What items from upcoming Mac collections will you be picking up?


Well-known member
i haven't been on here in awhile... prince noir is coming back with the nasty gal collection??!
Yeah, at least that's why they said in the thread. There's also gonna be a purple vampy lippie too. pretty stoked


Thanks to being a student I think I'll have to narrow it down to just a couple of things - thinking of one of the blushes from the Simpsons collection, mainly for the packaging let's be honest! Plus one of the lipsticks from ANR collection - yield to love or good kisser if I'm feeling bold.


I'll buy:
From novel Romance: Hearts Aflame Lipstick, Atomic Ore Fluidline eye pencil; Novel Romance lipstick and Yeld to Love Lipstick. From Brook Shields: that stunning powder. From Kinky Boots: the lipstick and lipglass. From Riri 2: only the lipglass. From Prabal: i'm crazy for all!!!!!


Well-known member
I really wish mac would bring back a collection from previous years for us that missed out or just became into mac recently, i would love if they bring back the barbie collection, give me liberty of london, hello kitty, nudes &metallics etc it would be awsome !!
Pink cult and next to skin blushes from the artificially wild collection! I also want some of the new nail polishes when they come out.


Well-known member
I am hoping to get the two blushes from the Simpsons collection, 15 eyeshadow Brooke Shields, matte lip pencils from the matte collection and the xmas set I just saw on Chicprofile. It will all be mine.


Well-known member
Simpsons- Pink sprinkles, Sideshow you, I&S&S, GP

Artificially Wild- Next to skin, Taupe, Pink Cult, Obviously bare lipglass

Matte lip- Most of the lipsticks, all of the blushes

RHPS- pigment, greasepaint stick, blush, all the lipsticks, bronzer/highlight duo, bad fairy nail polish



Still can't believe glosses sold out first, I got all of them but still ...maybe everyone wanted to get something from it so they buy the cheapest


Well-known member
the 15 pan palette from the brooke shields collection

and maybe one or two lipsticks from the matte collection, if i like them/they're not close to anything i currently already have.


ANR has yet to launch in France. I really want Yield to love. I'm trying to convince myself that I don't need A good kisser but...


Well-known member
I'm looking forward to buy from The Mattes the most, and some things from RHPS as well. But nothing is really jumping at me as musthaves in the upcoming collections... Maybe after I see a couple more swatches. Hopefully the holidays collections will be dope :sigh: So far by tentative list is: - All three Nasty Gals lipsticks, but the lack of buzz is making me a bit anxious...I rarely do blind buys. The burgundy one at least. - Living Legend, Fashion Revival, La Vie En Rouge and maybe Pander Me from The Mattes. Bespoken For liner as well. - Strange Journey, FrankNfurter, the black greasepaint stick from RHPS. Wanted the blush as well but it seems very close to Animal Instincts from ANR.... I dunno if the difference in finish is enough to justify it. - VG Rihanna 2 lipstick, I think. So yes, mostly lipsticks :)