Skinny Jeans--Yay or nay?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cyens
OMG I love mine.

I only wear them in winter, because its 1000 times easyer to fit skinny jeans inside your boots then bootcuts or flares etc.
But I would never wear them otherwise, like with sneaker or sandals, its realy ugly I find. But inside boots, those are the most practical jeans for winter boots ever, hands down!
Edit: I realised I also wear them inside my high-rise kangaroos sneaker.

Everytime I wear my skinny jeans people ask me if I lost weight, I dont see why people say they make you fat? I weight 130lbs by the way!



Well-known member
maybe I have yet to find a good fitting pair, but I am 5'9 and 125 lbs and I think they are not flattering. at all. But if you can work them, go for it I say.


Well-known member
I'm pretty small and skinny (no bones lawl). I don't mind them as long as they fit. If they're less confortable than normal jeans, I don't like them.


Well-known member
LOVE THEM!! i pretty much only wear skinny jeans. I think i have about 14 pairs of jeans. They're all skinniest excluding a trouser jean, 3 flairs, and a baggy style.


Well-known member
I love them on skinny women - I think Nicole Richie and Kate Moss look great in them. I'd wear them if I were skinny enough...some day!


Well-known member
I think for the most part they're not really flattering. They look alright on some very slender women but for the most part, in my opinion, they look just awful on everyone else! I also think that just because someone is slender doesn't mean that they can pull them off.


Well-known member
At first I didn't like them but I do now. I guess it depends what you pair it with. I should know because there are times when I wear a certain top and it doesn't look good. But hey to each it's own you know?


Well-known member
I'm with the others who wear the straight legged jeans. I recently discovered them and find that they flatter my curves! I can't do the skinny skinny though, where the bottoms taper in.


Well-known member
yes, i should have said i wear the straight cut. I just know so many pepole that call both styles skinny.
the ones i own don't taper at the ankle. I did try on a pair of skinnies once... uggh. i looked like i just stepped out of a white snake video. granted they were a disgusting shade of light grey, but still.


i'm not skinny, at all. BUT, i LOVE skinny jeans! i can't imagine myself going back to flares! gross.. IMO. maybe boot cut or straight leg once in a great while. who cares what people think, right? if YOU like it, WEAR it.


Well-known member
Big fat no for me! I have a pear shaped body, I'm skinny on my torso and arms, thin waist with wide hips, butt to fit the hips and large thighs. Skinny jeans only make my thighs, butt and hips look even larger, so for me, it's either straight or jeans widening at the bottom.


Well-known member
Skinny jeans make me look like a waffle cone.

(I don't like how Torrid is pushing them. They don't generally look good on people big enough to shop there. )

kristina ftw!

Well-known member
I love them, and they're the only type of jeans I wear. They're extremely flattering on me, as I am very petite. I think they look fantastic with heels, too!


New member
i love them because i lost 10 lbs after pregnancy and i lost a lil curve, so skinny jeans or pants looks better on me now.


I didn't like skinny jeans at first, but now luv um. It also depends what you wear with it.


I LOVE skinny jeans...I only have one. I want to find a nice black one and a dark jean one! But its hard to find the right fit for me. So Im still on the look out for the perfect skinny jean!


I like how Megan Fox wears her skinny jeans. They look good with wedges or any high heel shoes. I like that you can dress it up or down with skinny jeans.
