Paris out of jail... already???

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Ms. Z

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Originally Posted by Jade
Oooh, serving her sentence in her mansion, with a big screen TV, state of the art entertainment center, cell phone, i pod, good food, clean bathroom, visitors whenever she wants,a huge comfy bed, designer clothes,her, she's roughing it. I feel bad for her, that must be awful. She's a wimp, I knew she'd cop out with some medical excuse or something. She can't handle the real world.

Totally agree!


Well-known member
The Jails here are ridiculous anyways.. 3 hot meals a day. heated and Air conditioned cells. ."friend time" .. they get cigarettes, they can watch television. sometimes they get concerts and comedians that perform live.
sounds awful!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
The Jails here are ridiculous anyways.. 3 hot meals a day. heated and Air conditioned cells. ."friend time" .. they get cigarettes, they can watch television. sometimes they get concerts and comedians that perform live.
sounds awful!

HA! No kidding... They should have sent her ass to "Tent City" to hang out with Sherrif Joe. He is NO JOKE. We are in the desert.... in his jails, they sleep in a TENT outisde, wear pink underwear and socks (men and women) and work on the chain gang and wear the classic b&w stripes. Now that's a jail. LMAO


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Luna*
HA! No kidding... They should have sent her ass to "Tent City" to hang out with Sherrif Joe. He is NO JOKE. We are in the desert.... in his jails, they sleep in a TENT outisde, wear pink underwear and socks (men and women) and work on the chain gang and wear the classic b&w stripes. Now that's a jail. LMAO

I think thats how all jail should be! at least stick them all out in the hot as hell desert with no A.C or something. crap. going to jail is like going to a Hotel , its just not as "cozy"
I HATE the fact that just before she checked in. She was BSing about facing her consequences and showing people her true character by owning up to her sentence. What a freaken hypocrite!!!

First she got a DUI. Than she got caught driving twice on a suspended liscense. In California...It's three strikes your out PERIOD. So her sentence was not unfair according to the state law.

This just shows that shes getting special accomodations awarded to her because of her celebrity status. How many inmates in jail have medical issues that include health and mental. Do they get to go home? NO. They get to go to the prison hospital or the psych ward.

And I'm sure while shes under house arrest she can still throw house parties. House parties are such torture o_O


Well-known member
i thought this might happen.
its SO boring to hear people go shes been treated differently cos shes a celebrity (as in a bad way)
i heard somewhere she was allowed to keep her hair extensions which are usually completely banned sooo...

i do agree with the people that say its not bad to be under house arrest in a mansion she'll have loads to do.

of course she'll do it again celebs think their above the law and they should really learn that their not but of course they never will when things like this happen....


Well-known member
if she was a regular person, they wouldn't have let her out already. if she was a regular person, she wouldn't have been given a billion chances to fix what she'd done wrong.

what i don't understand is why she didn't just pay the damn fines in the first place. she has a bajillion dollars, and she can't even pay a piss ant little fine? damn, when i got my first ticket i was making minimum wage and five hundred dollars a month and i still paid my fine and the traffic school that went with it. sheesh.


Well-known member
Wahhhh, I'm depressed because I'm in jail. Well , no shit Sherlock. I'm pretty sure the rest of those inmates aren't happy to be there either, but since they aren't rich and famous, they have to stay in jail whether they are bummed out or suicidal or crazy.

What a ridiculous cop-out.


Well-known member
it gets even worse since she apparently had her psych visting her too so the problem must of been really bad :|
i dont actually believe there was a medical problem
ive also read she wasn't eating cos she was 'depressed' thats probs the 'illness' well that can easily be fixed

before going to jail she actually looked like she was going to do something decent when she came out (aka something other than just go to parties and pose 24/7) she was seen posing with all those self help books and she actually said while she was inside she was going to re adjust her life and do something worthwhile when she came out or something along those lines. i think shes fully aware esp after the MTV Movie Awards that shes not that well liked and being in Jail and serving her full sentence in my mind could be re gained her some popularity with the public by acting like a adult and doing time like everyone else who breaks the law showing that she doesn't think shes not above the law. however by coming out early to some un disclosed reason has certainly won her no fans and well just makes everyone think shes more of a joke than they thought already. She's done herself no favours

I also don't really dislike Paris I just don't like the way shes portrayed herself in all this.


Well-known member
<3 it. Look at all the beauty and excitement she has provided to our mundane lives by getting released early!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
<3 it. Look at all the beauty and excitement she has provided to our mundane lives by getting released early!

If I had to chose between Paris's idea of a "beautiful and exciting" life and my "mundane" life, I'll choose my way of living any day.

Yeah, she is being talked about. Everyone talked about Jeffery Dahlmer as well, but I don't revere him in any way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Luna*
But "regular" people have issues too and I'm certain they are still in jail. I don't think 40 days of house arrest in your MANSION in the hills is punishment at all... regardless of how much you cry.

I totally agree & think stars get off way too light, all because of who they are and what they earn...............very sad.


Well-known member
Honestly I think a lot of people are taking this thing WAY too seriously just because they hate Paris. She didn't murder anyone and all I hear is people saying how she's getting off so easily because of being Paris. I know a lot of people who should be locked up for a lot more serious probation violations and they just got a slap on the wrist. No I don't encourage driving while under the influence (hell I don't even drink) but I just think that people expect her to be locked up for something that a lot of people in California get away with all the time.

Also I noticed someone mentioned how CA has a three strikes your out law. It's three felonies, driving with a suspended license isn't a felony it's a misdemeanor. (Please correct me if I'm wrong though because that's what I've been told by multiple people)


Well-known member
A lot of people in CA get away with driving under the influence???
NOBODY ever gets away with it, and neither should a celebrity.

She did not murder any one but she could have killed someone
quite easily while driving under the influence.
It is a serious
issue and it is absurd that she is above the law.

I don't hate Paris, but I do believe she should be punished.
It is not fair that she is getting away with it.


Well-known member
since she has court tomarrow morning she might have to back go in and i hope nows that the sherriff let her out she should get a full 90day sentence with no early relese and he should be held in contempt and get he max he knew what he was doing when he pulled that shit and it should cost him his job!

I like paris but she did the crime and should do the time no matter if the facility if too full ,they say that shes not in general population and that shes in a private sector of the place where all celebs do time i mean there cant be that many women celebs in there now that they wouldnt have room for her cuz if there were wed all know !,so its a bunch of bull she needs to do ALL HER TIME NO MATTER WHAT!~

sorry my keys are jamming up


Well-known member
It's funny that before the MTV movie awards she was talking about how she was going to be treated like everyone else, and blah blah blah... She is twenty something years old, and she can't take resposability of her acts, i guess her millions CAN'T BUY something called MATURITY... her life is sad.. especially because she keeps making a joke of herself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
If I had to chose between Paris's idea of a "beautiful and exciting" life and my "mundane" life, I'll choose my way of living any day.

Yeah, she is being talked about. Everyone talked about Jeffery Dahlmer as well, but I don't revere him in any way.

it was a quote from the petition to set her free lol... Smile a little
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