How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

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Well-known member
You shouldn't take the commenting things to heart, when you are new here you don't get as much comments but as you become a regular, you'll get more comments so i wouldn't worry about that. As for CC, if you ask for it then you get it and if you don't like it just ignore it or don't ask for it again. However grooming your eyebrows would make your eyes pop more so would the eye liner.

I like your blending skills and colour combinations.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shootout
No offense, but I think it's just plain rude to ask for CC and then bitch about what people are saying. If you don't like it, don't do it, but don't complain about what people are suggesting. CC is all about personal preferences.

UMmm....I haven't asked for any CC's. I didn't ask anyone to give me any criticism, constructive or not, on my looks.
-I mentioned the CC in regards to posts where I've seen 'other' people requesting CC's and not getting any.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LilSphinx
UMmm....I haven't asked for any CC's. I didn't ask anyone to give me any criticism, constructive or not, on my looks.
-I mentioned the CC in regards to posts where I've seen 'other' people requesting CC's and not getting any.

By just -posting- your fotd, id aasking for CC.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LilSphinx
UMmm....I haven't asked for any CC's. I didn't ask anyone to give me any criticism, constructive or not, on my looks.
-I mentioned the CC in regards to posts where I've seen 'other' people requesting CC's and not getting any.

No...But you are posting and basically complaining that people don't comment more on your fotd's ....Do you want them to comment just to comment so you will get lots of posts on your thread...I guess I don't understand the whole moral of what it is you are looking for with your statements? Honestly as with any fotd..most people comment on the ones they really like...think are special, great color combos, etc. Just because it's pretty to you does not mean it will be pretty to everyone else...and just because they hate it...many others may love it...Please you and don't worry about if you are pleasing others. And if you are not worried about it...why the complaint about not getting comments??

Originally Posted by Efionawade
By just -posting- your fotd, id aasking for CC.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by LilSphinx
UMmm....I haven't asked for any CC's. I didn't ask anyone to give me any criticism, constructive or not, on my looks.
-I mentioned the CC in regards to posts where I've seen 'other' people requesting CC's and not getting any.

I'm not sure if you are saying you are not asking for CC on just this look, but on almost every other one of your looks (if not all of them), you HAVE asked for people's thoughts & CC's??


Well-known member
ONE: omg, seriously?!?
TWO: I wonder why no one would comment you?
and THREE: having arched, well groomed, shaped brows ENHANCES YOUR FACE. No one is trying to conform you to their little "clique".

If people have commented you, and it's not what you want to hear. Like you said WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS. We all like different things.. some like winged liner, some like thin eyebrows. We don't all look the same, we are all very different.. The only thing we all have in common, is we love make up, we are POSITIVE human beings and the negative people will always, well not feel to have 'fit in'.

I love this place, I come here to share my looks, to look for looks, to hear GREAT feedback, Feedback I don't like to hear but learn from or just nod at and forget it. It's the internet, don't let people's words bother you.

PS. I like the last look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LilSphinx
UMmm....I haven't asked for any CC's. I didn't ask anyone to give me any criticism, constructive or not, on my looks.
-I mentioned the CC in regards to posts where I've seen 'other' people requesting CC's and not getting any.

As a matter of fact, you have asked for CC, that's why I myself made suggestions previously. Also, asking someone "what they think" is pretty much the same as asking for CC.

ETA: I just looked through some (not all) of your past FOTDs, and you asked for CC on every single one that I looked at. I'm not attacking you, just simply stating that you have indeed asked for CC.

Originally Posted by Efionawade
By just -posting- your fotd, id aasking for CC.


Originally Posted by TISH1127
No...But you are posting and basically complaining that people don't comment more on your fotd's ....Do you want them to comment just to comment so you will get lots of posts on your thread...I guess I don't understand the whole moral of what it is you are looking for with your statements? Honestly as with any fotd..most people comment on the ones they really like...think are special, great color combos, etc. Just because it's pretty to you does not mean it will be pretty to everyone else...and just because they hate it...many others may love it...Please you and don't worry about if you are pleasing others. And if you are not worried about it...why the complaint about not getting comments??


