Weight Loss Group


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Originally Posted by melliquor
I am doing WW as well... it is really good. Like Dolly said, you can eat what you want as long as you don't go over. It makes you think that you can either have a whole meal for about 7 points or a chocolate bar. WW helps you to think differently about food and how to eat properly.

I wish I could just stick to it. I did so bad today... ate so much crap but like somebody said... tomorrow is another day and will stick to it then. I did about 2 hours walking... so did do lots of exercise.

just imagine all those calories you would of burnt off! even if you did have a 'bad day'


Well-known member
So, I went to the gym yesterday and can I just say that I never really thought I had boobs until I was on the treadmill lol

My friend's apartment complex has a gym so I can go for free and I make her go with me... I just hope I can keep it up. We also went swimming yesterday. Exercising is no problem but dieting is super hard for me. I'm looking to you guys for inspiration on the dieting front!

Last year I gave up white bread and white pasta (the whole grain stuff with the omega 3 is awesome!), but I'm thinking about trying to give up white rice again. It's really hard because we eat steamed rice with EVERYTHING. It's hard to have a meal without it. &I hate brown rice! Maybe I'll just cut down? Ugh.

My plan for today (one day at a time haha):
No rice, clean the house (it's so hot that's got to mean some extra calories!), and go to the gym. Oh, and no eating past 7pm!

Good luck ladies!


Well-known member
Wow! Everyone is doing so well, I'm really impressed. I am still off the DP. I saw one at the grocery store and I actually think that my mouth started to water, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, I've done well on my food; had my stupid slice of double fiber bread for breakfast, a WW meal for lunch, a handful of almonds and an apple so far. I plan on having a meal I buy pre-made from this fitness lady here in Houston for dinner (they are low carb/high protein/low fat) and tonight to feed my inner evil self, I purchased watermelon. It is sweet and mostly water and will hopefully suffice my late evening cravings.....

I've done my 10 minutes and I'm in a pretty shitty mood. But, I know it is just because this is my 3rd day without a DP in about 4 years and I want one so bad. It is pretty much just mental at this point. Yeah, I feel a bit crappy, but the emotional side of me is what wants the damn drink.

Hope everyone is doing well!! Looking forward to seeing everyone's success stories!!!


Well-known member
Hang tight rbella - you are doing so well! Good luck with the rice Lizzie - maybe just reduce your portion instead of trying to cut it out entirely? Then you will not feel deprived of it.

I've gotten my 10 minutes in today but it does not feel like enough considering how badly my food has been the last couple of days. May head out for more this evening.

Been drinking loads of water today.


Well-known member

Can I please join in on the weight loss group support too?!

Seriously, my big ass needs some motivation to get back into my size 10 jeans. I don't feel like posting all of my stats, but I'll post what I feel comfortable posting cause I hate talking about my weight!

-5'5" and a size 12

Most of my weight is in my thighs/hips. I wouldn't say I have a huge gut sticking out, but I have a roll, if that makes sense. I'm curvy, but too many slices of Domino's pizza and cheesticks have made my curves get less noticeable
I think my biggest downfall is my sugar/fat intake each day. I drink 3 cans of Coke a day (I know, crazy right?!) and I can't stop because it's seriously a caffeine addiction for me. I just need to learn to give up my sodas (I just can't drink diet) altogether and to not eat so late at night. I usually work late on the weekends at my 2nd job and the fiance works part time on the weekends at Domino's and is always bringing food home with him. Hell, I'll eat food until the wee hours of the morning if I can!

Does anyone still want to help me?


Well-known member
^^^i'm so in the same boat. Late nights are the WORST!!! Trust me though, If I can go 3 days now without a Dr. Pepper, you can quit to. I used to drink more than you did!! I won't say how much b/c it's just embarrassing....

What are your short term goals?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NicksWifey
Does anyone still want to help me?

It's all about helping each other, babe. In other words - YES.



Well-known member
Wonderful job rbella. It's all about pre-planning. If you don't plan to succeed you are planning to fail. Having premade meals and whatnot will help you all not resort to old habits of going to the burger joint at 2am, you know.

Happy I worked out today.
and will again tommorow.


Well-known member
Sooo eating was bad and I won't go into the disgusting details, but DH and I did go to the Farmers' Market this morning and walked around for about a 1/2 hour. Plus we got green peppers to make Stuffed Green Peppers (with ultra lean Ground Beef and Brown Rice, of course). DH and I also went on a nice bike ride this evening.

