Project Runway


Well-known member
*Recent episode possible spoilers below*
(Just in case, I hate it when I unknowingly read something that I shouldn't!)


I don't think it was his time to go yet. Ivy's outfit was SO horrible and boring, and she whined and bitched and threw someone else under the bus again! Why did they keep her?

I'm glad Mondo's still there, even though this week was a miss for him. He really warmed up to Michael C. too and admitted his "dickness" and I liked that. Finally someone gave him a chance and what do you know...he isn't the plague in human form! Imagine that.

MK was priceless as usual, love him so much!


Well-known member
Ivy, ick, I am so tired of her. She should have gone. I feel bad for Casanova, and well, he was just entertaining to have on the show!

Poor Mondo took a misstep but is still in the game, thankfully. I too was impressed that he realized he was being an utter ass and totally turned things around with Michael C.

I was also really happy for April. Her design was pretty hot.


Well-known member
I hope all of you that like the show have seen the awesome blog
Among other things, they have all the pictures of the shows from NYFW on thursday - everyone that was still there after last week got to show, either as a finalist or a decoy, so it's not spoiling the ending much.

(They also do great writeups on Mad Men episodes and the fashion in the show BTW)


can we talk about the stuff in that blog haha not to fond of the guest judge but i haven't really liked their finale judges since victoria beckham judged it. but maybe i'm biased because i really loved christian...anyway!

i only really loved valerie and april's collections and a few pieces from michael c and even ivy's collections.


Well-known member
I have just watched the end of the series with Chris March in it, I don't think the newer series have been shown in England.

Is it just me or does Christian Siriano remind anyone else of Steve from American Dad?


Well-known member
Go Mondo Go! Way to take it this week. Perfect melding of early 60's chic with the fabulous Mondo boldness.

I wish I could turn the volume down on Ivy's voice, she grates on me, badly. Her design this week was chic though, I have to give her that.


Well-known member
i liked Ivy's outfit but not the outer wear that was just kind of bleh to me, but i agree she is a pretty annoying person. also very happy Mondo won!!! Loved his look and just in general like his style. Also a big April fan and I think Valerie is growing on me but she talks so fast! haha Was sad to see michael go, =( he was such a cutie!

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
Ivy's gotta faint in a toilet and be carried off to sea! T___T

I'm sick of her being such a narcissistic, insecure turd.


Well-known member
Man, the judges were so.. bitchy this week. It's like Michael Kors and Heidi had a fight before filming or something.

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
Ding dong the wicked Bitch, the wicked bitch, the wicked bitch!
Ding dong the wicked bitch is DEAD!

Ivy's out!



Well-known member
I love me some Michael Kors. He takes this show to another level, his commentary is priceless.


Well-known member
I can't believe that the judges liked Gretchen's velvet ugly rags. Yuck.

But I'm so glad Mondo won... he's so cute LOL.