When do you think girls should start wearing makeup?


Well-known member
i dont see anything wrong with 13 year old girls playing with makeup, expirimenting... i started when i was like 11... none of us were born with super makeup skills or knowing what we like.. they are young and like mac, they are trying new stuff whats wrong with that? im sorry i dont get your point.


Well-known member
Not really about the suitable age for wearing m/u, although I was pretty young when I started wearing foundation and concealer. Teen acne + low selfesteem both of which are very common in teen girls.

That channel though omg! Too amusing! "Do not put the green eyeshadow up all the way to the eyebrow!" hahahaha


Well-known member
I started wearing a bit of lipgloss and mascara when i was in 7th grade so i guess when i was 11 or 12? Now, i am 15 and i wear makeup pretty much everyday. For me, makeup isn't something to make me more "grownup" or to be "cool" it is to have fun and be creative. I like to do super dramtic looks but i take them off right away. When i go out with makeup I try to stick with neutrals and i usually don't wear any face makeup.

I think the age that someone decides to wear makeup really depends on the person and their parents. A lot of my friends don't wear makeup and a lot of my friends want to but they have super strict parents.

There are a lot of young girls on youtube that do makeup. Just the other day, i saw this girl that was like 8 doing a haul video.
Oh i found it
YouTube - MAC, Sephora and more HAUL!
MAC ? Victoria's Secret ? Sephora ? come on.

haha i just kind of contradicted myself. woops.


Well-known member
I agree with what seems to be the majority of people in this thread. I started wearing full face make up when i was 12. (foundation, blush, e/s, l/s, mascara). Make up was something i always loved. my mom let me only after she taught me how. even after that i would wear it in phases, as I do now really. sometimes i'm really into it and others its not such a big deal to me. My little sister is 12 and entering the 7th grade. She fell in love with my UD and convinced her mom to let her start wearing it. I got her scatch to start, its so neutral you can barely tell she's wearing it. My step mom took her to MAC and got her a blush, 2 e/s, and a l/g after she sat in the chair and let a professional show her how to use it. It's really not a big deal. Now, if she wanted to wear some of our FOTD's that we post on here on a daily basis that would be a different story.


Well-known member
I'm 16 and started to get serious with makeup since the beginning of the year...but started wearing full on foundation about a month ago..not because my parents didn't let me, just because i was always so concentrated on my eyes. I found nothing wrong with that video, shes having fun. Maybe shes not an expert but there are manyyyy youtube adult "gurus" that are not such experts neither and are giving viewers advice. If your a mother of a 12 year old girl of course your not going to let your daughter out of the house with a dark look and red lips, but I admire parents that let their children experience on things such as makeup.


Well-known member
I started experimenting with make-up in 6th grade.

I remember putting on lipstick aka dark brown lip liner and chapstick and applying fake moles in the girls bathroom. hahahahahah Then me and my friends would get in trouble by the p.e. teacher. hahaha...

After that, I didn't start wearing makeup until my sophomore year of high school (I think I was 16 yrs/old) which only consisted of wearing Studio Fix powder and applying it with a sponge (pounds head into wall). tsk tsk...

I only started wearing a full face of makeup on was during my second semester of freshman year in college (20 yrs/old), so that was just recently.

I have a ten year old sister and she's only allowed to wear lipgloss/chapstick. I wont let her put on any makeup yet and if she does have on makeup, it's because I put it on her for fun. haha


Well-known member
I started to really experiment with makeup around the 6th grade, and my mom did not really let me wear a ton until after I turned 12, then she tried to set limits that were obviously NOT adhered to. I was doing full-face bronzer, dark purple lipstick...basically if I liked it, I wore it. I loved, and still do love, gold and silver eyeshadows. Occasionally, my mum would buy me a Lancome shadow or two but it was just cheap stuff until about a year and a half ago when I started the big upgrade.

I have no problem with girls starting to wear makeup around the time they get into middle school as long as they are given lessons on how to apply it properly and that they aren't doing smokey eyes and vampy red lips. If parents are letting their kids go off with buttloads of makeup at the age of 10, I do have problems with it. Clear lipgloss only is what I think, that and the Smackers lip balms. A lot of people I know say 16 at the earliest, but I think when you are younger you can get away with doing more eccentric, weird looks that you might not do when you are a couple years older, and everyone SHOULD have the opportunity to try some out.

Crap, I just totally contradicted myself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovekrumpet
In any case, I am now 17 and am working towards a career in make-up artistry (since that is what I love).

So am I! I didn't really get into makeup until I was 15-16 [before that I was like, "Fuck mascara! What's it ever done for me?"], but now I'm looking for a school to go to after college. You would probably like Makeup Designory [MUD] a lot! You can get work while still attending the school, which is amazing to me.

Originally Posted by Janice
I don't think what MACHead was implying exactly what you are suggesting. To me, the suggestion that some participants in this thread are simply jealous that "they couldn't afford MAC at that age" is an inflammatory and preposterous statement.

