Have you ever feel offended by...


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Originally Posted by couturesista
I have some friends who are Phillipino and some who are India. I was really surprise how they too have to deal with the whole, light skinned vs dark skinned issue. The lighter your skin is the more your valued and praised and the darker your skin is the mor eyour looked down on. Its truly sad that this mentality is flooding the world. My sister is light skin and I'm dark skin, she once said to me that she doesn't like light skinned people, WHAT!!!! Have you looked in the mirror lately!! I told her that sounds like self hate to me. Its the same way when people say I don't like dark skin men and their dark skin. It sickens me, I had to literally walk out on my own sister for speaking such ignorance. I don't mind you not finding someone attractive but to generalize a group of people is wrong. I take pride in the fact that God ( or who ever you believe in/ worship or don't) created an array of shades.

In the west, light skinned people do everything to get their skin darker and in dark skinned places people try to lighten their skin. It's kind of funny that as societies we don't accept ourselves the way we were born.
All ethnicities have specific diseases they are prone to which may be why skin color plays such a big role in the world. A long time ago when people weren't easily connected by phones, t.v's and the internet certain traits may have been looked at and either craved or shunned. Whites are more prone to cystic fibrosis while blacks seem to be more prone to diabetes. Jewish people have more of a chance of tay-sachs than other races. Unfortunately there is no race that is safe.
I personally would like to know the likelihood of getting diseases of races that interbreed. Do they get both the bad disease traits from there parents or are the somehow genetically superior and get the best of both sides? Or does it differ from person to person?


Well-known member
Diabetes is not a genetic disease, true its more prevalent(sp) in the black community, but that comes from having a poor diet and not living a healthy lifestyle, ( eating habits and exercise) not from genetics. I understand what you mean though. In the black community we are more prone to (genetically speaking) sickle cell. I have the sickle cell trait. which means I inherited genetically from one of my parents ( that would be my DADDY, LUV YA!) My daughter has the trait, and it will be passed on .... If I her dad had the trait as well as myself she could have possibly had sickle cell, and the same issue continues with her when she decides to have a baby. I do understand what you meant though. Now, thats not to say other races don't have or can't get sickle cell.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
Diabetes is not a genetic disease, true its more prevalent(sp) in the black community, but that comes from having a poor diet and not living a healthy lifestyle, ( eating habits and exercise) not from genetics. I understand what you mean though. In the black community we are more prone to (genetically speaking) sickle cell. I have the sickle cell trait. which means I inherited genetically from one of my parents ( that would be my DADDY, LUV YA!) My daughter has the trait, and it will be passed on .... If I her dad had the trait as well as myself she could have possibly had sickle cell, and the same issue continues with her when she decides to have a baby. I do understand what you meant though. Now, thats not to say other races don't have or can't get sickle cell.

Yeah, diabetes was a bad choice as it can affect anyone. Yes, unfortunately diabetes strikes those with unhealthy eating habits, little or no excercise and scarce medical care/low income. (It is expensive to eat healthy in today's world!) And the costs of maintaining the disease are huge.
I can remember getting tested for sickle cell when i was pregnant, as well as other genetic diseases and being so scared! luckily everything went fine.


Well-known member
I totally know what u mean about the whole "ghetto" thing. I think its offensive but what makes it more offensive is when people say something is "ghetto" when it really isn't at all.

I have this coworker who says horrible things about illegal immigrants, which to her is only Mexicans. She has said things like the reason why one of the bathrooms (which is closer to the warehouse) smells is because the Mexicans use that one most, and they eat weird food. She also said that shes glad we dont have public transportation in our city because the illegals jump on the trolleys to commit their crimes. Her sister had her rabbit stolen and she said the illegals probably stole it and ate it for dinner. When she found out I am Mexican, she turned to this other girl that works with us and said, " She's not Mexican Mexican, right?" Whatever that means. In this day and age people should really look around them before saying such disgusting comments.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by franimal
I totally know what u mean about the whole "ghetto" thing. I think its offensive but what makes it more offensive is when people say something is "ghetto" when it really isn't at all.

I have this coworker who says horrible things about illegal immigrants, which to her is only Mexicans. She has said things like the reason why one of the bathrooms (which is closer to the warehouse) smells is because the Mexicans use that one most, and they eat weird food. She also said that shes glad we dont have public transportation in our city because the illegals jump on the trolleys to commit their crimes. Her sister had her rabbit stolen and she said the illegals probably stole it and ate it for dinner. When she found out I am Mexican, she turned to this other girl that works with us and said, " She's not Mexican Mexican, right?" Whatever that means. In this day and age people should really look around them before saying such disgusting comments.

Yes, what does "Mexican Mexican" mean?? People have said that to me before and I ask what they mean by that. This lady actually told me that I had light skin & light eyes so I didn't look like the "rest of them". I'm not sure what the rest of them look like but in my family we have a big variety. It only goes to show how ignorant people are to think that all Mexicans have dark skin, dark eyes & dark hair. My cousins in Mexico have blonde hair, fair skin & light eyes and they were born and still live there...so there is no 'typical' look for any race, it's a dumb assumption.


