What was your very first MAC product?


Well-known member
It's definetly gotta be the mac studio fix
and carbon e/s. those are the things i would not leave the house without


Well-known member
I got into MAC back in August 2004. I got Whim and Little Madame, Permaplum, some awful peach blush (it went back), a bronzer, Untitled, Studio Fix, Pompadorable, Creme Brule lip tasti, the 239, 217 and a big bronzer brush that went back a few days later. We ended up going back to the counter 5 minutes after we left to get Zoomlash. I went back an incredible amount of times on that vacation. LOL.

I detest the Whim and Little Madame eyeshadows, but I LOVE my MAC! I am totally and utterly obsessed. I only used the same 3 purple eyeshadows everyday before MAC. I now have over 50 eye shadows and a TON of pigments either in full jars or samples. I am now on my 4th palette as well. Oops! My friend who got me hooked said I'd get into browns and greens. I doubted her at the time, but she was right.


A co-worker insisted I try her clear lipglass, she insisted it was the best gloss *ever*. That was my first purchase, quickly followed by O l/s, Nico l/g and Studio Fix. The rest is history...


Well-known member
Their powerpoint eyeliners and shadesticks were first for me. Metallic colors that didn't irritate my eyes, plus they last all day. Then a MA took the time to find the perfect foundation for me (NC15).

Then I found out about MUA and heard about a thing called pigments. In a year my samples turned into over 60 full jars.

Then I found Specktra. That's how the eyeshadow addiction started. Then you need good brushes, right? Then I saw the MSFs on people. I had to have them all, and a lipglass addiction started too.

I'm out of conrol!


Well-known member
my first mac product ever was some of the full coverage foundation, the really heavy stuff. my mom bought it for me almost 5 years ago because i needed it for a photoshoot i was doing.

besides that though, jewel blue e/s was the first thing i really bought and have since really gotten into collecting.


Well-known member
I saw the Christina Viva Glam Ad right before I had an event to go to and I thought it was perfect!!! I bought Juxt eyeshadow, Chartreu paint, and viva glam IV lipstick and gloss. I use them all the time and I still have them. I say, "Viva MAC!"


Well-known member
sushi flower and luna.....safe to say these two itmes weren't the best to start with but after that i learned what i really had to have....


Active member
heh beauty marked, back in my "serious" kiddie-goth days-i wore it in gigantic circles around my eyes, and it was like a dream come true-black, AND red in the same eyeshadow!
i should hope my technique's improved since then


Well-known member
florabundance lipgloss, spf 15 foundation, and the wipes. oh and bronze and all that glitters shadows.


Well-known member
my first mac purchase was in 2000 and it was clear lipglass. I stuck to lipglasses until december 05. My first eyeshadow was Blue Absinthe


Well-known member
I first got into MAC in the summer of 2003 when I passed by a MAC counter w/ my boyfriend and he bought me Trax, Hush, Surreal, Paradisco, and Shroom (suggested to me by an aloof MA).
Only a few months ago, maybe around late summer to the middle of Fall 2005 did I find myself keeping up w/ new releases and going into MAC stores more often. One reason was b/c Sephora didn't have the shade of green and gold e/s I was looking for (I found this in Sumptuous Olive and Gorgeous Gold, in addition to purchasing Beautiful Iris, Motif - returned, and Patina.)

Also, online communities, with many FOTDs and tutorials to be admired everyday, had a major hand in jumpstarting the habit!