New website


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zeastlake
I used to be able to spend like an hour looking around the old website and wondering what I should get next... I've been looking around the new one for a half hour and I feel like I never want to go back.....

I know the swatches and all have always been off but I really liked the descriptions of the shade, I wonder why they took it off......

I thought they were gone too, but they're not. Once you click on a little color square and see the bigger swatch the color description is there. HTH!

Originally Posted by Winthrop44
I know. But then how do you get it into your bag from there? If I search on Blankety it comes up, but when I then click on Blankety it just takes me to the lipstick page showing Plink selected and all I can do is look thru the little squares for I missing something?

Originally Posted by concertina
Its because Blankety is out of stock, so they're showing you the next closest item...

I can do it with any shade, Plink is still what I see in the "Add to Bag" area. I can select a different shade and add to bag by clicking on a little color square, but not by searching on a name in the search box on the left. That just brings up the searched shade in the middle column on the page (if that makes sense, not sure how else to describe it) but I can't do anything with it from there. Maybe it's just my computer!

ETA: Not just my computer. Here's an excerpt from a Live Chat I just did:

Gail: Hi, How would I add a shade to my bag after looking it up with the search feature on the new web site?
Taniesha: Hi Gail!
Gail: If I type in Myth, for example, it comes up in the middle column but I can't do anything with it...
Taniesha: Regrettably, there is no way to add it to your bag using that method. It has to be found by looking for the product under the product type & then scrolling to find the colour.


Well-known member
Maybe I didn`t see well, but at the eyeshadow color spectrum some shadows are missing, like carbon or black tied, they were more obvious. I discovered that as i get older i don`t like change so much.....


Well-known member
It's alright. As mentioned before, it doesn't need all the flash!
I am just happy the PRO site is still the same! I hope they don't change the PRO site.


Well-known member

Do NOT like it. I want the old website back.
It looks like the PRO website is still the same; I guess I will be looking at that one more often.

And I dont like the color grid. But the "colour play" seems cool.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Prinsesa
Am I missing something? I still dont see the change O_O

Naw they updated the US Site, I got an e-mail just now saying that I have to shop on now. and I tried to go to and it fwds me to automatically.

They have not updated the canadian site yet far as I can see everything looks normal. I think they probably will make sure that the US version has its bugs worked out first.


Well-known member
I really like it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I guess I just need to get used to it. It does seem kind of cumbersome, but it does have some good additions.

I am not pleased that it dumped out my 'shopping cart' and 'saved for later items'. I counted on that to keep track of things. I'm inclined to not fill it back up again.

Really! I just saw it - and I don't like it

And, yeah...I don't like the fact that it dumped my cart & saved for later items. It's just not consumer friendly like the old site IMHO.


Well-known member
its okay. they def needed a new change. i was sick of looking at the old one, only because i browse it allll the time though! lol

i just dont get why they don't fix the damn swatches!
they are too pale.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by romi79_2008
Maybe I didn`t see well, but at the eyeshadow color spectrum some shadows are missing, like carbon or black tied.....

Carbon is there. It is on the bottom row, next to Star by Night. You can't see it as it is a black swatch on a black background.

That was a genius plan. Genius, I tell you! lol

Not being able to see the names is killing me. That big block of colour is like using a cartoon rubix cube to try to track down your desired shade.

Originally Posted by MissMochaXOXO
i just dont get why they don't fix the damn swatches!
they are too pale.



Well-known member
Wow I love it. The color block that everyone else hates is something I love. I only with they were color-coordinated better like before. The color play is awesome, that will be very useful when looking for a specific color group. Overall I fell it's FAR easier to get around without hitting menu afte menu. Now it all pops up and is right there. I can hit eyeshadows, then go right next to thsoe and select a mineral or paint or something without hitting BACK or going up to navigate menus again.

The color swatches are still a little off, but that's more of every monitor being set differently than anything. Sorry, I'm not setting my monitor to my eyeshadow colors. :p The swatches ARE bigger. Plus if you notice, a lot of the colors without formulas are LE anyways.

The only things I would change: I wish you could reduce the side menu with the other similar products. I do love them right there, but I tend to sit to the left of my screen, so the items I'm browsing are way over >>>. I'll just have to sit properly I suppose. :p Also, yes, giving the option of adding to bag when you search is obvious to me. Yes I know what the color I want is thank you, now I want to ADD. Oh well, a minute extra and you have it.

Overall, I don't see a reason for absolutely hating it. Yes it loads slow, but that's because there's so much more to it. Load it ONCE and it will go faster next time. It's pretty slick and modern, and far from the worst site anyone has visited. I like it.



Well-known member
hate it too.

Ugh, its too much stuff that doesn't do enough and it takes 1242146878674534567234312745646354342 years to load.


Well-known member
Not feeling for the most part. It's slick, but the old one was so user-friendly, it was inviting and easy to navigate.


Well-known member
So now you can't shop a product by finish (i.e. Veluxe Pearl, Creamsheen, Matte, etc)?

Oh, just realized we also lost our Triangle of Death. Now we can't tell what is LE or being DCd.


Well-known member
I like that MAC tried to do an updated and modern look for the site. However, the flash is going to get to me eventually. Maybe a smaller picture of the collections with a drop-down sidebar to show what colors are included in the collection?? That would have been helpful (to me).
i dont like it. not all of the eyeshadows are being shown. what really getting me mad is macpro. none of the pro eyeshadows are showing and the refill pans arent there!!! wtf!


Well-known member
I tried going to swatches, expanding the shade and still can't see any colour description.

Hate flash websites so it says it all.
let me correct myself. there are NO pro items being shown on the macpro website. -_- they better fix both the websites. its getting me aggravated that i cant see all of the products