Well-known member
I'm Turkish and I find it most offensive when people offer uneducated and uninformed opinions about my culture and history. Or any other culture and history for that matter.

And you find that stuff mainly in newspapers and the media and whatnot.

It bothers me mainly because people will read things and draw their conclusions from these sources, whether true, false, fabricated.

Whereas, hearing some idiot use a racist term, I can just dismiss that as the word of an idiot. It's the influence on that idiot that offends me more


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll

It makes me mad when Mexicans are always associated w/ being cleaning people, or something just low. I also get offended when people assume every mexican is here illegaly, hmmm also when they say that "illegals are stealing jobs" if your dream is to work out in hot sun, long hours, shitty jobs for maybe $5 bucks an hour and no benefits, I pity you truly, if those are the jobs they are "stealing" from you, wow your life sucks.

Anyway dont want to start a huge debate but it does offend me to an extent.

I TOTALLY agree with you, I understand that the biggest percentage of illegal immigrants are hispanic, but there´s also european illegal people, and asian and african etc. etc.

Originally Posted by franimal

I have this coworker who says horrible things about illegal immigrants, which to her is only Mexicans. She has said things like the reason why one of the bathrooms (which is closer to the warehouse) smells is because the Mexicans use that one most, and they eat weird food. She also said that shes glad we dont have public transportation in our city because the illegals jump on the trolleys to commit their crimes. Her sister had her rabbit stolen and she said the illegals probably stole it and ate it for dinner. When she found out I am Mexican, she turned to this other girl that works with us and said, " She's not Mexican Mexican, right?" Whatever that means. In this day and age people should really look around them before saying such disgusting comments.

She´s an ass.

Originally Posted by SuSana
Yes, what does "Mexican Mexican" mean?? People have said that to me before and I ask what they mean by that. This lady actually told me that I had light skin & light eyes so I didn't look like the "rest of them". I'm not sure what the rest of them look like but in my family we have a big variety. It only goes to show how ignorant people are to think that all Mexicans have dark skin, dark eyes & dark hair. My cousins in Mexico have blonde hair, fair skin & light eyes and they were born and still live there...so there is no 'typical' look for any race, it's a dumb assumption.

LOL. honestly at this point the word RACE is kinda out of place, EVERYONE is so mixed!


Well-known member
I get a little bit offended when people think I am Chinese (I'm actually Vietnamese). One of my friends even calls me Chinese all the time just to tease me. I don't like that at all, but he doesn't get it. Come on, not all Asians are from China, lol. I don't even look like Chinese, no monolid nor pale skin.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by monter
Especially because, at least where I'm from, us Poles have the market cornered on maid-dom.

I was born and raised in Poland and now live in Chicago. I couldn't have said it better, monter, many maids in the Chicagoland area are Polish while a large percentage of men have construction businesses

I have heard my share of Polak jokes, insluts etc. anyhwere from tv and movies to my coworkers or schoolmates. I don't really get offended
at that.

The only thing that does bother me is when people give others a hard time for speaking English with an accent. My parents have worked hard to learn English here and it really gets me mad when they are shot down and made fun of becausethey pronounce words differently.


Well-known member
The same thing happens in Vietnam, too, just like in other Asian countries. I used to belong to the group of not-so-pretty girls because I have tanned skin
. But it's the opposite when I am here in the U.S. Some people even said other girls would die to have my skin tone.
But at least my sister (who has pretty dark skin, too) and I do not hate ourselves. We hate ignorant people

Originally Posted by couturesista
I have some friends who are Phillipino and some who are India. I was really surprise how they too have to deal with the whole, light skinned vs dark skinned issue. The lighter your skin is the more your valued and praised and the darker your skin is the mor eyour looked down on. Its truly sad that this mentality is flooding the world. My sister is light skin and I'm dark skin, she once said to me that she doesn't like light skinned people, WHAT!!!! Have you looked in the mirror lately!! I told her that sounds like self hate to me. Its the same way when people say I don't like dark skin men and their dark skin. It sickens me, I had to literally walk out on my own sister for speaking such ignorance. I don't mind you not finding someone attractive but to generalize a group of people is wrong. I take pride in the fact that God ( or who ever you believe in/ worship or don't) created an array of shades.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
Whereas, hearing some idiot use a racist term, I can just dismiss that as the word of an idiot. It's the influence on that idiot that offends me more

i like the way you put that. it gives me new perspective and hopefully a thicker skin.


Well-known member
This happens all the time in England, not on movies but in the News and on Soaps, Soaps constantly refer to the white lower classes and specifically discrminate and generalise, particularly an asian actress on Eastenders

I feel offended by the new policies the Labour Party have introduced which make it easier for non Whites to get a job, they have also introduced policies where non Whites will get paid more

oh well, got to accept it

Originally Posted by BAMBOOLINA
any movie/comment etc. related to your nationality/culture/race/religion???
if so, let us know in which manner.

