Will gay marriage lead to the downfall of society?


Well-known member
After doing some checking on the history of marriage, it seems that the church wasn't even involved in it until sometime around the 1500s...and it wasn't until 1566 that the church decided that marriage would be defined as "the conjugal union of man and woman..." (they issued a Catechism). During its' earliest days, marriage was basically nothing more than a business transaction. So really, it's those pesky Roman Catholics (I say this in jest, because I'm Catholic also...so please don't be offended) who decided that marriage was between a man and a woman...it just sort of got adopted and spread out from there. Yes, I realize that marriage was referred to in the bible as being between a man and a woman, however, up until the church got involved, the religious folks were content to marry according to civil laws. *shrug* just more of my two cents...


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Originally Posted by blindpassion
Zachary Quinto is sooo hot! I watched Star Trek and drooled the entire time.

that he is but i'm becoming obsessed with chris pine


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkorchid
^^I think that's a little harsh (regarding looking for an excuse to lose beliefs) but I do see your point in what you're saying. I think esp if you consider all the stuff these days with divorce etc, gay marriage is pretty much a non issue.
This thread has definately prompted me to a new perspective.

woot! yay for being open to change

Edited to add: You know, i've been thinking about it, and i must say i respect this SO much. Sometimes it;s so hard for someone to even want to try to see the other side, or consider they were wrong, or misinformed or whatever. I think it's even harder when you get faith and religion involved. I really do respect that your putting that aside and re-evaluating what you believe. Even if you don't change your mind, not many people are willing to do it! I think this is so freakin Awesome Possum.


Active member
I really don't understand why anyone could ever consider gay marriage as a problem? I mean, who is bothering you when two guys or girls are married and happy? People should grow a brain and think for themselves.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkorchid
Here's what I don't like - I don't like when just because someone has a different opinion they get torn up about it. With the example of Carrie Prejean (is that how you spell it?) I thought that she expressed her feelings with regards to the issue of gay marriage in a fairly sensitive manner for a beauty queen (they are not known for being particularly good with forming coherent sentences). She said in her response that for HER personally she didn't agree with it, and I think that should be respected. She didn't say anything derogatory about same sex marriage or homosexuals, and since the USA holds to its free speech rights so strongly, I think she should be allowed to express her feelings.
I don't know anything about the OP or if there is an agenda, but what does bother me is that whenever someone says they disagree with gay marriage they get torn to shreds as the most terrible person ever. I have no problem with homosexuals - we are all human beings at the end of the day and we should all try and live harmoniously with respect for one another - BUT I think that they should have a different form of 'marriage' if that makes sense.
My feeling is that marriage is an institution, under God, between a man and a woman. It doesn't really make sense to me for it to apply then with that in mind. I definately think they should be recognised as life partners, with all the same legal rights as those individuals that are married. In the end, everyone should have equal rights, but perhaps a different type of union could be introduced for same sex couples, that can be their own and provide them with the same rights as everyone else? I agree with previous posts that how can two people who love each other & want to commit to one another be wrong or be denied, but I don't support 'marriage' as such.

I hope that all made sense and did not cause strong offense to anyone. It is after all, my own little minds musings.

PS on a side note, just to comment of a previous post which criticised the OP and told them that they shouldn't talk about this stuff here on this forum because we mainly/only talk about make up - ummm isn't this the deep thought section in which we DON'T talk about makeup? Food for thought...

i find it interesting that you think everyone should have equal rights, except for a specific group of people can't have this specific right. making this exception doesn't allow equal rights. its allows "almost equal but not quite" rights.

i know you posted later that you've re-evaluated some of your thinking, but i just wanted to comment on one of you're earlies posts.

Originally Posted by knoxydoll
To me marriage has nothing to do with God or religion, more so now than ever in this day and age when many people aren't religious at all. But you're saying that homosexuals shouldn't have be able to used the term marriage, do you think other who don't believe in God or those who follow different religions shouldn't be allowed to use the term as well? Using your argument, us "heathens" would be ruining the sacredness of marriage as well, so why should some of use be able to use the term and not others?

i agree!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iadoremac
I really dont think the person that started this thread started it to be controversial, she just wanted peoples opinion. All i know is that the bible says judge not lest ye be judged. The bible doesnt condone homosexuality the same way it doesnt condone stealing, lying, killing etc so before people point fingers at homosexualsor even murderers i think they need to take a good look at themselves. Too much hypocricy in this world.

I think she was trying to start ish, but I agree with the judgment thing
I'm a freak but I'm a freak with a husband and I go to church, I don't see why 'm deserving of protections under the law and gays aren't.
One couple that I respect beyond most of the same sex couples I know are lesbians with some 30+ years as a couple, in a strong respectful public relationship! Why can't they make medical decisions for each other? they've been together longer than I've been ALIVE!!!

My thoughts are my church will support the rights of all, if your church doesn't want to fine, but this is a civil rights issue!! And no one is less deserving of basic rights


Well-known member
I don't think the original post of this thread can be taken too seriously due to the agenda. There are people on this forum who are actually concerned about this topic (yes I know, I've had PMs with some and we tried to come to a mutual understanding of what the other person had to say). The original post doesn't have any of those traits.


