How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by DigitalRain
Lets step back yall and take a deep breath...and a
Its just makeup, really. It aint THAT serious. We need to be worrying about the economy.....

Ain't THAT the truth. This whole post has gone WAY too far and far too long. I think what needed to be said from everyone has been said. The OP felt a certain way which she was entitled too. You don't agree, fine. But you can't tell people how to feel.

LET.IT.GO for the love of all that is Holy.


Well-known member
^^^ true...But we can post these type concerns in Deep Thoughts, Chatter...Not fotd threads....and we can choose not to open them or continue reading them if we find them bothersome....Just a few thoughts IMHO


Well-known member
I know I said this should be over, but I just feel I need to emphasize this:

Originally Posted by MissChievous
And that comment about high end vrs. drugstore makeup - come on, that's just grasping for straws now.
My last fotd on here (the Arabic makeup one) used all NYX and cheap ebay palettes and got many many views and replies. So that notion is just silly. I don't think people care what brand of makeup you use as long as it looks good.

EXACTLY! It's not about what you use, it's all in how you use it. If your skills are good enough, no one cares how much you spent on the products.

Originally Posted by vocaltest
I'm finding it hard to comprehend what you're saying... you say that you have noticed that the looks with 'bold black eyeliner' get the most comments/views, yet you criticised me by saying my looks were 'boring' because I use black eyeliner in every single look I do... so that means that every look you see on here is boring? I'm not taking it as a personal insult (even if it did annoy me a lot), but its more or less saying that every makeup look posted on here isn't very good. But yes you're right.. there ARE a lot of looks on here using black eyeliner, Why? Because it defines eyes, it gives fuller appearing lashes etc. No one is TELLING you to have thin brows/use black eyeliner, its CC, suggesting ways to enhance the look.

I'm not gonna sit here and pick apart your last post on here... but I just get the impression that you're upset just because no one replies to your posts and that you want replies to 'stroke your ego'. Infact, I don't get the impression, you said it yourself! Its not about stroking ego's on here, its about makeup, end of.

I also think I need to stress the fact that, while we may be asking you to "conform" it's not about looking like everyone else. It's about having a finished look. Black eyeliner does define eyes, as do well-groomed and shaped brows. We don't want you to look like everyone else, we're just telling you what is flattering.

That's it, I'm done with this thread. At least until someone else makes a good point.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shootout
That's it, I'm done with this thread. At least until someone else makes a good point.

Frankly I don't think there could be anymore "good" points. Everyone is saying the same thing. Over and over and over. Seriously, this post is nothing but


Well-known member
controversy or whaaaaaaaaaaaa???
you're lOOkies are killa...
brows define a lOOk & that is most likely why so many people comment you reguarding them...
c/c is based on what a standard is....
(((smell what i'm steppin in)))
don't get discouraged... just keep doin your thang*thang!!!
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