I remember I had this friend, he was from Bulgaria and he felt really offended by Borat the movie.. even though Borat was suppossed to be from Kazakhstan, he just felt that probably anyone in the rest of the world would think of eastern europeans as that...

Or like I was saying in the horror movie threat about the Hostel movie, that I found this article:

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Slovakia angered by horror film



Well-known member
For recent movies, I think the movie "300" was quite a bit offensive because it completely made the Persians and their culture into caricatures. I'm glad I only bought it for fifty cents on Half.com. The last "Indian Jones" movie was so bad, especially with it's depictions of indigenous South Americans, that I got up and left the theater. I thought the whole idea of "The King and I" was kind of ludicrous (don't get me started!), even though it used to be a favorite in my childhood days.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll

It makes me mad when Mexicans are always associated w/ being cleaning people, or something just low. I also get offended when people assume every mexican is here illegaly, hmmm also when they say that "illegals are stealing jobs" if your dream is to work out in hot sun, long hours, shitty jobs for maybe $5 bucks an hour and no benefits, I pity you truly, if those are the jobs they are "stealing" from you, wow your life sucks.

Anyway dont want to start a huge debate but it does offend me to an extent.

Hey, I agree with you on this one, I think alot of this is xenophobia, and a sense of entitlement. Also, people always want a scape goat when things aren't so great in their lives.

But I do have kind of a hard line stance on it, though many grossly misinterpret my intent (as they did on another board). I am all about human rights and protection under the law, and as far as I concerned, many proponents of amnesty (big crop companies and factories) have largely ignored this important issue. As long as illegal immigrants are being exploited the way they are now, I don't support harboring illegal immigrants. They should be deported and encouraged to apply for proper entry. It may take a while longer, but every other citizen in other non-neighboring countries have to do it that way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacey4415
This happens all the time in England, not on movies but in the News and on Soaps, Soaps constantly refer to the white lower classes and specifically discrminate and generalise, particularly an asian actress on Eastenders

I feel offended by the new policies the Labour Party have introduced which make it easier for non Whites to get a job, they have also introduced policies where non Whites will get paid more

oh well, got to accept it

You don't happen to be a member of the BNP do you?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by seonmi
I get a little bit offended when people think I am Chinese (I'm actually Vietnamese). One of my friends even calls me Chinese all the time just to tease me. I don't like that at all, but he doesn't get it. Come on, not all Asians are from China, lol. I don't even look like Chinese, no monolid nor pale skin.

I don't usually associate someones looks with a certain country, but I can't tell the difference in asians. I also can't tell you which region in africa certain black people come from and i can't tell the difference in mexicans and cubans and other hispanics . I can only kind of tell where a white person came from in europe/russia but not always. I think its true for all races to be able to tell the differences in their own race easier than distinguishing others.


Well-known member
I'm caucasian. When I was in junior high my Indian friend invited me along to some sort of cultural dance thing (I don't remember, it was a long time ago) in which she was participating, and I was probably the only white person there. I was constantly being asked what I was doing there because I was white, and being told I shouldn't be there. That was nice.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
I don't usually associate someones looks with a certain country, but I can't tell the difference in asians. I also can't tell you which region in africa certain black people come from and i can't tell the difference in mexicans and cubans and other hispanics . I can only kind of tell where a white person came from in europe/russia but not always. I think its true for all races to be able to tell the differences in their own race easier than distinguishing others.

Not all black people are from Africa, of course somewhere in our history our ancestors were from Africa. I'm black and I'm from Texas. Most ( again, most) Africans do not consider themselves black, they consider themselves to be Africans, just like majority of black people don't consider themselves African-American, they consider themselves black.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kalico
I'm caucasian. When I was in junior high my Indian friend invited me along to some sort of cultural dance thing (I don't remember, it was a long time ago) in which she was participating, and I was probably the only white person there. I was constantly being asked what I was doing there because I was white, and being told I shouldn't be there. That was nice.

I bet if the shoe was on the other foot, and you said something like that to them, it would have made the 5 o'clock news. Racism is wrong no matter who's spewwing it. Shame on them

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nox
For recent movies, I think the movie "300" was quite a bit offensive because it completely made the Persians and their culture into caricatures. I'm glad I only bought it for fifty cents on Half.com. The last "Indian Jones" movie was so bad, especially with it's depictions of indigenous South Americans, that I got up and left the theater. I thought the whole idea of "The King and I" was kind of ludicrous (don't get me started!), even though it used to be a favorite in my childhood days.

I'm of Persian decendant (Canadian rasied) and 300 did make me angry. As much as I tried to take it as a movie only, it didn't matter. The movie was historically false and it did portray Persians in a very evil way. Ppl in the US already don't have a great feeling towards the middle east and that movie didn't help.
I think that is the only example for me though (as far as movies are concerned), if ppl want to judge an entire nation based on one movie someone created to make some dough, that's them being idiots!