Originally Posted by MACATTAK
I'm not sure if you are saying you are not asking for CC on just this look, but on almost every other one of your looks (if not all of them), you HAVE asked for people's thoughts & CC's??



Well-known member
i like ur looks! not everyone needs to do the winged eye liner! Who said wearing it is against the law??? right? I easier for some ppl to be negative then to give compliments. BE YOU!!! u look hot!


Well-known member
I'm going to clarify my feelings here once more and then I'm done with this post. Please just let this go. I'm really wishing I'd never posted this in the first place.
-I did not post what I said with the intention of offending anyone or putting anyone's style or technique down. Perhaps I worded what I said wrongly, but I apologize.

I greatly enjoy this site, hence why I keep coming back more than once a day, every day. I don't want to make 'enemies' or get banned from this site. Not my intention.

Yes, I was upset over the lack of replies/comments/compliments I was getting for my FotD posts vs. others. I come on here every day and see other people who have worse, less 'put together', as well as, better makeup than I do and both get lots of comments, why should I not want to be able to come on here and be greeted by equal amounts of comments? We are all "stroking" eachother's egos by complimenting eachother on our makeup. Sometimes I feel like I need mine stroked and it's disappointing and frustrating when I don't get many comments or even views.

I mentioned the e/l and eyebrows because those are the two main features I see complimented/commented upon 'the' most. Also, bold black e/l and filled in or painted on brows happen to be a feature I see featured in many of these FotD's. I do not subscribe to either of those 'styles', so I took it as possibly being part of the reason I wasn't getting as many compliments/comments. -Which I viewed as unfair.

I do not agree that by posting my pics. that I am automatically asking for CC's. I've seen many FotD's that are posted with and without any "What do you think?" comments and no one offers a CC for those looks. But then, transversely, I have seen various FotD's that specifically request CC's. Some times it's given. If I wanted CC's then I would have specifically requested them, which I have not done at any point.

I still feel that there is a 'clique' feeling to this forum, as well as, one of elitism. Alot of people who post their FotD's using drug-store brands (mainly), do not get as much attention or comments as those using (mostly) HE brands. That's really wrong. Makeup is makeup and some drugstore brands are just as good in quality, if not better, than some HE brands. A 'look' is a 'look', it shouldn't matter which brands were used, only how well the 'look' has turned out.

Honestly, it all comes down to fairness. That's all I've asked for. Give everyone a fair chance on here, don't 'just' gravitate to those you know. Be honest, give the CC's when and where they are specifically requested.
I understand that not everyone has alot of time on here, something that I honestly neglected to take into consideration earlier.

I'm going to end this here before I ramble on any further. I am sorry if I offended anyone and if I pissed anyone off.

To those who have been supportive and polite, thank you very much. I appreciate your maturity in your replies.

Thank you to all who took the time to read and comment, regardless of the outcome.


Well-known member
You have asked for CC in previous posts but i won't dwell on it.

I don't understand the comment about using drug store items but that could be because X cosmetics are more widely known so we can see where that particular eye shadow is placed etc..At least that's how it works for me. I like to see X items used because i sometimes identify where it is used and i could use that colour combo.

Keep up the good work, i always look at the FOTD section for inspiration. Just remember the more you post the more comments you get, it's always like that with new members.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LilSphinx
I don't want to make 'enemies' or get banned from this site. Not my intention.

Oh please. Do you seriously think you would be banned for making a post like this?

You're welcome to comment on how you perceive the give and take of FOTD commenting, but cut back on the hand-to-forehead hyperbole.


Well-known member
Please look at your previous posts, you have asked for CC specifically in a few, and "What do you think?" in almost all the others. Those are the SAME thing. Asking for CC isn't a bad thing, just admit it when you do.

As it was stated before, posting your FOTD is asking for CC. Many of us post our looks to get feedback on how well or how badly we did. If you're asking for comments, but not asking for CC, it seems as though you're simply asking us to tell you how pretty you look, etc. I know that happens a lot on here, but really, that's not what a FOTD post is supposed to be.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LilSphinx
I'm going to clarify my feelings here once more and then I'm done with this post. Please just let this go. I'm really wishing I'd never posted this in the first place.
-I did not post what I said with the intention of offending anyone or putting anyone's style or technique down. Perhaps I worded what I said wrongly, but I apologize.

