What to do with a broken Shadestick?


Well-known member
oh i hope this doesn't happen to my shadestick-i only have one but i love it dearly


Well-known member
are those meltable? my beige-ing is broken and I hate it! I use it less because it's not handy.... I want to try but I don't want to ruin it.... I might try on crimsonette, I hate that one anyway...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VuittonVictim
A WONDER!!!! It works again!!! I had to tear out the whole plastic insert and push it back in with some power but now it works!!!

VuittonVictim... Thanks, one of mine has been broken like that for months. I just did the same thing you did & now it works


Well-known member
shadesticks breaking

does anyones shadesticks break? like when i took off the cap and held it upside down the color fell outta the tube. did that happen to anyone and does anyone know why??


Well-known member
that means the cap wasnt on tighly enough Shadesticks and the new creamsticks you MUST MUST MUST be sure the caps are on tightly. return that sucka.


Well-known member
Meh, both my beigeing and pink coture ones did that shortly after I got them. That was over a year ago, and I've been using them almost everyday, even though they are broken. They work fine even though they are broken, just don't twist them up too high. I've almost used both of them up entiely, and they've been broken the majority of the time I've had them.

Shoe Crazy

Well-known member
This happened to me this morning uggh!! I opened it and the shadestick came flying out onto the floor. I put it back in and it still works it is just frustrating


Active member
This happened to me with Beige-ing (twice) and Shimmersand. They wouldn't even turn anymore after I put them back in the tube. MAC was really good about it and replaced them so if you really can't make them work they will replace them with a new tube. It hasn't happened with any of the other colors and the only one I can't speak for is Shimmermint because I don't have it.


Well-known member
Shadestick question

So, I recently bought 2 Shadesticks and am interested in getting more, however, today I went to use my Luck Jade one for only the 3rd time, and it seems that the stick is broken inside of the tube. Like it came loose from the bottom? I store them upside down for easy color selection. Has this happened to anyone else? Should I take it back for a new one? Thanks.


New member
I've had that happend with the lip primer several times.
Mine is from rough usage.

However, it might be how you are storing them.


Well-known member
Sometimes this happends at the counters since we steralize everything in a beaker of alcohol. If u tip the shadestick right side up and theres still alcohol on it and it runs down it could dry out the product and therefore break. Might just be that or people not closing the lids properly. Hope this helps!


Well-known member
I recently read a post in the live journal community "mac_cosmetics" in which that happened and they explained how to fix it. Might be worth looking for that post.


Well-known member

I bought a shade stick in the color shimmermint, and it doesnt wind up, or is it really just that little nib of shadestick, im sure ive seen some pictures by fellowe specktra's with them winded up, do i make sense:confused: have i just ended up with one from a bad batch


Well-known member
You should be able to wind them out fully to about 2 inches?

I'd take it back if I were you.