Teeth Whiteners


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eyeshadowfreak
Best would be to go to your dentist and have him/her make you molds and give you a take home kit.

I did this and in two weeks, my teeth were significantly whiter and it lasts for two-three years. At that point, unless you've had MAJOR work done on your teeth, all you'd have to do it purchase another whitening kit if you decided to want to bleach again.

The trays and kit cost me $225. A replacement bleach kit costs $35.

If you think about how much you'd spend on over the counter things in the span of 2-3 years, this is TOTALLY worth it and there is NO gum irritation.

Just my two cents.

how is this for sensitive teeth? I'm thinking about doing this, but my teeth are super-sensitive and I'd like to hear from someone who's actually used it, not just my dentist. TIA!


Active member
I just finished my third day using Whitestrips Premium Plus (the 10 day kit) and my teeth are seriously hurting .. that's why I'm awake in fact! I'm salivating quite a bit too. I think I might have to take a break tomorrow! On the plus side, I can already tell that my teeth are whiter and my boyfriend noticed and asked me about it today. I hadn't told him I was using the strips so the fact that he noticed is incredible haha


Well-known member
I asked my dentist recently about whitening treatments and she said that because my teeth are so sensitive, she doesn't recommend any treatments, but I should try whitening toothpaste.

Just wondering, what's Supersmile toothpaste like? Is it any good? It's a bit pricy over here, but if it works, I'd like to give it a go as I can't do the tray/bleaching thing


Well-known member
I love Crest Vivid White. The dentist even asked me if I whiten my teeth and I always thought my teeth were nasty. Hahah.


Active member
I read this post, ordered some Professional Crest whitestips a week ago from eBay. Got them lastnight, applied once lastnight and once this morning. I have to say *WOW*!! I can already see my teeth being whiter! People told me that I didn't need them cos my teeth were white enough and those things are bad for the teeth. I just wanted to try them out, I didn't expect them to work at all!! But they do!! Teeth hurt a little after applying (still do) but nothing serious yet.
I highly recommend them to everyone


Well-known member
Like a lot of others, I used the Crest Premium Plus Whitestrips. They do a terrific job of whitening your teeth but I am in agony every time I use them. I can only do it once (1/2 hour) every other day. The next day I have to load up on the Advil because of the pain.


Well-known member
I was unimpressed with Rapid White and ended up having custom whitening trays made and whitening gel supplied by my dentist which really worked well.


Well-known member
I got the new Luminous Toothpast from Colgate.. Its a whitener + enamel builder and after a week of use, I can definately tell the difference.


Well-known member
I really like crest Night Effects for sensitive teeth. Its not as strong as the original and you use it for 18 nights I think. For me, it really is practical becuase I don't have much time during the day to use trays and at work I'm always greeting people, so I can't use strips. It's really gentle, my teeth so far haven't gone sensitive at all! Although, I'm sure a lot of people wouldnt like it, because it leaves a thick film on your teeth and is kind of hard to brush off in the morning. But for me, its perfect! And best of all, it was on clearance for 5 dollars...a white smile for 5 bucks? TOTALLY worth it!


Well-known member
i agree wit hthe crest whitestripes, they really work though when you take them off you have this crappy goo on your teeth and it tasted bad.


Well-known member
Go Smile! All the way, my sis tried it and her teeth were sooo much white. They used to be like. . .butter colored. ..haha now they're pearly, but not fake. ..think that one episode on Friends where Ross has glowing white teeth hehe not that


Well-known member
You know what's pretty cool? My second job is at a tanning salon (The Tan Co) and they sell this product that they use at dentist offices. It's the gel and they have a mouth piece that keeps your teeth showing while you tan in the bed. The UV rays, while you are tanning, with the gel brighten your teeth! I thought that was pretty nifty!


Well-known member
My mum got a mold done at the dentist & she wears it for like an hour every night, her teeth are SO much whiter now, I'm getting it done soon too hopefully.


Well-known member
ditto the whitestrips from crest, but seriously, it's all about establishing good habits. for example, BRUSH YOUR TEETH after you drink sodas, eat blueberries, or drink wine...anything like this WILL stain your teeth so to avoid, get it off there before it has time to form


Well-known member
Originally Posted by d_flawless
ditto the whitestrips from crest, but seriously, it's all about establishing good habits. for example, BRUSH YOUR TEETH after you drink sodas, eat blueberries, or drink wine...anything like this WILL stain your teeth so to avoid, get it off there before it has time to form

Fair point - strawberries are supposed to be excellent for this too.