what are your views on cosmetic surgery?


Well-known member
i was meant to be having breast impants on the 22nd june...but my appointment has been delayed

ive wanted larger boobs for 10 years and after seeing a lot of friends great results i decided to take the plunge...

i just dream of being able to wear a backless or strapless top and not have to worry about a bra etc...

i hate my bf seeing me topless, and even wear a bra while having sex!!

at the moment chicken fillets are my best friends!

i cant wait to find out the new date, and i hope itll be a real confidence booster!!!

i think cosmetic surgery is up to the person and yes there are people who go... ew your gonna have silicone boobs, how fake...

but as long as its YOU your doin it for i think its great!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
I just looked at your myspace and you are a stunner as it is!

omg thats super sweet of you!!

im stuck in work so thats made my day


Well-known member
I want to have a breast reduction for medical reasons - I have DD/F breasts on an 8/10 ribcage (I'm not a skinny girl, I just have really little bones), and I'm constantly being struck down with severe nerve pain/cramping on the chest muscles, never mind the constant back pain and general 'curse you, underwires!' pinching. It makes working difficult, and it's scary to have knifing pain over your heart when you're on a motorcycle.
For purely cosmetic reasons I'd like to get my nose narrowed a little - I have a golf ball on the end of my snout.

My attitude is that as long as it makes you happy, you're doing it for yourself and not someone else, and I don't have to pay for it, then knock yourself out. As long as it positively affects your life and you can safely afford it, rock on with your bad self and get those new breasts. If you're only getting them because your boyfriend wants them or so you can rub them in the face of that bitch who made fun of your AA-cups in grade eight, then I'd probably advise that you think about it for a couple of years (and dump your loser boyfriend).


Well-known member
my BF is paying for mine... but its all my idea... ive wanted them done for years..

he was like 'do you really want it done that much??'

and i was upset cos i knew id never afford them myself

(well maybe i would if i stopped buying mac..ha ha!)

and he offered to pay, ill pay him back eventually


Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak

Btw i have a friend who had just the same situation as you..she is about 5,2 and thin but not skinny..i suppose petite and she had massive boobs...when she turned 18 she got them reduced ..now this was ages ago cos she is 34 now..and she had one hell of a operation..but she says i was worth all the pain cos she had back ache et..now she has big scars but she is happy and not so self concious.
Of course now the techniques are better and you dont have to go through the whole *gasp* taking the nipple off and sewing it back on again routine...

So apparently now its a easier procedure.

theres a girl in work who has had a reduction too... shes teeny like a uk size 6-8, and she had 32ff's!!
and they just drowned her basically!!

shes much happier and doesnt regret it!

i always say to her 'you paid to have your taken away and im paying to have some put in...not fair!!

but she assures me that if i had 'real' huge boobs i wouldnt like it so much!!??


Well-known member
I think that as long as you are doing it for yourself, it's fine. Yeah, there's all the "be happy with what God gave you" stuff, but sometimes people aren't, and they're self-conscious about certain features, so if it is something they want, and they have the money and will to do it, why not? It is quite troublesome to me when people do it for reasons other than wanting to do it for themselves, like this woman I know who got breast implants just to make her husband happy, not because she really cared about her breast size. The best part was, after she went through with it, he still didn't think they were big enough, so she went back for bigger ones! That, I don't like.


Well-known member
If there were something I wanted to change, and I had the money to change it, yes I would do it.

Ashlee Simpson's nose job's about the BEST example of rhinoplasty I've ever seen. OUT STAND ING job.
Lots of people think she had more work done, but the sheer opening up of her face by having her nose shaved down is amazing.


Well-known member
I think plastic surgery (PS) is just fine if you are doing it for the right reasons and you have considered all of the risks. If it makes you feel better, then a person should do it. We all have to walk around in our own skin everyday, so we should be comfortable in it.

I worry when people get addicted or when people assume it will solve all of their problems. There is also the aspect of it actually being surgery. Whilst there have been great advances, it can still go very wrong. That is something people really need to consider.

Personally, I will be getting a breast reduction. I know it will be expensive, but this is one area where I will gladly pay what it takes. I don't want to skimp on PS. I don't want to go in for a reduction and wake up in the recovery room with a nipple sewn onto my shoulder or something!
I would consider slight lip plumping (depends on if you loose feeling in the lips afterwards. Quandolak-Have you heard anything about that? Just curious.). AND, I don't want to end up looking like Goldie Hawn! Yikes!

I am comfortable with my appearance other than that. I have always had an appreciation for age. I am only 35, but so far getting older has been fun. Every year you get wiser and I think that adds to your beauty.

But hey, I may consider more PS as I get older. I think a lot of us tend to get a bit more liberal in our views of plastic surgery as we age.


Well-known member
I have no "objections" nor despise anyone with CS.

However, the outcome shld be pleasing to the eyes.

I'm particularly disgusted by CS went wrong such as "surprised look" & unnatural swollen lips.


Well-known member
I think if it's something that really bothers you, then fix it!

I have such huge issues with my nose, so I'd probably opt to change that since it's been a problem all my life. I was teased a great deal and I would like my appearance a lot more with a slightly altered nose.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
well ive heard that it can happen (lip hardening) in some cases where people have an allergic reaction..what comes to mind is someone called leslie ash i think ..ok just done a search http://www.awfulplasticsurgery.com/archives/000888.html

now thes epics dont do justice to how awful her result was..apparently she had been having lip injections for years and then she got a permanent one done..cant remember the name wher they thread a fine tube into the lips and eventually your bodies own cells fill it up...anyway it went pear shaped for her...she was the laughing stock of the uk...

I cant remember all the names for these injections..there are loads of them...errm that all..lol.

Uggh! That's scared the idea of lip injections right outta me. Yeeeaaeeesssshhhh!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
I just looked at your myspace and you are a stunner as it is!

i agree!

i was thinking of getting implants at one time. i'm 5'7" 102lbs and am a 34B which just...seems so small to me, even for my weight. i know that the thinner you are, the smaller your chest usually is because they're composed mostly of fat cells, but i look so flat. for some reason, i just don't feel right like a lady because i don't have those amazing curves i see SO many women with.
annnd for a long time, i really wanted a nose job too...i've always wanted a little dainty slightly turned up nose like Marilyn Monroe's.

my boyfriend had a bit of a fit when i told him i wanted this work done, this was before we were dating so at the time he was just a good friend. i realized that after we started talking, my desire to get the work done started diminishing because he'd always tell me that i'm perfect the way i am and that he'd support me if i went through with it, but that he thinks i'm beautiful the way i am.

i've decided not to get any work done because...well, i just feel better about what i was born with because of him. i'm not trying to impress anyone else and i'm happy enough with how i look. i'm not thrilled, but i never will be because i'm amazing at picking out my own flaws. so i figure, i'm okay with how i look, and he loves it..so there's no real reason for me to do it. though i'd look better, i'd still be able to find something about myself i'm unhappy with because i'm really critical of my appearance.

i see absolutley nothing wrong with cosmetic surgery though, i mean, if you want it, get it. you know? i mean...who am i to say someone shouldn't do something that will make them happy?