Skinny Jeans--Yay or nay?


Well-known member
they dont look good on people that are chubby or overweight.
i could pull them off but i dont think they look very comfterable.

Skinny jeans have been "it" with the punk scene since the begining of punk ive dated a few [more then a few] punk guys and ewww i dont like the look on girls or guys its like huh?

i say no on this trend it was preety much over before it even started


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sabrunka
I adore them. My legs are already super long, but they make my legs look longer. I am 5'11 or so, so I'm pretty tall for a girl, and I'm 118 pounds, so they suit me well. They look nice with a nice low cut pair of boots or sneakers.

Whoa... that's super skinny.


But skinny jeans are still a huge nay for me.


Well-known member
They really, really don't help flatter my shape at all. I'm fairly thin/average sized, 5'2" and 105 lbs, but I have wide hips and a small waist, so they make me look stumpy. Haha. They make my legs look even shorter and make my hips look absurd in comparison to the rest of my body (which, I guess, is an hourglass-esque shape? 34-24-36?).

Boot cut jeans are much more flattering on me, the slight flare at the bottom makes me look more proportional.

I don't think skinny jeans are particularly "new" or anything, I've seen all the trendy indie hipster people wear them for years now. Especially the guys. It's just...weird. In my opinion, you have to naturally be thin and "straight" (aka not curvy, more like shaped like a rectangle) to wear them and have them be flattering.


Well-known member
Skinny jeans look good on skinny girls


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I think it is "design" retribution for that brief shining moment in time when it was trendy to have a big rear

Now they are putting us right back into our places! No! Curvy girls! No fashion for you! lol


Well-known member
I broke out my skinny jeans last night, was a bit cooler out at the car meet I went to...heels and boys jaw was dropppppped!

I love those jeans.


Well-known member
I think they are only flattering on like 15% of the population of women... so yeah, what everyone else said- nay! Can't wait til it goes away =(

Although I can imagine a lot of cute outfits that would require skinny jeans... it's just not going to happen on me... or most of my friends.


Well-known member
skinny jeans look great...on skinny people. if you have a thicker middle or bigger legs, it will make you look much bigger than you are, or desire to look. but i like skinny jeans on the right body type with ballet flats, very cute. i can't wear them, i stick to boot cuts and straight legs, and only in dark washes, they make me look much thinner.


Well-known member
hmm i don't have skinny legs nor am i tall so i wouldn't buy becuz they wouldn't look good on me :p i have a pair of tight jeans so i'll just stop while i'm ahead

but if you can work it then FLAUNT IT!

my fave jeans are the opposite of skinnies --- the AE boyfriend jeans (so roomy and comfy !)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GODDESS
They are super sexy on girls with stick legs.......but they look horrible on girls with real legs
They make your thighs look even bigger!!!

real legs? haha never seen fake legs before, wierd


Well-known member
i love them! i got four pairs this weekend at old navy for $25 each and they don't make my thighs look huge at all (shocking, i know!). I tried a pair on and loved them!

they look cute cuffed with a pair of flats


Well-known member
My second time replying in this thread... They look cute - on teenage girls sans hips.

Still, they are horribly uncomfortable and really, they remind me of grade 7... a place I never want to go back to.


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I have big calves, so I can't wear 'em. I agree that they only look good on slim slim people.


Well-known member
Ew, I hate skinny jeans. I'm 5'1, am slender, but I have a big ol' booty. They make me look stumpy. Skinny jeans don't look good on anyone with a big ol' booty.

I can't wait until they go away.


Well-known member
Enormous YAY from me. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love them on my body.


Well-known member
They make me look like a bowling pin.

I refuse to buy into the different pant style each year - I just get what makes my legs and booty look nice: a fitted hip and bum, with a line that falls straight to my ankle, or, even a slight flare.


Well-known member
They're like a fashion friend-tester.. if you're not sure if your friends are honest with you, go try a pair of skinny jeans on and see what they say....

Given that I have chicken legs (skinny ankles, good calves and muscley thighs), I avoid them..

little teaser

Well-known member
they are cute on certain people and if i found a pair i like that looks good on me i would def wear them im a size zero so baggy clothes dont flater me