Do MAC MA's REALLY hate it when we return things?


The return stickers sound like a good idea, but I have yet to see them here in Canada. It would definitely make things easier if you can't hold onto your receipts. But on the other hand, I think it also would result in higher volumes of returns/exchanges, which in turn might drive up retail prices.

As for the B2M, they ring it into the register but the receipt says something like "Recycling program"...or something of that sort, I can't remember exactly. So even though it doesn't state "B2M" exactly on the receipt, you can still tell it was a B2M.

But back to your topic about your return...I definitely agree with Ruby_Roo who posted below you. If your friend purchased it with her pro discount, she should be the one returning it with the receipt. It's just more honest and less deceiving. It's already a bonus that you were able to get a discount without having a pro membership yourself, so returning it without a receipt is just taking advantage, imo.

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I think that it also depends A LOT on the MA that is assisting you that day. Some are very nice about it and will do it for you while others may not like to and give you some problems about it. Or down right refuse to do it and make up some weird reason to despite store policy stating otherwise or not mentioning their "reason". It depends on the person really.

But I think that since they started putting those return stickers on products, returns have been made much easier since they contain information on when the item was purchased and stuff. Last time I was at the MAC counter hanging out and talking to the MA's there, there were quite a few returns and there were no problems at all. Cause they just scan the bar code of the item, and the bar code on the return sticker and the receipt if the person had it with them.

Up until last summer, we didn't get to keep the boxes for our B2M l/s. They would scan it in the register, do a price modify I guess? and change the price from $14 to $0. It doesn't say anything about B2M on the receipt just the item # and the modified price. Then they would marker over the label on the bottom of the l/s and just give it to us. Now they still do all of that and just X out the box and let us keep it all.



Well-known member
Currently, I have made good friends with many of the m/up artists. They truly go above and beyond to help me make the right purchases. I have not had any problems returning a product at all. The beautiful ladies and gentlemen that currently work at MAC now that I know really want me to be satisfied with the product and give honest feedback to me about products. I value their expertise & their talents so much.

I have haven't had to make many returns, but I will always bring the receipt and the box to make the transaction go faster for them. Also, I will bring back the product promptly.

I love my MAC m/up artists. They really are sweethearts.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
I agree the one month should be the limit when returning items.
However, the 182 brush story is an exception.
I've had my 182 for 3 years now and a couple of months ago, it completely started shedding. I mean like chunks of hair coming out.
And guess what?
My sister's 182 is shedding like crazy as well.

Sorry to say, but that is a problem with the product and it's manufacturing. If someone brought back a brush that looks like my sad and dying 182, than I would gladly take it back, no bill needed.
MAC needs to be aware with manufacturing problems. Especially in the case of brushes, the problems arise months after the product is purchased.

3 years though? electrical goods only have 1 year guarante.


Well-known member
Yes but a brush of that cost, which should last *a lifetime* (i use that expression loosely) shouldn't be falling apart after 3 years. I think a warranty on brushes would be good, but difficult to police because there's no way of detecting when brushes have been abused/not subject to adequate care.


Well-known member
Thing is.. Brushes are going to shed, it's what happens... They are made with hair. I don't think ANYTHING will stop a brush from shedding.... Three years is a LONG time, and by that time most brushes get worn out (depending on usage) so a return after that long is just... A no in my mind.


Well-known member
Shedding, yes. Clumps of hair, no.

Though I'm saying all this...I'd prob call it a day and buy a new one....but that's more to save myself the trouble rather than feeling like i don't have a right to complain....


Well-known member
If you return an unused product, does it have to be thrown away? I occasionally buy something after trying it on at the counter, put it aside for a day or two and then look at it again and decide "Yeah, I want to use this" or "No, I wouldn't use this." Now I feel terrible, if they have to throw it away even if I didn't use it...once or twice I've returned something without even opening the box. The MAs have always been very nice about it, too. Usually I do an exchange when I return something though, so maybe that's why they don't mind as much?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JustDivine
Yes but a brush of that cost, which should last *a lifetime* (i use that expression loosely) shouldn't be falling apart after 3 years. I think a warranty on brushes would be good, but difficult to police because there's no way of detecting when brushes have been abused/not subject to adequate care.

