"The Originals" discussion


Well-known member
This is going to be funnnn. Forget Metal-X! I'm going for this collection instead
Gives me time to save too! Parrot? Frisco? Oh lawd.


Hey! So does that mean that there will no new colour collection like Lingerie, Danse for this year's Boxing Day collection? Is this the equivlent? Someone please confirm, thanks! much appreciated!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gleamster1
Hey! So does that mean that there will no new colour collection like Lingerie, Danse for this year's Boxing Day collection? Is this the equivlent? Someone please confirm, thanks! much appreciated!

this would be the equivilent to danse. along with new/repackaged accessoried, sculpt and shape duos, new face and eye creams, and a macys exclusive face palette. hth!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
this would be the equivilent to danse. along with new/repackaged accessoried, sculpt and shape duos, new face and eye creams, and a macys exclusive face palette. hth!

What are the scuplt and shape duos?


Well-known member
I was just looking at the thread with the color description for the eyeshadows included in the Originals collection and I have to wonder, how many shades of grey can one company come up with? Don't get me wrong, I like grey but is it just me or has MAC wear out the color grey?

Does anyone know if this collection will have special packaging?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
bone beige/emphasize
warm light/definitive

YAY!! These will look niceee in a palette!
I'm glad I didn't already order these.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ARmakeupjunkie
I was just looking at the thread with the color description for the eyeshadows included in the Originals collection and I have to wonder, how many shades of grey can one company come up with? Don't get me wrong, I like grey but is it just me or has MAC wear out the color grey?

Does anyone know if this collection will have special packaging?

To be honest, I don´t think MAC wears out greys, since there aren´t that many true grey e/s or pigments. But I´ll tell you something about blues/aquas/teals — these are colors MAC can´t get enough of! Come on, Parrot? I know, I know, it´s almost blasphemy to say that in Specktra...But how much bright blue/aqua eyeshadow can a woman wear?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GothicGirl
To be honest, I don´t think MAC wears out greys, since there aren´t that many true grey e/s or pigments. But I´ll tell you something about blues/aquas/teals — these are colors MAC can´t get enough of! Come on, Parrot? I know, I know, it´s almost blasphemy to say that in Specktra...But how much bright blue/aqua eyeshadow can a woman wear?

couldnt agree more... im not even interested in parrot... but some how i feel obliged to buy it to see what the fuss is about...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitics
Man, this could have been a total blow-my-socks-off collection by bringing back old favorites. Most of this list (minus Parrot) is kind of disappointing. I guess I got my hopes too high that they'd re-release Pink Poodle l/s with this collection

I chuckled at this, mostly because of your avatar


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GothicGirl
To be honest, I don´t think MAC wears out greys, since there aren´t that many true grey e/s or pigments. But I´ll tell you something about blues/aquas/teals — these are colors MAC can´t get enough of! Come on, Parrot? I know, I know, it´s almost blasphemy to say that in Specktra...But how much bright blue/aqua eyeshadow can a woman wear?

I have to agree with the bright blue/aqua thing but as fair as the grey goes, there might not be that many that are true grey nevertheless they all still manage to look the same on me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GothicGirl
To be honest, I don´t think MAC wears out greys, since there aren´t that many true grey e/s or pigments. But I´ll tell you something about blues/aquas/teals — these are colors MAC can´t get enough of! Come on, Parrot? I know, I know, it´s almost blasphemy to say that in Specktra...But how much bright blue/aqua eyeshadow can a woman wear?

Oh my! Aquas, teals and blues are the bomb. It's like red lipstick, you'll never stop looking for the perfect shade and will find a way to justify every variation in every finish. I love that color family. I wish we could get more greens though, but I am happy with Wondergrass. Thank you MAC!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
Oh my! Aquas, teals and blues are the bomb. It's like red lipstick, you'll never stop looking for the perfect shade and will find a way to justify every variation in every finish. I love that color family. I wish we could get more greens though, but I am happy with Wondergrass. Thank you MAC!

I agree. I was so excited with Wondergrass too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xJUDYx
dec 26th..hmm that'll be good for after xmas money and my 21st! (dec 27th!)

December 27th is my bday too! I'm so excited to buy several Parrots. They are LE right?


Well-known member
I always look forward to the after Xmas collection from MAC but this year I think I'll be skipping it. There are no new colors in this collection, does MAC really find it necessary to have an entire collection of re-promotes?

I don't understand all of the excitement about parrot - how oftern can you really use aqua eyeshadow.


Well-known member
I'm sure I'll end up getting some from this collection and I do agree with MAC Whore, et al. about MAC improving on formula's and all that, I suppose that for me these just weren't colors I was all that thrilled with in the first place. I do love Parrot, even though I rarely use it but it's nice for those who haven't had it to get it, you can dupe it with other lines colors (Cargo Aegean for example) but it's just not the same famous MAC texture and wear. I'm glad they delved deeper back than say LE items from just a few years ago, it'll be interesting to see what they end up looking like. I'm glad the lippies are lustres because some of the older Matte's and such were so drying! All in all, I was a little skeptical at first but I do want to give it a chance


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LatinaRose
... I'm so excited to buy several Parrots. They are LE right?

Yes they are.