Tomorrow - hitting the gym, then to MAC, and then to the store (with a meal list in hand so I don't buy all the non-essentials).

Watermelon sounds like a great snack idea, rbella. I just might have to get that too, along with all the other regular fruits.


Well-known member
I am here! My internets been out all day, its so unreliable. Ah well. I did okay today except for a granola bar binge, but I figure I cleaned and thats excercies and went for a shorttt walk by myself to the coffee shop (just had coffee, black, no sugar etc in it) and then a short walk with my friends. (Which really helped me NOT binge because i got the social contact I've been craving, and now they are all trying to be healthy too so instead of gaining weight together and enabling each other to have unhealthy lifestyles we're all trying to be more sensible and its good. Plus I was feeling super lonely so that really helps).

But girls, I have a babyshower tomorrow and I know there will be chips there . I forgot to go to the store and get celery, because honestly the only thing that diverts me is to have something ELSE crunchy in my mouth.

Nickys wife, its tought but you can do it. The headaches are a pain but I've given up caffiene before. Trust me if you make it through the hard part and drop the pop in favor of drinking water you will feel so much better. I need to do that at some point but this week my hurdle is potato chips. Not dropping diet soda (its so bad for you but I so love it... maybe I'm wierd diet pepsi tastes better to me than regular... lol)

We can do it though its taking it one day at a time, I find groups like this help, people to talk to. AND if you can get support in your real life even better. When I told people in my office I was trying to give up junkfood I had a friend there that would help me avoid the junk . I also had a friend that encouraged me when I said I was going to start walking to work. I just think support online and in your offline life is important. Obviously we are the only ones who can actually make the changes but the little push here and there can be what helps us get over a rough spot or pick ourselves right up. You can do this

rbella - How are you feeling on day 4 is it now? or no Dr. Pepper?

Lizzie - Amen to that treadmills/running are where you need the industrial strength sports bras (its even worse if you have huge ones like me... ick i hate it...lol but such are the breaks in life) , congrats on getting that run in anyways :)

melliquor - 2 hours of walking... amazing! :-D

Okay so even if I dissapear for a while I'm thinking of ya'll and your successes, I just can't count on my internet these days... LOL



Well-known member
Snowflake-So just divvy up a tiny portion of chips onto a plate and make it last through the shower. That way, you satisfy your craving, but you don't overdo it. You can do it!

Brittni-Thank you so much!! I remember reading a quote that said "If you fail to plan then you plan to fail" and that is what I'm trying to remember!

On my 4th day today and still no DP's!! The physical withdrawals are getting better, I'm just really bitchy and mentally it is difficult. Yesterday I ate pretty well, only had to use about 3 of my "extra" weekly points from WW. But, that's b/c I miscalculated one of my food items.

Today-goals are no DP's and no late night binging. There is no way I'll get my 10 minutes today b/c I'm booked straight through until around 7pm and then I have an hour drive home, have to do more work at home and then go take care of mother. Will have to make this off day for activity. Although, the work I'm doing will be quite a bit of physical exertion.

I've had a banana and a slice of double fiber bread. Will have chicken salad for lunch, pre-made fit meal for dinner with some cauliflower, brought some baby carrots with me and will end the night with a bit of watermelon if I start to crave again.

Hope everyone is doing good!!! I'm going back to my WW meeting on Thursday. Yay!!!

Growing Wings

Well-known member
Right, I've decided I'm going to post in here while I'm feeling a little motivated.

First off, congrats to all of you who are doing so well.
I only hope I can do the same!

I've just measured myself and found out I've put on 2inches to my waist in the last 6 months. I am not a happy bunny about it

So first off, the foods I'm going to cut out. I'm intolerant to wheat and dairy, and wheat in particular makes me put on weight like nobodies business. So there will be no more of that. The moment I finish the post I'm heading downstairs to get rid of the rest of the loaf of bread sat in my fridge. And no more milk chocolate.
I have 6 dairy free, wheat free choc chip cookies and, if I stick to my plan I am going to allow myself one every other day until they are all gone. I'm also going to cut out fizzy drinks. This one shouldn't be too hard for me, as I don't drink them that often.