I greatly enjoy this site, hence why I keep coming back more than once a day, every day. I don't want to make 'enemies' or get banned from this site. Not my intention.

Yes, I was upset over the lack of replies/comments/compliments I was getting for my FotD posts vs. others. I come on here every day and see other people who have worse, less 'put together', as well as, better makeup than I do and both get lots of comments, why should I not want to be able to come on here and be greeted by equal amounts of comments? We are all "stroking" eachother's egos by complimenting eachother on our makeup. Sometimes I feel like I need mine stroked and it's disappointing and frustrating when I don't get many comments or even views.

I mentioned the e/l and eyebrows because those are the two main features I see complimented/commented upon 'the' most. Also, bold black e/l and filled in or painted on brows happen to be a feature I see featured in many of these FotD's. I do not subscribe to either of those 'styles', so I took it as possibly being part of the reason I wasn't getting as many compliments/comments. -Which I viewed as unfair.

I do not agree that by posting my pics. that I am automatically asking for CC's. I've seen many FotD's that are posted with and without any "What do you think?" comments and no one offers a CC for those looks. But then, transversely, I have seen various FotD's that specifically request CC's. Some times it's given. If I wanted CC's then I would have specifically requested them, which I have not done at any point.

I still feel that there is a 'clique' feeling to this forum, as well as, one of elitism. Alot of people who post their FotD's using drug-store brands (mainly), do not get as much attention or comments as those using (mostly) HE brands. That's really wrong. Makeup is makeup and some drugstore brands are just as good in quality, if not better, than some HE brands. A 'look' is a 'look', it shouldn't matter which brands were used, only how well the 'look' has turned out.

Honestly, it all comes down to fairness. That's all I've asked for. Give everyone a fair chance on here, don't 'just' gravitate to those you know. Be honest, give the CC's when and where they are specifically requested.
I understand that not everyone has alot of time on here, something that I honestly neglected to take into consideration earlier.

I'm going to end this here before I ramble on any further. I am sorry if I offended anyone and if I pissed anyone off.

To those who have been supportive and polite, thank you very much. I appreciate your maturity in your replies.

Thank you to all who took the time to read and comment, regardless of the outcome.

Your above post came of as sarcastic.

You keep saying that you have not asked for CC but you have on previous looks maybe you should go back and refresh your memory.
Plus like some people have already said just posting a FOTD you opening yourself up for CC wether you've asked for it or not, don't take it personally what some people don't like others love, bottom line is if your not prepered for it, don't post FOTD.

You mention the thin eyebrows and winged liner as something you would never do and guess what that's cool but people are not trying to change you they are just giving their opinion on what "they" think would would make you looks even better.

Saying that post views are based on what's popular and "the same" is complete and utter bullshit, I've been on this board for years and even though I don't post near as much as I used to I never seen that to be the case ever.
Sure some people have they favourite but that's because they've probaly followed that person for ages, you don't gain a fan instantly it takes time for your name to be known. When I browse the FOTD forum I tend to look at the one were the title catches my eye or people who's name I reccognise but I very rarely comment just because I feel it's a little redundant to say the same thing as everyone else as said, doesn't mean I don't like it.

I mean you sounding like you just want you post views and comments number to go up, like what's the point in that? Do you want hundreds of "that's nice" comments just for the sake of posting?

Also just because you don't like the winged liner and thinner brows doesn't mean that other people don't too, I do winged liner and I guess comparing them to yours my brows are on the thin side does that make me a "clone"?
Also do you really for one second care what people think about your make-up? If it makes you happy who cares what people think or what people comment.

You mention looks done using high end brands get more comments and views, rubbish, at the end of the day if someone likes your look it as nothing to do with which shop the make up as come from.

If you really love Specktra don't bitch about the amount of views your getting, it's not a popularity contest, it's a place to share your looks and your knowledge and maybe learn a thing or two on the way.


