I'm not much of a social butterfly myself and can be pretty shy sometimes. As soon as I saw the thread title I freaked out a little at the thought of doing something outside of my comfort zone. But life is too short for sitting at home on a Sunday killing zombies which is my normal activity, so I'm making a commitment to go and interact with actual people and get past my social hangups. Appologies in advance if I say something really weird or inappropriate out of nervousness people! You have been warned.

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