Hopefully cutting out these foods will help stop my bad snacking. I also need to cut out the midnight snacks. Recently I've been waking a lot during the night and raiding the kitchen. If I get hungry tonight, I'll have a glass of rice milk instead of a piece of cake.

I have ME, so my activity is very limited. Due to only being able to be active (both physically and mentally) for short periods of time before needing to rest, I think most of it is boredom eating. I'm not sure what I can do about this, when staying occupied makes me ill

But I do need to start back on my exercise plan. Last time I saw my doctor I was meant to be doing a 4min walk each day. I've been kind of slacking with that, so I need to get back to doing it. Hopefully by the time I go back to uni at the end of September I'll have increased this to a 5min walk. A little exercise has gotta be better than none, right?

So now I've got all my rules sussed. All I need to do is stick to them. And I'm hungry already


Well-known member
Yay!!! You're here!! You can do this. It all sounds like a great plan. Just keep yourself motivated. The hardest part, if you are like me, is at night. So, when you get that craving just remind yourself that you are an adult and food doesn't control you! You control what you put into your body!!!

Good luck to you! I know you'll do well!!


Well-known member
Just a quick post to give everyone some love! Have a great day and hang on in. My goal today is to not overeat - yes, a tall order for me but I am determined.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Awww, don't kill yourself over it. Just make sure to do your 10 minutes again today and decide what your goals for today are. Also, did you eat well the rest of the day?

Yea I've been eating healthy, it's just the partying that's the problem. I'm letting loose until the new semester starts (on Wednesday) and then I probably won't have time to eat at all haha


Well-known member
Congrats Rbella on another day without a DP... so proud of you. I hope everybody is doing well today and is sticking to their plans.

I did really good today and still have a few points left... might save them for tomorrow. I didn't think I could do it because I have been slacking for a few days but each day is a new day.

Tomorrow is weigh in and will let you know how I did. Good luck everybody w/ their midnight cravings and trying not to give in.


Well-known member
iv had a pretty good day today, ate smaller portions when eating my meals and i worked out soo hard because i was in on my own so i put the music channels on really loud and just did tonnes of exercise lol


Well-known member
I didn't go to the gym today so I'm going to ask my mom to go for a walk with me after dindin. (edit: Nevermind that, she works third shift.) Plus do the stability ball and some excersize around the house. I know a lot more to do now that I have a trainer... it's exciting.

Hint: Buy a jump rope. GREAT excersize. 10 minutes is equal to like 8 minute mile or something. =)

I ate 2 scrambeled eggs w/cheese for breakfast. Remember, I'm on Atkins LOL. Nananbooboo. j/k.

But I haven't ate anything else... been up since like 1 p.m. I have horrible eating times on weekends, very inconsistent. That's a goal I need to work on fixing, but during the week I'm good since I can eat like 10, 12, 3, 5 at work and have stuff packed.

Rotisserie flavored chicken breast (baked) for dinner with boiled snow peas... MMMM =) And I'll have leftover chicken tommorow shreeded ontop of romaine lettuce and homemade honey mustard dressing... delicious....

We have frozen brownies in the freezer, tho. LOL. i wish!!!!! yeah right. but Sept. 5th I'm hoping another 5lbs to be goneeee byebye. but Sept. 5th my friend comes to visit so I'm treating myself (it's good on Atkins to have a day where you eat anything you want for the whole day then jump right back on the bandwagon... plus I already know I'll feel bad if I binge on bad food so I won't be) Bacardi alcohol has 0 carbs my trainer told me LOL.

I'm going crazy without my ketostix though. I haven't been able to use them and I like that physical, chemical proof that my body is in ketosis and burning fat for fuel. I keep forgetting the ketostix at my college house w/the dreaded roomie (see Chatter post if interested lol) so boo. I might just go buy some anyways, only $10.00 for a bottle full.


Well-known member
You guys are all doing so well!
I made it not eating rice yesterday! My bf had rice with dinner, and I was super jealous. He eats anything and everything and has a 34 inch waist. Bastard.

My "gym buddy" isn't feeling well so I walked to the market instead. It's like 95 degrees out and I was carrying heavy stuff, so I guess that's something. In addition to this whole diet/gym thing I'm also not buying clothes or makeup. I didn't even get any CoC things. I'm feeling a bit deprived.

Also, it's hard to buy healthy food when you're broke! Why is fruit so damn expensive?!