Well-known member
As a forum community owner myself, I can honestly say that when you post your pictures on the internet, you open yourself up for comments, both good and bad whether you ask for them or not.

The community that I run is a car forum, but the same thing happens there. Unfortunately, not everyone is going to like everything that everyone does one hundred percent; it just does not happen. We see the same kind of posts, people showing off their cars but hoping only for positive feedback, but the internet is about free speech, so some negative, or CC will always be received. It is just the nature of the beast, and I know that you get that part.

Fortunately, everyone on this forum is much nicer than our member base (98% male!). Even when people offer criticism here, it is generally not mean spirited and made with the honest intent of helping others better their looks.

It is always the case that more senior members or members with more significant post counts receive more attention, partially because they are more active but as newer members post and participate more they begin to gather more views and replies.

At the end of the day, as long as you are happy with your makeup looks and application, what anyone else thinks is irrelevant - of course it is always nice to have that ego stroke now and again, but as long as you are happy with your work that is all that matters!

Keep on posting your work...I do enjoy viewing your FOTDs.


Well-known member
Sphinx, you're gorgeous, you always have been, and you are a master with a brush and a little shimmer. You don't need anyone else to tell you that.

I myself am the person she spoke of where I have spent a while asking and asking for comments and critiques and got nothing. Nothing at all. Not until my later posts after I BEGGED for help did people start sharing their ideas. It bothered and frustrated me to great ends that no one could take the time to tell me what I could be doing wrong, or share their insite as to what they would have done differently. Thanks to those few who DID begin to post on my last few attempts, I've gotten better. Let me tell you, it took a bit of work to get anyone to say anything about it.

Frankly, page one and half of page two were nice. People were mature, positive and just plain said "Don't let it bother you". But when people started tossing around "Bitch" "dumb" and "Bullshit"... it's becomes offensive. None of you here know Sphinx like I do, and dispite her saying she meant no ill intent on how she came across, she's still accused of being sarcastic. Let me tell you this, and listen up good. This woman has a heart of pure damn gold. Sarcasm has no place in her life, she simply says what she feels. Now some in this post can't help themselves to say that she's full of it?

Think hard for a moment. You use these words, and tell HER that she's not comming across the right way? She's already spelled it out quite well. Take the words for what they are, and without the sarcasm you add to it.

Theres one important lesson I learned from the internet. The tone you read with is YOUR OWN. If you see sarcasm, it's more than likely your own. SO Stop and think before you decide to blow up on someone who deffinately dosn't deserve trash talk.

Now, it has become overly evident that YEP there are people here that are in a clique. Fine, so be it, don't care. Not worth the time or energy to fret about.

As for posting fotd JUST for critiques? Not always, there is at LEAST ONE woman I can think of off the top of my head who posts just to show what she can do. She's not looking for "how could I make this better?" she's simply posting to show off. That in and of itself is all fine and well with me. In fact I commented on how fantasic her skill is. A lot of people did.

Now, Sphinx has shown NO AGRESSION to anyone here, where as I would have been well over my limit due to specific replies given. If your next post is going to be along those lines... just do her a favor and don't.

I personally stopped comming around for a while, because just about every post was about Hello Kitty, and it got old with me. I took a break becaue it was like pulling teeth to find people who were willing to help and share their ideas. Weither this is due to people not really knowing what I was looking for, or people who really didn't know what to say, or just didn't have the time.. I for one can understand where Sphinx was comming from as to lack of replies.

I don't want people to lie to me and tell me I look great when I really don't. I want honesty. I want honest, down to earth ideas, points of view etc. but it seemed like people were afraid I'd bite their head off if they told me something didn't look nice, or placed well. In fact, I've seen a lot of this in other posts as well (though not recently because I havn't been here in a while)

Anywho, this post isn't about me. It's about people connecting. So far.. this forum is by far one of the nicest I've been two. People here are kind (for the most part) but don't be afraid to tell people what dosn't work on them. Don't worry about sounding like an ass because of how you see something. Just dont SAY it like an ass. A smile and gentle prodding can go a long way. No need to kick the people in the teeth with it.

