you REALLY can't trust ANYBODY.


Well-known member
Ho low can you go ??? Jeez man, I swear people teach their kids to do that.. what a shame..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SuSana
Hahahaha I'll be that then.

But seriously am I the only one that thinks it's odd that a random stranger would come up to you and ask for food? I would really be like do I know you?? If the answer to that is no then do not speak to me let alone ask me for food!

*Note that I am not rude whatsoever but if you are acting suspiciously out of nowhere, I'm ignoring you.

Heck no!!! Even the homeless people that have the signs that say ...I will work for food...Try to give them some of your ate off burger...they will look at you like...WTF....You know I didn't really mean that crap right....
Funny they have all changed the *Will Work For Food*
Help, Homeless, Hungry... They want cash not food nor work ....for real....


Well-known member
i'm more alert everywhere i go now. when i go grocery shopping and have my purse in that little baby seat area..i always have my hand on it or stuff over it. sometimes when it's crowded or i need to get into a small area and need to leave the cart..i don't give a rats &ss if i need to walk 2 inches 2 feet or 2 millimeters away i will wear my purse & than put it back.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACLovin
^ Seriously, I don't share when it comes to food [or makeup!]. Unless it's really close friends or family or something, but some random chick in Target? Let's see... uh, NO.

If you're that desperate for food you can have the crust when I'm done with the rest, but that's about it!

lmao @ crust

i hate it when people steal fries off my plate! only my bf gets away with it cos hes like some kinda ninja fries stealer. my mum will be like 'no i dont want any fries' then steal all of mine!! lol

as for the bag stealer i would of beat her with my shoe!!!! lol


Well-known member
I feel bad but this post for some odd reason made me laugh. I am so jaded by people, I have established a "look" specifically for strangers that says back the
off. It's a shame but it works, don't ask me for
people are just too desperate, crazy and foolish for me to try to help. I feel bad but even the bell ringer posted outside of stores gets no love right now. People mistake the spirit of this time of year for ignorance. I am glad your friend and her baby is well.


Well-known member
first, she wouldnt even had gotten a micron of food from my greedy ass, preggo or not. i keep the evil face on so she'd prob be too scared to even approach me lol. and i guess its my New Yorker instinct, but i dont help ANYONE anymore, not a penny, nickle or anything. One time i tried to help this drunk chick who was stumbling, had holes in her stockings and literally fell right on the side of my car, i try and help her and outta nowhere like 7 dudes come around like "we got this" so im like well makes no sense for BOTH of us to get hurt.. but im glad your friend is okay as well as the baby...


Well-known member
that sucks.
at least that creep didn't make off with her purse. Quote:
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Should a random stranger ask for my pizza? Hell. No.

even people i know don't ask for my food. i'm extremely food agressive.


Well-known member
She should have beat with the purse.
Heifer is lucky she didn't get stabbed. . . cause I know if it were me, she would be lucky to have made it out that store alive. Just saying. . .

I have three rules: 1. Don't mess with my family 2. Don't mess with my money 3. Don't mess with my property

Break any of those rules and we've got issues.

I'm glad that your friend and her baby are okay. Hopefully she'll be more dilligent in the future, you can never trust people, especially not strangers. I never leave my purse beside me- it's either in my lap or perched on my knee with my opposite leg crossed over it.


I do believe we all have to be careful and trust out instincts! But, since I believe there are no guarantees I just go ahead and trust and if I'm surprised at least I didn't have the stress of anticipation ;~)

Sucks though, totally


I guess because I'm originally from a small town (never met a real crackhead before I moved to FL), I'll feed anybody. Now b*tch its on if anybody tries to mess with my purse! But I'll spare a slice, or sometimes give someone my change in a fast food restaurant if they are a bit short. I was in Minneapolis last summer and was approached by a woman in a wheelchair when I was waiting for a bus, she asked for cash, I told her I don't carry cash (had some but wasn't about to part with it), then she asked for food, I gave her a bag of trail mix. If you come to my house and leave hungry, its your own fault. But I won't give money.


Things aren't so dangerous here in Greece but I'm so paranoid that I'm ready to kick anyone's ass like that *snap*!


Well-known member
that's insane! it's sad that some people think it's ok to act like this and it's sad that people are so desparate they'd act like this.

but thank goodness your friend and her unborn child are ok and it didn't get violet or anything. i'm always really paranoid about my bag and purse and bits - so bad that i drive my friends insane with my constant panic over where my bag is (i'm always wearing it which is the crazy thing!!!)


Well-known member
I'm so sorry that happened to your friend. but the part that I can't get off my mind is that she asked for a slice of pizza!?

That is so BEYOND weird. wow.


Well-known member
so sorry to hear that happened I was approached in a kfc by two women beggin for food but me and my bf knew right away what they were up to it's hard when they are toying with your emotions and trustful nature, glad your friend is ok


Well-known member
ugh! thats always a sign- when a stanger trys to overly chat u up- i know that sucks u can't just be friendly anymore, but u really do need to watch urself. asking 4 pizza was a red flag imo, chatting isnt always a bad sign but its not normal to ask someone u dont know if u can try their food

doesnt target have tons of cameras? call the police and see if they have her on tape. shes orob done this tons of times and scoped out ur pregnant friend as an easy target!


Well-known member
Ugh, i hate how mistrusting we have to be of people. I think I'm too nice for my own good too, if I was in that situation I probably would've thought "gosh, what a nice girl" lol that is until my bag was stolen
maybe I need to be more of a bitch to strangers

Some people are just disgusting.

"Oh, what kind of pizza is it?" wtf?

Good thing that tramp didn't get away with it though!