When do you think girls should start wearing makeup?


Well-known member
I was 11 turning 12 when I started using makeup... just the fun stuff though, like e/s and l/g. After a period of bright pinks and purples I toned it down and didn't start using makeup on a daily basis til I was a freshman.
I've liked makeup since I was 10 or so.. if I were a parent I'd let my daughter start at around that age too [with just lipgloss though]. Just nothing pornstarish or anything.


Well-known member
im not sure if any of you have mentioned this girl
YouTube - makeuplover123's Channel

but seriously! and the way she kisses all of her lipglass as she's showing them in her haul vid

JESUS... it says shes 13 but she looks a lil younger, she doesnt even need that makeup for christ sake

i wonder what she will be like by the time she hits 16 and has already had MAC for so long... if that was me i would be bored after a few years

mona lisa

Well-known member
Well, there is wearing it in private and in public.

As far as wearing makeup in public goes, if we are talking about more than a bit of lipstick or nail polish, etc. I think the older the better -say sixteen. Privately and learning a bit about it probably fourteen.

It might sound a bit strange to say that without explaining my reasons but I am concerned we as a society are pushing kids in general to grow up too fast when they should enjoy childhood innocence as long as they can. After all, once it is gone, you do not get it back. And while make-up is fun certainly, there are a lot of other things kids can do for fun which are a lot less expensive.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mona lisa
It might sound a bit strange to say that without explaining my reasons but I am concerned we as a society are pushing kids in general to grow up too fast when they should enjoy childhood innocence as long as they can. After all, once it is gone, you do not get it back. And while make-up is fun certainly, there are a lot of other things kids can do for fun which are a lot less expensive.

That's exactly was I was thinking!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mona lisa
Well, there is wearing it in private and in public.

As far as wearing makeup in public goes, if we are talking about more than a bit of lipstick or nail polish, etc. I think the older the better -say sixteen. Privately and learning a bit about it probably fourteen.

It might sound a bit strange to say that without explaining my reasons but I am concerned we as a society are pushing kids in general to grow up too fast when they should enjoy childhood innocence as long as they can. After all, once it is gone, you do not get it back. And while make-up is fun certainly, there are a lot of other things kids can do for fun which are a lot less expensive.

YES! My son just turned 12 because he's ahead in school he's in class with 14 year old young ladies (note I didn't call them girls), they quite frankly scare me, I was a teen mom and they are more "adult" than I was when I had my son

I'm really glad that I had my son first and I have a 10 year difference between him and my daughter, there is no way I am prepared to mother a tween girl right now.

That said, do the girls on youtube parents know that they are posting videos on there?

Sass E

Well-known member
Our daughter just turned 13 and she's been begging us to wear makeup for a year at least. I am doing with her what my mother did with me. If she wants to wear more than lip glass
and mascara, then we make time before school or an event and I do her make up for her. I do give her colored mascaras, blue, purple as well as brown black..it's fun and honestly it's meant for girls her age and a bit older. My husband and I agree that until she perfects her application techniques, understands color theory and how it applies to her, I'll be doing her make up.

We take a few nights every week and sit in front of my mirrored closet doors and practice together. She tells me what colors she wants to work with and I'll show her how to use and apply them. I don't mind doing this because I'd rather be the one teaching her than the "crazy" looking girls she goes to school with...lol.

As far as branding goes, I do feel that quality is important, but she has to use her own money to build her collection. I recently took her to my MAC counter to purchase her first l/g. She heard me talking about the Viva Glam collection and wanted to make that her first MAC purchase. When the MUA's realized the purchase was for her, they were like..Wow, thank your Mom, this isn't cheap! She said thank you anyway but then said, I'm using my allowance and then they thanked her...LOL..it was cute.

I've been in cosmetic industry for 8 years and with my former client base I ran into this dilemma plenty of times. I gained client loyalty because I didn't suggest too many products and lost some because I didn't suggest enough. In my experience the preferences came from the parent. When making suggestions I would think of my own daughter at that age and suggest what I thought was appropriate. They don't need a full face at any age under 20 in my opinion and even then a tinted moisturizer or a light pressed powder can work just fine. Unless someone has serious skin issues, less is more. Their skin is as beautiful as it will ever be in their life...why suffocate it with a ton of make up.....uugg..lol. If anything they should be babying it with skincare and sunscreen.


Well-known member
I'm 13 almost 14 and I wear a full face and my Mom is fine with it !
Personally mose of the adults wearing make-up on Specktra grew up at a different time then teenagers now so that might be understandable to see why it's considered "young" to most of you .
But I know what I'm doing as to the girls in those YouTube videos obviously don't .
Personally I would rather see a little girl wearing make-up rather than seeing her walking around with barely any material on her body .
To put things easily make-up is nothing but a little confidence booster .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jaclynashley
I'm 13 almost 14 and I wear a full face and my Mom is fine with it !
Personally mose of the adults wearing make-up on Specktra grew up at a different time then teenagers now so that might be understandable to see why it's considered "young" to most of you .
But I know what I'm doing as to the girls in those YouTube videos obviously don't .
Personally I would rather see a little girl wearing make-up rather than seeing her walking around with barely any material on her body .
To put things easily make-up is nothing but a little confidence booster .

I'm 15 and i agree with what you said about makeup being a little confidence booster. but, like most things, when taken to the extreme and makeup and outer appearance becomes what someone RELIES on for confidence, it isn't so good. my concern is that girls are investing more time into their outer appearance than they are in improving who they are as a person, on the inside. and the media isn't helping much (i used to play with figure skating and veterinarian barbies...and now we've got these scantily clad bratz dolls in the hands of 5 yr olds...) all young girls need to know that true beauty comes from the inside.