POLL: I must be the only one alive to really dislike this celeb....


Well-known member
oh and i almost forgot.... J-Lo sure she is gorgeous can she act? ummm thats a Negative. Can she sing once again Negative... she should have just stayed a Fly Girl she dances better than any of the 2 mentioned above


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Nicole Ritchie needs to eat a sandwich and get a conditioning treatment for her overly blow-dried hair.

Bono. I can't take someone seriously when they're talking about cancelling world debt whilst wearing $900 sunglasses and a $5000 leather jacket. Put your money where your mouth is, just like the rest of us.

I think there's some kind of scandal or something about Bono and taxes...seems like I remember reading he has his accounts pencil whipped so he pays less/lighter taxes or something like that.

Either way, I agree. Bono's a tool.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I'm with you and Shimmer on this one, she is so annoying! I'm still angry that she was in Chicago. It's still one of my favorite movies but God it could have been even better without her. Plus, she needs to eat something.

On that note, all of these skeletor looking actresses. The Olsens, Kate Bosworth, Nicole Richie, Victoria Beckham, Kiera Knightly, the list could go on forever. It annoys me that anyone could think that weighing as much as a 6th grader when you are a grown woman is attractive.

Yep Yep what u said..... Vitoria beckham scares me... i seen this show of VH1 where they was showing different clips her her saying she moves like a robot.. pretty funny if u ask me.

Plus she need a samich or 2


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Nicolas Cage, he reminds me of Keanu Reeves but ugly.

Jennifer Love-Hewitt, she is such an annoying twit.

Ashley Simpson, talentless poser. How anyone listens to her god-awful music is beyond me.

Avril Lavign, poser wanna-be tough chick. I'd like to steel-toe her in the face in a pit, not that she's probalby ever been in one.


i agree ^^^ i don't like ashlee simpson besides being not talented , it seems to me that she doesn't even have personality she copies her sister... and because she got her nose fixed and she still in denial when is soooooo obvious she did it....

Avril Lavign.. UGH!!! the biggest poser of all times!!! is she trying to be all tough girl singing SKATER BOY??? hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha oh! and i remember seing that video , she had a FAKE tattoo IN HER ARM that is sooo sad!!! LOL

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think she did, but I'm going to guess that some people go to see Chicago regardless of who's in the role.

I frankly liked Renee as Roxy Hart; I also don't mind her, either. I like the idea of Ashlee as Roxy too. The woman was an untalented famewhore. It's kind of ironic.

I don't like Kristen Cavallari. I don't get why she's famous. She isn't that interesting, pretty, etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
first of all i dont think she considers herself a role model or does she even try to be.. why you put that label on her i duno
second. i dont think she ever proclaime to be talented i mean its not like she is trying to sell records or even audition for movies.
her part in the simple life was offered to her so of course she accept.. so to call someone who isnt a entertainer not talented is kinda lame.. really she is just a daughter of a muscian who gets stalk by the paparazzi. and i think nicole was quoted saying that she isnt the one obbsessed with her body image people like you are the one thats obbesed with it.. you know people who complain how they think others should look.

actually she did put out a record album IIRC

and 2nd- she doesn't have to consider herself a role model- as long as she's out in the public eye she is a role model whether she likes it or not.

also this little thing right here:

it's all in good fun untill someone disagrees with you shimmer.. we all know the pattern

That was ridiculous. You are much better than that. If you were joking- well that was uncalled for as well.You don't have to like her, but if something isn't right you could very easily PM Her and tell her point blank instead of this.

please remember this from the TOS that you did agree to upon signing up to join this site:
13) Respect moderators. They are tasked to keep the boards in good order and to see to it that activity in the forum remains clean and healthy. They deserve your courtesy and cooperation. No complaints or comments in question of moderation in public, we take these very seriously so please send them directly to a staff member. If you think you’ve been treated unfairly, please contact the moderator via private message.

and that will take care of that little rant of the day.


Well-known member
Avril drives me nuts. I mean every five seconds- " oh I like to spit on people" or "Oh I like to get into fights" *rolls eyes* Yeah real mature.

Jennifer Aniston- I just don't like her.

SJP- I can't stand her. I don't know why I just- yeah.

Brad Pitt- OK he's not that cute- why are people fawning all over him again?

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
actually she did put out a record album IIRC

and 2nd- she doesn't have to consider herself a role model- as long as she's out in the public eye she is a role model whether she likes it or not.

also this little thing right here:

That was ridiculous. You are much better than that. If you were joking- well that was uncalled for as well.You don't have to like her, but if something isn't right you could very easily PM Her and tell her point blank instead of this.

please remember this from the TOS that you did agree to upon signing up to join this site:

and that will take care of that little rant of the day.

you are jokeing..right. i think my little two cents was really mild compare to some of the things that have been said in others threads by members and mod's concerning peoples religion and race ect. that you guys post knowing that its gonna open a can of worms so please spare me the lecture..
and as far as my comment to shimmer it had nothing to do with rather i like her or not and i think she knows this.. while i wont lie or be fake there is a mod that i dont like i can asure you it's not shimmer matter of fact i dont reply to any of that mods post or comments cause i really dont care to conversate with her...ever


Well-known member
Why would I be joking?

and nothing is stopping you from starting a thread that opens up a can of worms.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Brad Pitt- OK he's not that cute- why are people fawning all over him again?

Because People magazine declared him the Sexiest Man Alive. I never found him attractive, but maybe it's when he's ripped and all muscular?


Well-known member
see, I hear him talk and I think he sounds DUMB. Then I see pics of him and how he morphs into his latest girlfriend and he LOOKS dumb. :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by I love Brian Kinney
Paris Hilton..Vile, untalented, creature.

People actually like her?!!

Mariah Carey - because I have never been impressed with her music, and her lips/mouth drive me insane.

Joanna Newsom - She can keep the harp, but someone give her a muzzle.

Nicolas Cage - I just can't stand his voice and his demeanor.

Nickelback, Fall Out Boy, Sum 41, Blink 182, Creed, Hinder, etc. etc. - any decent artists/musicians that produce generic music.

Jessica Simpson - She was tolerable in the beginning... and she doesn't so much bother me now, but there was a time when she was fingernails on a chalkboard.


Well-known member
And Christina Aguilera - I don't mind her personality, but I can't stand her music and her vocal runs and 'yeahs' she does. It annoys me everytime.


Well-known member
ITA about Christina- does she always have to do the Yeah or YA things at the end? My god that drives me up the F'in WALL!


Well-known member
Another one jennifer Tilly: bad acting..

PS: Hawkeye about the Sig whats in a Martinia? Depends on what type of Martini you are having.
Where is Paris: yep Def in france
Where is the icecream truck: Dont know about ATL but in AUG he was at Pennington Park this sat...
And can I eat you fries? Sure if i had some.. lol "sharing is caring"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
Thanks Hyper

I'll be over in Augusta at Pennington Park Saturday for Ice Cream

And ill make sure to have some fries!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Jennifer Aniston is another one of mine. I think she's over-rated and something about her just bugs me. Same goes for Angelina Jolie.

I know I mentioned Kiera Knightly in another post but WHY does she always have to look like she is trying to like pucker her lips/keep her mouth open??? It's so annoying!

In general, I don't understand celebrity worship.