MAC and others justify the prices of the brushes by saying it will last you "forever." Three years doesn't even dent what a makeup lifetime should be for a brush. I do agree that after three years a store should not have to take back a product, but they should stop making claims about the quality of the brushes (thus justifying the price) if they are not willing to back them up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kayley123
If you return an unused product, does it have to be thrown away? I occasionally buy something after trying it on at the counter, put it aside for a day or two and then look at it again and decide "Yeah, I want to use this" or "No, I wouldn't use this." Now I feel terrible, if they have to throw it away even if I didn't use it...once or twice I've returned something without even opening the box. The MAs have always been very nice about it, too. Usually I do an exchange when I return something though, so maybe that's why they don't mind as much?

All returns get damaged out, opened or unopened. Returned brushes get made into testers if they're unused.

Now if I ring someone up fpor something and they haven't walked away from me and change their mind, I know for a fact they haven't opened it. In that sitiation I'll return in and put it back on the shelf. But if they've left my sight, it gets damaged out. You can't always tell if its been opened, used, or what its been exposed to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dayjoy
MAC and others justify the prices of the brushes by saying it will last you "forever." Three years doesn't even dent what a makeup lifetime should be for a brush. I do agree that after three years a store should not have to take back a product, but they should stop making claims about the quality of the brushes (thus justifying the price) if they are not willing to back them up.

At my counter we never use the word "forever" when talking about brushes.
we say "as long as you take of your brushes and clean them like you should, you shouldn't have to replace them. I've had my personal brushes for __ number of years and they're still going strong." Sadly mac doesn't tell us what to say when talking about brushes and some people use misleading words.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
All returns get damaged out, opened or unopened. Returned brushes get made into testers if they're unused.

Now if I ring someone up fpor something and they haven't walked away from me and change their mind, I know for a fact they haven't opened it. In that sitiation I'll return in and put it back on the shelf. But if they've left my sight, it gets damaged out. You can't always tell if its been opened, used, or what its been exposed to.

Thanks for answering me! Though now I feel bad...


Well-known member
I don't work for MAC (wish I did), but it helps when a customer smiles and is polite because (I don't know if this is the same for other countries), in the UK, a store doesn't HAVE to return anything, it is at the store's discression/courtesy etc (or however you spell that), so I HATE IT when customers come in, kicking up a fuss and claiming 'customer's rights', actually you don't HAVE the right to return anything, it is at the store's discression, learn the law! Be polite, smile and we will return it with a smile, after offering an exchange of course! Kick up a fuss and we won't be happy!

At my store we have a 14day refund policy, it used to be 28 days but because of the credit crunch/recession etc it was changed to 14 days to try and keep profit in the store. Did that make sense? I'm rubbish at explaining what I'm thinking haha
So I also hate it when people come in after 28days trying to return an item, sorry can't do it, we can offer you an exchange but can't return.

What I DO hate, is when people bring back items from other House of Fraser stores and return it at my counter.. Obviously I still smile but it goes AGAINST my counter's sales, we had one lady who had shopped in London, House of Fraser and returned it at my counter (in Manchester), she returned over a £100 worth of items and I couldn't help thinking, "OMG, I have to work EXTRA hard now to pull back that £100 that the counter has lost".

Hmm. I personally hate returning any of my items I have bought.. Just because I know how frustrating returns can be, and the fact we have to throw the lovely products away

But yeah, if you smile it really does go a long way.. we've been stood up for 9 hours in bright lights and air conditioning/heating.. it's a hard job!