The casual tossing of a MES makes me cringe (because we all know how delicate they can be), the wiping of the brush with indifference to the proper care, the swiping of the shadow with fingers, etc all cause some amount of discomfort when watching the video BUT only because a) I am a germaphobe and b) in a couple of years the involved parties are going to watch it again and realize the same things for themselves.

I agree with Janice. I like I said, I didn't learn about MAC until the C-Shock collection, I was about 16-17; so to suggest jealousy is sort of irrelevant, and quite honestly, a bit offensive.

My point is this - I just don't think girls under 15 should wear makeup, not a full face, at least. Lip balm/gloss; that's fine...maybe even a swipe of neutral eyeshadow. And to me, these girls seem as if they're trying too hard to act grown up and like other YTers. And come on, at their age, they should consider it a privilege to wear makeup, especially something that's a little more expensive than the norm. Tossing it around is a bit much...but maybe they'll appreciate it more once they're older. :p


Well-known member
I remember being in 7th grade, packing on the dark lipliner w/ pink gloss, and white chola eyeliner!! ha ha ha UGH! I packed on so much BAD makeup there was a point where my friends (guys) would call me the joker, and it wasnt a compliment.

I stopped when my mom got called from school cus I kept on putting it on during class. I lost ALL interest in cosmetics besides just eyeliner, till I was 17!

I would put it on my friends and got compliments, but it wasnt what I wanted at the time. I first discovered MAC at Nordstroms, I was 18 and my husband got some for me, Ive been hooked!

Personally I think its ok for girls to wear makeup freshman year.


Well-known member
That last video makes me cringe. You have to ask yourself where these young girls are getting the money to buy expensive makeup like MAC! I think when I was 8 I had an allowance of like $3 a week or something. o.0

I can understand that girls are getting younger and younger when starting out with makeup and trying to look more adult, I mean look at how society is choosing ever younger role models for these girls and sexualizing basically children. Like all those teen pop singers, etc. They want to look and act like those young celebs....it's a sign of the times, I guess.

I do think it's kind of creepy that an adult would let their 12 year old pre-pubescent daughter make youtube videos. That's not something I would ever allow my child to do.


Well-known member
Wait, were they bought or given to her? She said someone worked for Lancome and she got a lot of makeup from them. But, did you watch her Tut? *DEAD*


Well-known member
I wasn't allowed makeup until I was 17, and only then because I had finished high school and was heading to college.

The reason? My mother!

My mother never wears makeup but spends a lot of time/effort/money on skincare routines. I cannot recall ever seeing so much as a pimple on her face. She claims that the reason she has so few lines and wrinkles is because she never wore makeup and she keeps herself out of the Texas sun by wearing hats.

"Makeup will make you look older before your time" is what she always said. But this is precisely what a 12 year old wants, right?

In the end, she paid for a makeover, full makeup set (foundation, 2 or 3 eyeshadow duos, blush, lipstick and chubbystick, mascara, eyeliner) and the 3-step skincare routine from Clinique a few days before I left for college. I don't know why, but it meant more to me then because I'd waited and had her blessing. I felt more confident and proud of how I looked.

If I have a little girl, she'll get the same advice from me, and I won't let her use makeup until she's at least 16. It's a right of passage as much as anything else.

And my kids will NOT get access to a webcam or cell phone + camera. It creeps me the hell out to see these young kids on youtube.... *shudder*


Well-known member
she only got the smash box e/s for free... but seriously im glad im not the only that finds this weird .. when i was 12 my mom would have killed me if i was into makeup that much and same with my dad. See that pre-pubescent lancome girl is acting like shes 19 .. tsk tsk little girl

Look at this girl its just wrong, and she has an attitude problem to, look at some of her comments in her videos.



Well-known member
That's exactly what I'm talking about right there...girls her age should NOT be on YT. I got permission from my mum to do video reviews to make sure she didn't freak out or anything. And plus...hello, she's 12. How can people encourage her to act [and look] way older than she is?

And for the same reasons as ratmist, my child won't be wearing makeup until she [or he, you never know
] is in high school. Kids are growing up way too fast these days. Have you seen a 14 year old scene kid? *shudder*


Active member
I can't believe that parents are allowing their kids to be on YT like that. 12 year olds should be heavily monitored on the internet...there are so many dangers out there

and I agree, these kids are growing up to fast and you can see it in the way they talk. They think they are grown. So when they are 17 and doing what they want you know where it started. I don't think experimenting with makeup at 12 is so bad...but experimenting and buying mac and showing it on YT is two different things

what ever happened to makeup from claire's acessories??


Well-known member
i remember being 13, and yes i remember wanting to look and BE older! my daughter started wearing lipgloss at 13, and because of acne she started wearing powder foundation at 14. her skin has cleared up beautifully, and now at 15 she's very much into a 'retro 80's' punky look that involves lots of colors of eyeshadow...and yes i let her because i did it too. i was not a slut and neither is she. women are so catty and hateful, and always will be. i dont see anything wrong with the girls in the video, and good for them if at 13 they have MAC