Big Brother Anyone??


Well-known member
not to mention he is dumb as f**** seriously...he has lifted out all his brain cells and he probably has a little *** so he has to act macho to compensate for his short comings

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
OMG...CONTINOUSLY...I almost pee'd my pants! He did it so early with such an attitude too. You know he was thinking...I got this.
I don't understand why they didn't just collect all the letters they could and then figure out what to spell. Have they not played Scrabble before??

What the heck is Russell's beef? He friggin' just started yelling at Jeff and then Natalie joins the fray. Wow...way too much testosterone on that team (yes I include Natalie with that too). Testosterone; maybe they should have spelled that.


Well-known member
you are correct...good I can go shopping tomorrow

Tuesdays at 9pm ET/PT, Thursdays & Sundays at 8pm ET/PT


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Who do we think is going, Braden or Chima.

I personally want Braden, I can see Chima getting on their nerves another week.


Well-known member
I only like two people on the show at this moment: Lydia and Kevin.

I want Lydia to go all the way because I want to see her makeup looks and I like her as a person, so far.


Well-known member
He is the one I want gone the most...he is such a Flake.....Always one in every episode...Just walking around keeping up Shit...He is the Jerry of the Bunch lol


Well-known member
At this point (i know it's early) but i basically can't stand almost all of them!
I think I can only stand some of them because they are laying low and haven't had a lot of camera time.
I thought I liked Kevin and Lydia before tonight...drama queen vindictive little babies.

ugh that was just an annoying 42 minutes (fast fwd through commercials) was almost as painful to watch as Dance Your Ass Off (I do NOT recommend this show in any way, shape, or form!).
I don't know if i can stick with it this season

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
I'm thinking right now that Michele and Jeff are kind of my faves. I did like Lydia & Kevin until Lydia lied to Braden and made a great big huge stink about it and then started yelling at everyone! I'll keep Kevin on my like list for now as he was just protecting Lydia and trusted what she said.

I dislike Jessie, Russell, Ronnie & Natalie the most; they just seem to be mean spirited people. Plus I don't think that the BB house is big enough for both Russell's and Jessie's egos. I mean one with no sleeves all the time and the other with his shirt open...I think I threw up a little when I saw them!!


Well-known member
I dislike Lydia, Jessie, Natalie, Russel and Ronnie as well.....Ohhh Natlalie is really a thorn in my side


Well-known member
lol i think Casey or whatever his name is the most annoying one out of the bunch ..... he's a 30 something grade 5 teacher and he acts like he's a G wearing his hat sideways most of the time can some1 tell him thats not cute


Well-known member
I missed it tonight so i will have to catch it later...I have the hardest time watching it on Sunday's we are always out and about on the weekends....

Dear BB...can you come on M, W and Thursday...we have a life on the weekends lol....

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Seriously Ronnie is so annoying...I just want to smack him. Although I do like his plan to backdoor Russell as I don't like him either!

Casey reminds me of Mike Boogie from another season...with the clothes and the hats...I mean come on!

Jeff better not go home as he is the nicest thing to look at on that show.


Well-known member
Seriously, Chima has to go. Ronnie is telling his gameplan to ev1, so he will be going, he is becoming a sitting duck.

and yes jeff is take home to your mama hot while jessie and Russell are freakshow hot.


Well-known member
The lipstick Lydia is rocking during POV competition is pretty.

Ronnie is stupid. Lydia is pretty and Jordan is dumb. That is what I took away from episode so far.


Well-known member
CBS does such a horrible job editing all of a sudden Jordan is up on the block randomly ??? Has anybody been following the live feeds after Ronnie put Jordan up he has locked himself up in the hoh room for like 4 days, only to come out and go to the DR lol..

I actually like Jordan ....


Well-known member
Chim Sham and Ronnie get on my nerves worse than Jesse and that is pretty much borderline ...Hate their asses right now


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissCrystal
CBS does such a horrible job editing all of a sudden Jordan is up on the block randomly ??? Has anybody been following the live feeds after Ronnie put Jordan up he has locked himself up in the hoh room for like 4 days, only to come out and go to the DR lol..

I actually like Jordan ....

Spoiler Alert:

The gig is up on Ronnie. He promised ev1 to put up Russell but didn't at the last minute after Jessie and Natalie convinced him not to. So after the change, ev1 started comparing notes and came to the conclusions that most of the lies directed at each other came from Ronnie. So ev1 has decided to stop talking to him (which I think is childish) but that's where I am at in the feeds. And Jessie promised he would get rid of Russell but noone said "no you can't b/c you are on the same team".