Have you ever wanted to kidnap someone, redo their make-up then return them?!


Well-known member
theres a woman that lives at the end of my road...shes in her 60s and she dresses like a 20yr old like short skirts, tops etc...not in a good way, shes pretty mental n likes 2 go out n get drunk n stuff too! lol...she also sports the orange face


Well-known member
one of my closest and dearest friends had JACKED-UP eyebrows. They are too thin and curved into a skinny line to make her look permanently surprised. I love her to pieces and I've tried to hint that she may want to fix them, but apparently they make her happy. So, I figure if she loves 'em, I can live with 'em.

Another good friend of mine has decided to fill in her brows with orange eye shadow.

Not that it is really a crime...but my ex-boyfriend used to wear "guyliner" Yeah some guys look hot with it, he did look rather yummy with a touch of black liner...for a while. You see, he was an Aussie punk-rocker dude.
But something went wonky (with his liner and the relationship) and he ended up looking like he lost a fight every morning. The liner slowly dripped down his face and up into his brows. I think he forgot how to wash his face and bathe in general. icky.

As far as random people: I'm in college. I see weirdos with wonky makeup everyday.


Well-known member
Pretty much everyday on the train to work I see people that I think, "Oh this would be a great person to do a makeover on!" lol

Or I stare at teenage girls with beautiful, flawless skin and want to tell them to always wear sunscreen and don't go tanning because they'll regret it later!!

Once I saw a group of 3 teenage girls and they were all dark orange/brown. I can't believe their parents let them tan that much (it wasn't self-tanner.)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iadoremac
Where I come from a lot of woment fill their brows with ........... wait for it........... red lip liner. I dont know where that came from and it annoys me

RED liner???!!!@@%% LOLOLOL


Well-known member
There is this girl that come into my work, Foundation MASK (covers everything, lips eyebrows the lot) then has these weird very round blush circles in hot pink. No mascara nothing it looks horrible. The thing is I'm fairly certain under all that she would be quite stunning.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Diva
I totally agree: every singleday!!! this sounds hypocritical, because I've done it before, but this girl in my class always comes in with 3 stripes of color on her lids, or justs uses the colors from a HIP duo and doesn't blend it! ugh.

To each his own, she probably thinks it looks good. That's what's cool about makeup there are so many ways to wear it what looks good to you may not to another. Who's right and who's wrong? I don't think there is such a thing as a makeup crime. It should be all about what makes you happy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brie
The thing is I'm fairly certain under all that she would be quite stunning.

That's the part that kills me


Well-known member
UGHHHHH this is so funny cuz i do this all the time then i feel bad lol

BUtt... there is this girl on campus she is very very light skin and she wears super orange foundation seriously sometimes i think she does it on porpose its so bad and its very cake faced!! liike you can tell from far away like she put 97687569 diff powders on her face.... then there is like this 2 streaks of VERYYY PINK blushhh hahah i just wanna sit her down and explain blending a bit!!


Well-known member
There is these girls in my college class and omg one of them has a really orange shiny face its discusting dripping with glitter, the other one weres black and white eyeshadow not blended up to her browbone? Foundation on really dry scabby lips horrible!! its weird though because I do make-up artistry in college and they havent got a clue lol.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
yes, I think about this all the time. I have a half Indian-half Philippino friend that either doesn't wear makeup, or when she does, it's all the wrong shades. Her foundation is always too light on her and she wears pastel-y type colours that do nothing for her IMO.

She's a gorgeous girl though and would be the perfect canvas for me
only I don't know how to approach her on the subject :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
yes, I think about this all the time. I have a half Indian-half Philippino friend that either doesn't wear makeup, or when she does, it's all the wrong shades. Her foundation is always too light on her and she wears pastel-y type colours that do nothing for her IMO.

She's a gorgeous girl though and would be the perfect canvas for me
only I don't know how to approach her on the subject :/

Since she's your friend, would it be too far fetched to have makeover night? I've done this w/ my friends just b/c it was fun, but it seems like the perfect excuse to use in this case. We rented a movie, made some margaritas, and went to town on each other's faces. Then, you can tell her about the colors and foundation shades as you do it.... maybe.


Well-known member
mm no i've never felt that way .. i just think that whatever makeup look a random girl on the street is wearing is her unique way of expressing ..
but to be honest over here you don't really see many girls wearing makeup everyday not even lipgloss U___U. so i don't really see disasters :p lol
what i do feel like doing sometimes is wondering how a certain person would look with makeup on


Well-known member
My oldest sister has never, yes I said never, plucked her eyebrows. It physically hurts me not to say anything. They are like two fur coats hanging above her lids. OH MY GOD I HATE IT. But, alas, I love her so I don't say anything. Besides, last time I did she basically told me to go to hell.


Well-known member
Dude, you don't even know! I have it all planned out.
I isolate the victim in a small, secluded are like an alley. I whack them over the head with a baseball bat leaving them unconcious.
A few hours later, they wake up in the middle of a grassy field in a daze with their shirt inside out, their hair tangled in twigs and drenched in vomit, but their makeup looking fabulous...

Don't worry, I'm seeing a therapist.


Well-known member
lmao!!!!!!!!!! thats so funny ^^^

i know what some people are saying 'each to their own ...if they like it then its fine' im not suggesting we go out n openly go up to strangers and hate on their make up or openly take the mickey out of them...just saying 'if you COULD do that without offending anyone and they would like it WOULD you want to"

its always the pretty ones that i think 'aawww you would look so cute IF..." lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iadoremac
Where I come from a lot of woment fill their brows with ........... wait for it........... red lip liner. I dont know where that came from and it annoys me

I fill in my brows with red lol well more like a brick color. My hair is bright red though, it matches.

as far as makeup goes, girls around here don't wear that much mu, they just sport a leathery orange face and crappy eyeliner. Even some of the MAC employees here are guilty of that. Yay for living in a fashion dump


Well-known member
No but I have wanted to just rip my compact mirror out of my purse and put it in their face and say...Do you honestly see what I see, and if so Why????


Well-known member
^lol tish... seriously. some people I just want to ask.."do you own a mirror?" holy crap..

Funny thread, I think about this alot. Not that I like to criticize people for their 'artistic expression' if you can even call it that sometimes, but damn. some people just look like their makeup bag threw up on their face