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Tinted Lip Balm * EASY & NO MESS *

Miss World

Well-known member
Wow! *me loves*
this rocks! i'll get to make my own funky lipbalm, *YaaaY*


Well-known member
Omg! This is BRILLIANT! I just made my first "home-made" gloss using an NYC lip balm jar and a 1/4 tsp each of melon, pink opal, and apricot pink piggies. It looks divine. This is so great, can't wait to try something else. Looks like I'll finally have a way to use up more of my pigments (heh, otherwise I know I'd never make a dent in the jars).


Well-known member
I just mixed my TLC mac fushia-fix with pink opal... the first pigment which I bought a full-jar of...

Let me tell you it looks amasing. I will make pink-opal only lip balm soon and post the details.


Well-known member
i have an obsession with lip balm, chapsticks, lip gloss, everything, but i dont really use lipsticks alot. and i cant wait to try this tutorial out!!


New member
Ever since reading about pigments, I have wanted to use them for this purpose and this explains it all. Thanks!


Well-known member
Silly question, but could you just melt a solid lip balm, like Carmex or Chapstick, and mix the pigment and gloss with that in a clean pot? Or does it have to be a lip conditioner that's already "liquidy"?

EDIT: Nevermind, tried it anyway, LOL! It works fine, but it solidifies Hella fast when you start to pour it out. You have to scrape half of it out. No big, I don't care if it looks pretty in the jar as long as it looks pretty on my lips.