How did YOU find


Well-known member
It was one faithful day in January, and I was searching for more info on google about the barbie loves mac collection. And alas, my addiction was born!


Well-known member
I found it by googleing 'makeup tutorials'. Also probably heard a bit about it from makeupalley. I love it here though- I have learnt so much more about MU techniques!


Well-known member
i was google-ing for a tutorial of how to create a simple smokey eye cuz i was going clubbing and found snowkei's tut. i slowly started poking around here and, well...i'm on here at least 2 times a day! LOL


Well-known member
i was searching for how to use mac eyeshadows on google and it led me here. once i started looking around i signed up and i come here everyday.


Well-known member
I saw a picture of faithhopelove24 on another site and they mentioned that she posts here. I have been coming here practically everyday since. Great site!


Active member
basicly my brother got a gorgeous girlfriend who did fab make up and reminded me that before i had a baby i was well into make up,she took me to mac then pointed me in this direction, i havent looked back since- your all so talented and i am addicted to your lots tutorials!- no google included :p


Well-known member
oh man good question!..i was googling for a "how to" something (dont remember)..i saw the specktra link and up comes a picture of SNOWKEI and it was a tut..after i looked at her tut..i looked all around specktra and looooved what i saw and decided to join and here i am...HOOKED!


Well-known member
Someone's Blog had a link to a YouTube Tut on make-up that had a link to and I've been hooked ever since.


Well-known member
I was Googling past MAC color stories and Halloween looks, and Specktra had a decent sized database filled with the former (still doesn't have the latter though, not that I've found.)


Well-known member
Think i googled make up tutorials or mac or both and ended up here. I joined and then didnt come for a while then stumbled across it again and haven't left since. Not sure what i did with my work days before!


Well-known member
I love reading the replies to this thread, and always happy to see it bumped up again. It's fascinating to me how ya'll find the site. Thank you so much for visiting! I really enjoy hosting you here, it's like a MAC social.

Originally Posted by j_absinthe
I was Googling past MAC color stories and Halloween looks, and Specktra had a decent sized database filled with the former (still doesn't have the latter though, not that I've found.)

We're working closely with Jen AKA MAC_Whore to bring you all the looks from past to present.
They will be located in the Gallery section of the site under MAC Face Charts.


Well-known member
i used to go on this website called (like a teenage message boards site, etc) and I was looking at a topic about makeup and someone said "oh you should go to they have a lot of information there"

so I decided to go and i only saw the forum about commonly asked makeup questions (which is closed to new topics) so i got pretty bored and figured "whats the point in having a website if you can't even post anything"

well i revisited some time later and found out that I was just retarded and there was plenty of forums. Sigh...this is now my new favorite website.


Well-known member
I googled it a while back when I was looking for swatches of stuff. It popped up and I had it bookmarked so I could check out pigment swatches and compare when I was buying off e-bay. Then I realized that Specktra also posted release dates for MAC collections, so I started checking the upcoming releases for information. I finally decided to join, well, because I was bored...and I'm glad I did (I just wish I hadn't waited so long). This is a great site!! I love that it's not just dedicated to cosmetics; it's much more multi-dimensional.


Well-known member
like 4 years ago when i first got into MAC thanks to livejournal, i saw some people sometimes mentioned specktra and posted links, so i started lurking and eventually i joined

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