Anybody watchin Heroes?


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I love this show... we won't be getting it here for a few more months... it sometimes sucks being in the UK.


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I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE this programme. It is the best thing ever. I cant wait till it comes back to the UK. Peter is sooooooo hot!!


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I'm so excited for season 3, the first 13 episodes will be a "villians" story arc but the story arc will conclude in 13 episodes and the remaining episodes will have another story arc. From watching the promos for season three, i get that there is a place much like batman's gotham arkym (?) asylum where the company including angela had locked up powerful super powered people becuase they used there powder for the worse, they some how breakout and reek havoc, with sylar back im assuming he eitther befirends a rag tag group to go against the "good hereoes" or he goes crazy and kills alot of them for their powers. or maybe both?......niki does survive last seasons cliff hanger as she is seen alive in the promo, kristen bell's character is seen telling sylar in a darkly lit room "im not scared of you". Mohinder gets a super power and starts a romance with maya....angela petrelli might turn evil. peter may have been the one to shoot his brother twist is he had come from the future........Anywho im super excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Oh man, it's back tonight! I need some more Sylar in my life. And I really hope this season will make up for the horrible second season. It does look good.


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Thank the Lawd I'm off the overnight shift. I love the Fall, hot fashion, makeup and good t.v.!!!! I've been watching reruns just to stay on top of things, cause u know if u miss one epi ur LOST, speaking of LOST, I can't wait for this show either!


Well-known member
Thank god heroes is back!! I think I need to rewatch seasons 1 and 2 though! And rumors of Seth Green???? Oh, I hope so!!


Well-known member
OMG I love heroes!!! I DVRed the premiere and have watched it twice. Man, I am so lost with this new story line though. Can't wait to see how it all plays out, cuz it has to be interesting.

I can't believe Sylar got Claire's healing ability..... how in the world can they stop him now?


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Seth Green and Breckin Meyer will be joining Heroes this season. They'll have a multi-episode storyline and play two comic-book aficionados who cross paths with one of the heroes, though it's not certain right now which of the heroes they'll interact with, in what way, or what their character names are going to be.


Ohhhh you guys in the states are so lucky, i'm still waiting (for yonksss) for it to air in the UK. Tempted to download and watch in advance....?! Enjoy!!


Well-known member
I d/l'ed. It won't come out here for a while either.


I despised the first episode, thought it was pretty crap all around with storylines jumping about and crazy mad-scientist Mohinder making another (!!!) bad decision. Ep. 2 made up for it; it flowed a lot better, the acting was better- especially Claire, Mrs Petrelli who is always one scary bitch, and naturally HRG- and it had Matt talking to a turtle. I LOLed. I wonder if Tracy is really just Tracy? And if Sylar is really... y'know? Ooooh.

I am holding out hope that it will be more cohesive than Season 2, and just, y'know, not shit. That would be nice.


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Originally Posted by Rennah
lol @ Parkman talking to the turtle.

that part was effin hilarious! i totally laughed out loud!! hahaha totally didn't expect the humor!


Well-known member
I'm soo freakin excited about this season. I'm happy to see the guy from The Wire ( Marlo) Hereos too! Though I'm not sure what his power is. When Peter's mom flashed foreward she saw all the "villians" had escaped and (Marlo) was the one killing Claire. Very interesting! How wild is it that Claire's mom is back!


Well-known member
I have decided that I need to rent the previous seasons and rewatch them. The strike that shortened the previous season and created such a gap bewteen seasons caused me to forget everything. The show is so intricate that it's hard to remember it all!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
I'm soo freakin excited about this season. I'm happy to see the guy from The Wire ( Marlo) Hereos too! Though I'm not sure what his power is. When Peter's mom flashed foreward she saw all the "villians" had escaped and (Marlo) was the one killing Claire. Very interesting! How wild is it that Claire's mom is back!

His name is Knox, and apparently his power is turning people's fear into his own strength, which is an interesting ability. Oh, and although we barely saw him on screen, another one of the villains is played by Andre Royo - Bubbles! So I'm really excited. Lots of The Wire actors have been popping up on television lately. Bunny on Prison Break, Daniels on Lost and Fringe, Michael on 90210... Lovely.