Rant over


Well-known member
I personally dislike returning things to any store. I think maybe it is genetic or my own personal laziness.
My daddy does not like to make returns either. If we purchase something we dislike, we just live with it or if necessary, donate it.
This helps us think twice about making purchases on impulse or whim. I am proud to say I have never returned any of my MAC purchase products. Yay!


My mom would always buy things and return them and the manager of that store told me how they really don't like having to throw things out. But then again, my mom returns things ALL THE TIME and I would probably have been slightly annoyed too.


Well-known member
I'm a huge environmental enthusiast and ecology science follower in college now. It makes my heart ache when all that plastic and product is being wasted when there's nothing wrong with it.

I always make it clear that I don't like being pressured to buy things when I'm contemplating getting something and the associates respect that. What I buy, I keep. If it was a bad choice financially, I just don't buy anything new that I don't absolutely need for the next couple of months.

I think the return/exchange policy should be more strict.


Well-known member
MAC stores say that they require a receipt or you must be in the system and the item must be tracked under your name. But there has to be a way around it bc not to long ago, I purchased something at a MAC store out of town and lost my receipt. I took it to the store by me and they couldn't find it under me name. I have a looonnnggg last name so I figured that when I was out of town, they screwed up my name so the MA let me exchange it. I think its just a matter of how strict the store is. Some people just take advantage of return policies and I'm sure it gets really annoying after awhile! Although, I'm not saying that the case with any of us. Just sharing an experience =]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sabrunka
I have to admit that I really don't approve of you returning a brush after SIX MONTHS?!?!?!?! Holy crap, that reminds me of when I worked at a purse store.. A lady used her Guess purse for 8 months, came back with her receipt and the buckle SLIGHTLY tarnished.. barely noticable, and demanded her money back (about 120$) umm excuse me lady.. You used that for over half a year... 1) tarnishing is GONNA happen, its what buckles do... 2) Our return policy states that no returns are accepted after 2 months (if damages are done 2 months or later, its from regular use..)

I mean, if you returned your brush maybe a month after buying it, sure.. But half a year??? Umm..

The thing shed like crazy from the beginning. I expected it to stop with some use and washing. Since it is such a dense brush, I really thought that it would eventually stop shedding. It didn't. My cheaper kabukis didn't shed like that one. I really think that the one I got was defective.

In my case, I don't think that it's better to have returned it a week or two after I got it, since shedding may have been on par with a new brush (loose bristles that didn't get glued in), and that with use it would have stopped. This has happened to me with brushes before...a little shedding at first, but then nothing after a couple of washings.

I wanted to make sure I had a lemon before I returned it and they trashed it. And I didn't return it for money back, I EXCHANGED it for a non-defective brush.

I don't regret exchanging the brush after such a long time. I'm sorry, but a $50+ kabuki should not shed all over my face every time I use it!


Well-known member
The only gripe I have is when the MUA asks, "AAhhh, why are you returning this? It's beautiful/wonderful/rare, etc." It makes me feel like I have to justify why I don't like something.


Well-known member
this morning i had a girl come in to return makeup that she bought as her $50 purchase requirement.
$119! now this pisses me off! so for our noon reading, after my sales, we were -$10.

needless to say we will now be marking receipts and boxes for appt. purchases to show it can't be returned.


Well-known member
I had to return a bunch of makeup i had just bought awhile back so we could get our car fixed.. we were like $100 short and it was the only option at the time. I felt bad for the ma that helped me b/c i knew it would make her sales drop, she was really nice and helpful, but at the same time the car was a major necessity..spending nearly a grand on that sucked! but they were nice about it and i'd paid in cash, so there was no way to "track" me. Serial returners on the other hand...not cool to use until your bored then take it back, that is like stealing basically. If i don't like something THAT much like a foundation broke me out horribly or something that gives a bad reaction, then i'll take back so maybe they can note it with mac and improve their formula. If i'm not digging the color, i just sell it to someone on here that wants it, so it won't be trashed.