Now.. I'm going to go and eat my starwberries, work on trying to kick the rest of this cold/flu or whatever the hell it is out of my system, so I could maybe get up the courage to do more fotd and post to see what happens.

I'd prefer not to see Specktra defaced because people can't understand what tone of voice to use simply because they don't know the person or what they are actually feeling on the other end of that omputer screen, you know?

Have a blessed day


Well-known member

I know you said you're not gunna reply to this thread anymore, but i am gunna reply, in hopes of you reading this, b/c i think it might help you understand some things...but i am in no means trying to upset you or make you feel attacked. ok?

Originally Posted by LilSphinx
I come on here every day and see other people who have worse, less 'put together', as well as, better makeup than I do and both get lots of comments, why should I not want to be able to come on here and be greeted by equal amounts of comments?

this comment kinda bugged me. the world is a very subjective place. especially when it comes to how one person views another person or their beauty. so just b/c u think one person's makeup is "worse, less 'put together'..." doesn't mean their makeup IS really worse or less put together. i can say to my friend Jane, "hey i think her makeup is great!" Jane replies, "really? you think so? even i can do makeup better than her".....

so am i right or is Jane right? it's all subjective and people perceive things differently! so you CAN'T take your perception of someone's makeup and assume that everyone is gunna think the same as you. if you see more replies on a thread that you don't particularily like the look of, it doesn't mean that it is bad or ugly makeup.

Originally Posted by LilSphinx
We are all "stroking" eachother's egos by complimenting eachother on our makeup. Sometimes I feel like I need mine stroked and it's disappointing and frustrating when I don't get many comments or even views.

correct me if i'm wrong, but i get the impression that you feel specktra is a place used for helping people validate themselves. yes we all love to hear wonderful comments, WHO DOESN'T??? but when you post your FOTDs, EXPECT GOOD AND BAD COMMENTS! you CANNOT post an FOTD and only expect GOOD comments to boost your ego. if you do, then please don't post any more FOTDs. the purpose of an FOTD is to share your look and try to help/educate others about makeup looks, NOT to have ppl tell you that you're beautiful and that your makeup is amazing. then you might as well make ur FOTD title: "TELL ME I'M BEAUTIFUL AND MY MAKEUP IS AWESOME!"

Originally Posted by LilSphinx
I mentioned the e/l and eyebrows because those are the two main features I see complimented/commented upon 'the' most. Also, bold black e/l and filled in or painted on brows happen to be a feature I see featured in many of these FotD's. I do not subscribe to either of those 'styles', so I took it as possibly being part of the reason I wasn't getting as many compliments/comments. -Which I viewed as unfair

well if that's the case, then there was obviously is misunderstanding and so you got it all wrong, and thus NO ONE is being unfair. i'm sure you know by now why thinking that way is wrong. many things contribute to why ppl don't respond to threads....not just b/c they don't like the particualr look. so you can't jump to conclusions and think that way. if you do, then it is unfair to US that you are jumping to those conclusions and making those kinds of assumptions. right?

Originally Posted by LilSphinx
Honestly, it all comes down to fairness. That's all I've asked for

but we ARE being fair. maybe you just don't see it and is taking it wayyyyyyyy too personally when you don't see as much replies to your FOTDs.
we do not live in a sugar coated world. you get what you want, and sometimes you don't. so if you ever ask for CCs in the future and get a CC that you don't agree with, or you're not getting the amount of replies you want, do not get upset and think we're being unfair. like it was said earlier, this isn't a popularity contest.

i'm trying to be honest and replying to you in a very mature way. but i do feel you have some things misinterpreted...


Well-known member
I think this entire thing has gotten out of hand to be in the FOTD thread..It should have been in Deep Thoughts

All that maybe should have been said is ....

Please comment on my photos ...I want lots of comments like certain other members get, because I think my looks are just as pretty if not prettier than theirs....But don't comment on my eyebrows or my eyeliner because that is off limits..I do not want CC I just want compliments, lots of them.

Someone needs to really stick a fork in this it is so overdone...

EDIT: After all it has gotten 59 comments..and yes that was sarcastic...
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