What MAC item have you used up the fastest?


Well-known member
I have only ever gone through a long stem rose slimshine (my favorite everyday lip color), smolder eye kohl, and dervish lipliner. Like others I have too much so I hardly ever get through anything.


Well-known member
Yogurt e/s, shale e/s, vex e/s, various lipgelees. I've only started wearing makeup frequently this year (before I wore it only rarely). The MAC items I am burning through the most quickly currently are: brave new bronze l/s, gold rebel l/g, ricepaper e/s, flip e/s, brun e/s, MSFN, blacktrack f/l, blot powder, lip conditioner.


Well-known member
Shroom & Omega- I've only had them since April & have made a serious dent in both of them! I do wear one or both nearly every day though, so I'm doing well


New member
The light-medium half of the MSF/shimmer! Geesh did that go fast, there's no way I could use the shimmer at the same rate.


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i seem to have used alot of "moth to flame" dazzleglass, especially as i didnt get it that long ago
i also use loads of gesso eyeshadow


Well-known member
I have gone through a bottle of Mineralize Satinfinish and hit pan on MSFN, but I have too much of everything else to actually finish.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gildedangel
My Studio Fix Powder! But I hate when I begin to finish it because it becomes so hard to get all of the product out from around the edges. I am OCD about finishing every little bit of product lol.

I second you with that one! I've found the Coastal Scents Kabuki on a Stick Brush pretty helpful in getting the last bits of Studio Fix Powder!

I also finish the Blot Powder pretty fast!


Well-known member
Carbon e/s, I use it everyday as an eyeliner when on the run
Brun e/s, again daily use for filling in brows
Subculture lip pencil

Feels like I am replacing these on every haul.


Well-known member
But then again, I was spraying that shit all the damn time.
In the morning to wake myself up
To set my face makeup
to wet some eye shadows
to refresh my face on a hot day
to relax my face right after a shower.


Well-known member
Rich Ground f/l. I use it almost everyday with all my looks. Blacktrack and the brown one are too harsh but Rich Ground goes perfectly with my red hair and looks like a neutral on me.


Well-known member
Blacktrack Fluidline- wear almost everyday
Satin Taupe e/s- wear most days as part of my go to look
Viva Glam V lipstick- wear almost everyday as my work lipstick with various glosses over it.