Sex workers and strippers ...


Well-known member
I'm not against it at all.
It's a means to an end just like any job.
It's also a job that has a very heavy toll on one's health, mentally and physically, and exposes one to things one otherwise may not be exposed to.
Mimi gives a fairly decent accounting of what her job at numerous clubs in NYC has done to her, and to the newbies she sees coming in for the first time.


Well-known member
In the love and relationships forum in my thread regarding dealing with the ex.

I made a statement regarding my husband's former spouse that has been picked apart to death in that thread, which is why, I think, quandolak created this one.

Despite the protestations of others in the thread, I never said strippers were inferior citizens, nor did I look down on them or prostitutes for their profession.


Well-known member
Oh what a joke... I barely even browsed through the posts defending stripping and prostitution as a suitable and acceptable profession for a mother much less any female. I see why people are up in a tissy over it because apparently some of them have done it. I'm unafraid to pass judgement (oh lord here I go being un-PC, how dare I?!!?!?) I'm not surprised that strippers/former strippers are defending such things because it falls right in line with the completely warped sense of reality that is required in those industries.
I know and have known many strippers, a hooker and a porn star. They are all nice people that have a warped sense of reality and scumbag tendencies. Some of them have been lucky enough to realize that that industry is a big festering sess pool of scumbags and gotten out of it. Others just sink deeper and deeper into their dillusions. Defend the whole thing till you're blue in the face but I'm callin' bullshit.
If that is the only thing you have to offer in order to pay your bills and god forbid provide for children you obviously were not prepared to have children in the first place. That's completely common though and not surprising in the least, many people have kids and are not prepared to provide for them. Hey whatever you gotta tell yourself to make yourself feel better.
As un-PC as it is, as judgemental and whatever else you want to call it, the majority of the world looks down on such "professions" and considers people that partake in them to be inferior. Especially mother's. Whether that is unfair thinking or not, it's reality.
Not to mention the degree of selfishness that comes up by making yourself a "high-risk" victim for violent crime, rape and murder while you have kids at home. Ask any police station out there, they consider stippers and prostitues as hish risk. Prepare yourself for something else politically-incorrect... when something terrible happens to women in these profession the attitude is more lax than if it happened to someone that has not made themself high-risk. Yes, to a degree there is a "Yea that'll happen" attitude. It's only logical.
I'm sure I'll ruffle enough feathers with what I've had to say so far so I'll stop now because it's pointless. As i said before, I'm not afraid to be judgemental and if you have your share of hate to throw at me for this post, give it. To be honest I probably won't even read this thread or respond to you because I could really care less if you disagree.


Well-known member
i just like the fact that bernadette was brave enough to be un-PC and speak her mind. i used to work at a health clinic that specialized in treating STDs, and that's really all i needed to see to know that the sex trade is an unhealthy lifestyle. stripping...i don't know enough about the lifestyle.


Well-known member
Do you know what term the police often uses for a deceased hooker when they write police reports? "NHL" - No human loss. This is how highly they think of prostitutes...sad, isn't it?


Well-known member
On stripping...

Some women enjoy dancing and showing off their bodies. They enjoy the attention they get from men, sometimes women. They want to be desired.

I don't really want to go into much more depth because I'm tired and want to go to bed, lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
Do you know what term the police often uses for a deceased hooker when they write police reports? "NHL" - No human loss. This is how highly they think of prostitutes...sad, isn't it?

wow...i can't even respond to that, it just makes me physically sick and i want to cry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
wow...i can't even respond to that, it just makes me physically sick and i want to cry. too.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I dont understand the students who are strippers to cover college costs cos i would rather work in a shop if i needed tuition money.

The amount of money you can make stripping is far more than what you can make working in a shop. I realize that stripping is dangerous, but for some people, they see it as an only means.

I think people should be allow to prostitute themselves and strip. I wouldn't personally, but I can understand the attraction to it, particularly if you're in a financially rough situation. It's a sad, sad business to me, because I strongly believe a lot of people wouldn't sell themselves if they knew a better way to rake in that cash. I don't think prostitution in particular is great (stripping, maybe; I have some stripper friends who think it's fun, even though I don't understand it.) Despite my feelings towards it all, I would still legalize it. It's your body, if you want to go that with it, so be it.

What gets me more about this whole subject is the human trafficking aspect.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
In the love and relationships forum in my thread regarding dealing with the ex.

I made a statement regarding my husband's former spouse that has been picked apart to death in that thread, which is why, I think, quandolak created this one.

Despite the protestations of others in the thread, I never said strippers were inferior citizens, nor did I look down on them or prostitutes for their profession.

no you just put them in the category with druggies and child abusers and i think that is what created the debate

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
Thanks for sorting out the thread shimmer.

Yea thats why i made a new topic. Cos the other one was heading somewhere else.

And yep prostitutes especially those who work the streets age terribly. I used to live in an area where they were everywhere at night and they looked like death and got payed about 10 pounds a go...what a life..

i think i would have to agree and one dumb enough to walk the streets and sell her ass for $10 is very strung out on drugs and the ageing is from the lifestyle and drug abuse anyone who does drugs or drinks heavy is not in there right mind


Well-known member
Well as far as stripping goes, if men are dumb enough to pay for what amounts to a cocktease, then bleed the f*ckers dry for all I care. I wouldn't choose it as a profession, but I think the whole stripping thing reflects more badly on men who choose to patronize these establishments than the women who work for them.
Prostitution on the other hand is a horrible, evil and degrading industry for both women and men (because yes, there are male prostitutes too). I hate hate hate people who try to make it out to be something "empowering." In articles about legalized prostitution the "sex workers," as they like to be called, use that lame argument and it seems like they are just kidding themselves.


Well-known member
If a woman wants to strip I don't really see that as much of a big deal.
If a woman wants to be a prostitute, I think that is very unfortunate.
Some people think both are unfortunate, I see where they are coming from.
The whole sex trade thing with the sixteen year old girls you guys mentioned makes me so,so sad. Any prostitute is depressing. I don't see how women find this empowering. With the porn stars it seems as though they are just like recyled pieces of meat, constantly being replaced and used and abused. They don't make that much money compared to what the big companies and corporations make off of them,
i.e Hustler,etc. I wonder how those girls feel, I think they just live in a fantasy world and don't think much about it.They just do and and get numb to it. =(


Well-known member
Damn, y'all must know some strippers with some damn good seniority or who are in the minority....Every stripper I've "known" has to be high or drunk to hit the stage. It's not a glamorous life. And, they are degraded by dumb, ignorant fucks when they're not shaking hard or fast enough---for a damn dollar. The ones that do make good money have to bend over backwards and forward for it, be contortionists and work overtime. And even after that, they most times have to tip out all the people that helped make it possible---the bartender, the DJ, the bouncers, etc.....It's damn near like pimping.