RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
Seriously - all of you look Gorgeous in your new lippies!

I got a shipping notice for another Heaux today
I Agree. Everyone looks great with all three lipsticks from this collection.

... damn girl at the rate you are getting packages you will be able to build a fort around yourself! lmaooo


Well-known member
I Agree. Everyone looks great with all three lipsticks from this collection.

... damn girl at the rate you are getting packages you will be able to build a fort around yourself! lmaooo
A fort made of lipsticks...awesome

These shades just look gorgeous on everyone


Well-known member
I wish I had ordered a back up heaux. Maybe I can do a swap heroine lip liner for a heaux when I'm able to view the swap section. Hopefully, mac will re promote the collection


Well-known member

My black box arrived with my Heaux intact!
Delivered by my fav UPS driver that will be on my route when my Nudes & Metallics order comes in!!!!

Threw her in the fridge before I swatched just to be on the safe side. She is gorgeous! Mad that I did not order two!
I am a hot mess so no pic but my lips are luscious


Well-known member
my a63 RiRi Boy and Heux are  perfectly Fine.  Thnx! I remember seeing this somewhere and looking for it again [COLOR=FF0000]Just in Case people dont know how to decipher macs batch numbers... i found this in a thread here on specktra::[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]First Character: [/COLOR] The batch order. A is the first batch, B is the second batch, etc.

[COLOR=4B0082]Second Character: [/COLOR] The month of production.
  • 1 = January
  • 2 = February
  • 3 = March
  • 4 = April
  • 5 = May
  • 6 = June
  • 7 = July
  • 8 = August
  • 9 = September
  • A = October
  • B = November
  • C = December
[COLOR=4B0082]Third Character: [/COLOR] The year of production

[COLOR=FF0000]So A63 would be the first batch in June 2013[/COLOR]


Well-known member
Seriously - all of you look Gorgeous in your new lippies! I got a shipping notice for another Heaux today :lol:
Seriously...I'm going to have to hide outside your house with a ski mask and rob your UPS guy if you get any more Heaux lippies lol. My one is feeling a little lonely...RRW has a sister and RRB has 2 brothers. Heaux is the only child in the bunch


Well-known member
:nods: She stole mine and one other from someone on here.
I will never understand the reasoning behind doing that. Is it that difficult to take your own pics or give credit to the owner if you want to share? Too many people trying to be Internet superstars...makes you wonder what life outside of the Internet is like for them lol


Well-known member
I will never understand the reasoning behind doing that. Is it that difficult to take your own pics or give credit to the owner if you want to share? Too many people trying to be Internet superstars...makes you wonder what life outside of the Internet is like for them lol
I think they thrive on the likes. People think they're the ones who are "the source" of the info and will like their photo. Next thing you know they'll steal makeup photos and won't deny it when people think they're the artist behind the work.


Well-known member
I think they thrive on the likes. People think they're the ones who are "the source" of the info and will like their photo. Next thing you know they'll steal makeup photos and won't deny it when people think they're the artist behind the work.
And THAT is sad. It drives me crazy to mark my photos sometimes multiple times but you have to if you want some hope of others not stealing them. Some are bold though and will steal those too!


Well-known member
Just tried on Heaux!:) loveeee my Heaux!
Excuse my messy background I just noticed lol!
heaux looks very beautiful on u
Decided to wear RiRi Boy today. :)
Riri boy is pretty on u
Heaux with heroine l/l. Love it with heroine. Again thanks to the ladies who suggested this combo!
very nice and this combo is great together
Finally this little sucka decided to arrive! My RRB arrived in great condition batch A63. No white stuff no melting no nothing! In fact, I already put him on and he feels fabulous. Idk why my RiRi woo feels so drying when I apply but RRB was so easy to work with. I love it!
Loving riri boy on u
I wore Heaux today w/ a little Nightmoth
I must get this lipliner nightmoth do anybody know a dupe for this one this looks soooooo pretty on u
I was running late today so I rushed my makeup. Decided to just put on ririboy to add some color. Looks a lot darker indoors. I don't usually wear these types of colors to work so I got tons of compliments. Mostly men :shock: [/quote)all the men going to be looking at u riri boy looks super sexy on u
RRB on me, with the brightness jacked up quite a bit due to my crappy lighting. Lol
Looks so pretty
RiRi Heaux lined with Jordana Cabaret I apologize for the poor picture quality. Photo was taken with my SG4.
looks pretty on u these lipsticks looks gorgeous on all u ladies


Well-known member
Seriously...I'm going to have to hide outside your house with a ski mask and rob your UPS guy if you get any more Heaux lippies lol. My one is feeling a little lonely...RRW has a sister and RRB has 2 brothers. Heaux is the only child in the bunch
Ahh I think its the last one unless they send my cancelled orders which I doubt, but who knows at this point.