Well-known member
I think this is the most ridculous debat ever and I am so sick of hearing about it. Since I know every damn thing let me explain it to you. I (you) do not have the right to tell another adult how to live their life. I fail to see how or why you think what two consenting adults do with their private lives is your business. Have you ever heard "ain't no body's buiness if I do ( or they do)? It's true it is not your or my business. There is so much unhappiness in the world and if two people have found happiness in each other then what gives any of us the right to tell them that they should not be happy? Or maybe you are saying that they can be happy just on your terms. I just don't get why private matters between two consenting adults is a public matter.

If you have so much damn time on your hands maybe you can help solve some real issues like:

The Florida public school system is failing because we don't value our teachers enough to pay them a living wage or

46 million Americans have no health insurance. We can put people on the moon but we can't provide health care for Americans or

In 2008 Americans lost 2.6 millon jobs. Do you think these people with no jobs are concered with gay marriages or how long it will take before they are living in the park?

Do you get where i'm going with this? We the people of this great country have a lot more to worry about and adding to our already over burden shoulders the issue of gay marriage is just stupid.

And since I am a very religous Heathen I want to offer you some advice. Show your worth as an American and go solve a real problem.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vixxan
I think this is the most ridculous debat ever and I am so sick of hearing about it. Since I know every damn thing let me explain it to you.

Sorry, I can't keep my mouth shut on this one...but if you're so sick of hearing about it, don't read the thread...no one's forcing you to. Spend the time you wasted on it doing something about all those problems you listed. ...and really, I hope your second statement was said in jest.

*awaits the backlash*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
Sorry, I can't keep my mouth shut on this one...but if you're so sick of hearing about it, don't read the thread...no one's forcing you to. Spend the time you wasted on it doing something about all those problems you listed. ...and really, I hope your second statement was said in jest.

*awaits the backlash*

If that is the best that you can do then I don't expect much from in the way of problem solving and most people that can't keep their mouth shut usually spend a lot of time talking about nothing. Did I just ring your bell? You forgot to invite me the church.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vixxan
If that is the best that you can do then I don't expect much from in the way of problem solving and most people that can't keep their mouth shut usually spend a lot of time talking about nothing. Did I just ring your bell? You forgot to invite me the church.

The best I can do for what? I wasn't trying to insult you, just making the point that no one's forcing you to read something that you're so sick of hearing about. It wasn't meant to be mean, derogatory, or anything of the sort.
Once you start speaking in complete, well thought out sentences, then maybe I'll be hurt by your attempts at insulting me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vixxan
If that is the best that you can do then I don't expect much from in the way of problem solving and most people that can't keep their mouth shut usually spend a lot of time talking about nothing. Did I just ring your bell? You forgot to invite me the church.

Dial the invective back please.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
that he is but i'm becoming obsessed with how ridiculously fake Katie Morgan's breasts are.

Thank God, I thought it was just me. I mean her voice is awesome past the swallowing helium deal and I really do love her HBO show but for the whole show, I'm staring at her breasts thinking my god! they're filled with helium just like her vocal chords. Thank god this was posted because I thought I was becoming a fanatic due to me going back to On Demand and repeatedly watching episodes where I spend 20 minutes just staring and thinking the same thing over and over.

Lauren1981, this thread got way too serious and figured a joke was in order. I'll change it back if you need me to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
Sorry, I can't keep my mouth shut on this one...but if you're so sick of hearing about it, don't read the thread...no one's forcing you to. Spend the time you wasted on it doing something about all those problems you listed. ...and really, I hope your second statement was said in jest.

*awaits the backlash*

I'm sorry maybe I misread what you wrote. I thought this was some kind of nasty attack launched at me. These are all nice things.


Well-known member
Nothing new here but I'll never be able to understand why a homosexual couple who have been together for years can't get married but a straight man and straight woman can meet and 2 seconds later get married for the hell of it if they wanted to.

I mean.. Look as Elizabeth Taylor. And my boyfriends parents... between them there have been 6 marriages.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Dial the invective back please.

Using this on my 16 year old sister, thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vixxan
I'm sorry maybe I misread what you wrote. I thought this was some kind of nasty attack launched at me. These are all nice things.

Those comments were all completely neutral. If you took them to be a personal attack, that's not my fault. This thread is for people who want to discuss the topic...you said you were sick of hearing it, but I'm doubting that someone held a gun to your head and made you read it. I merely suggested that you spend your time working on those problems you mentioned, which seemed so important to you, rather than coming here, complaining about the discussion we're having...or why not start your own thread to talk about them?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Dial the invective back please.

You are truly my Specktra hero. My god! no matter what you're always honest and speak your mind. It's an amazing virtue and is truly admirable. Not to mention your vocabulary is incredible.


Well-known member
First of all, that's a biased point of view from the article.

Secondly, assuming that Christianity indeed was originally against homosexuality (which it does not say anywhere in the bible), banning gay marriages is against constitutional rights and is an atrocity.

Thirdly, the teachings of Christ tell the followers to love all of God's children, not to pigeonhole people and treat people poorly just because they're "different." It's original intent was to teach followers compassion, forgiving and having a good heart, not to teach xenophobia.