Release dates for the UK

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Well-known member
Hello all! Sorry to be annoying but it's quite difficult to browse through this thread for me, for some reason. Could you lot let me know when the next few collections will be released, if you know? MAC is looking to bankrupt me again!
MAC will be releasing Surf Baby and the Cooling Powder collection on the 1st or 2nd week of May. After that I believe we should get Fashion Flower and Flighty in June :)


Well-known member
I can't wait to see Surf baby, usually autumn and summer collections are my favourite from MAC.


Well-known member
I can't wait to see Surf baby, usually autumn and summer collections are my favourite from MAC.
This is my first MAC summer collection so can't wait! I think I haven't been this excited for a collection since VV


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Yeah, I'm a whimp too, it actually suits me to have such young children, I can just about cope with the stuff 4 and 6-year-olds can do, lol. We did do the Tower of Terror today in the Hollywood Studios and it was great fun, it's actually much more "gentle" than the one in France, I did that with my eldest 2 years ago and it was very scary! Same stuff as this, but the one here is slower, so the drops are less extreme. My 6-year-old loved it though and went on it twice as we had an extra Fast Pass.

Have you been to Aquatica? What's that like? There's so much to do here, not sure if we'll be able to fit it all in. Next time we have to stay for 3 weeks, lol!



Well-known member
tower of terror is so awesome! but yes it is tamer than the paris version. i still scream like a kid though! hee hee! generally with the waterparks i let nick do all the big slides on his own! aquatica is really nice - very family friendly. nice rides - big and small and they have nice birds and dolphins to look at :) well worth a trip. usually me and nick go in the afternoon because i can't spend a full day out in teh sun. :)


Well-known member
MAC will be releasing Surf Baby and the Cooling Powder collection on the 1st or 2nd week of May. After that I believe we should get Fashion Flower and Flighty in June :)

Thanks very much! I love these big collections MAC do, but they don't half leave me broke! I like to know when they're available cos I drag myself down to a store ASAP. I hate missing out - I'm the type who ends up trawling ebay and paying loads more just cos I feel I MUST have the sold out item!

Loving the sound of that Gems collection as well.


Well-known member
[quote name="Alisha1" url="/forum/thread/50203/release-dates-for-the-uk/4530#post_2109459"]

This is my first MAC summer collection so can't wait! I think I haven't been this excited for a collection since VV 

[/quote] You will love it! they always come out with warm shades and lovely packaging! You won't be disappointed :)


Well-known member
I can't afford any other makeup in May so I hope so! :) I love the colours like I skipped Strange Potion in VV but now i'm like was I mad cause its a PERFECT summer colour! lol I may have gone mad...
hee hee! yeah i keep looking at it thinking it is such a lovely gloss. but i have so many already and i need to use them up before they go off!


Well-known member
Oh gosh I forgot about glosses going off :/
yup, lipsticks are ok of course. they keep much longer. but glosses go bad easily. that said if you take care you should get many years out of them. i never apply using the doefoot i actually put the gloss on my hand and then apply from there so no bacteria is getting into the tube. this way my glosses seem to last 3-4 years without loosing their smell. :)


Well-known member
Strange Potion is being re-released isn't it?

And for anyone who hasn't got MUA in their local superdrug, you might wanna check if it's there now, I popped into mine today and they had a load of new stands put in, including MUA and accessorize.. MUA actually seems pretty good quality - their eyeshadows remind me of Yaby pearl paints! :D


Well-known member
Strange Potion is being re-released isn't it?

And for anyone who hasn't got MUA in their local superdrug, you might wanna check if it's there now, I popped into mine today and they had a load of new stands put in, including MUA and accessorize.. MUA actually seems pretty good quality - their eyeshadows remind me of Yaby pearl paints! :D
i have a couple of the glitter liners from MUA and will be doing a blog post on them - i've been really impressed!


Well-known member
yeah i have had to resort to ebay sometimes. but i also buy quite a few items from sales threads here on specktra which is great :)
I've never bought off anyone on here before - I don't know why, I just seem to go straight for ebay. Most of the time I've been quite lucky on ebay though and gotten a few bargains! Really wish there was a CCO closer to where I live in London though. Although it's probably a good thing there isn't one or else I'd always be in there!


Well-known member
Strange Potion is being re-released isn't it?

And for anyone who hasn't got MUA in their local superdrug, you might wanna check if it's there now, I popped into mine today and they had a load of new stands put in, including MUA and accessorize.. MUA actually seems pretty good quality - their eyeshadows remind me of Yaby pearl paints! :D
I'm really lucky with my local Superdrug - it has all the main brands and latest stuff stocked. Unfortunately the testers are always in a bit of a state, but it's great for getting the LE Sleek items!

And I agree with you about the MUA stuff. It's really decent, especially when you factor in the price. One of the lipglosses is a gorgeous pinky/purple shade shot through with loads of gold iridescence. Lovely!


Well-known member
yup, lipsticks are ok of course. they keep much longer. but glosses go bad easily. that said if you take care you should get many years out of them. i never apply using the doefoot i actually put the gloss on my hand and then apply from there so no bacteria is getting into the tube. this way my glosses seem to last 3-4 years without loosing their smell. :)
Thanks for the tip! I apply like that sometimes but my friend used to pick on me for applying weirdly! :/ loool

Deleted member 49521

Hi Everyone!

Just thought I'd say hello from the other side of the world! We're in Orlando on holiday, having a really good time. I've just been to one of the outlets they have nearby (thanks Lou for letting me know they have two) and going to go to the second one later this afternoon. The CCO wasn't that great, but to my huge surprise they still had loads of Volcanic Ash Exfoliators which I love, so I got 3 of them, yay! They also had lots of Venomous Villains stuff including Briar Rose, and lots of Liberty of London eyeshadows, all lipglosses, some lipsticks, etc. I ended up getting a lipstick (not LoL), 2 nailpolishes (Ming Blue and something Dragon, the blue and turquoise ones from last year), the darker Naked Honey highlighter, an eyeshadow palette (Trip Warm I think it's called) and also found the Prescriptives liquid powder in Gold Rose which I'm guessing is similar to the new shade coming out next month - for $20!). Pretty happy with it all. :) There's also a big Sephora nearby to which I'm planning a trip later this week/early next week. Is it really wrong that I'm very excited by the prospect of it, lol?

Anyway, we've also done 2 days in the Magic Kingdom and one day in the Animal Kingdom (there are some really awesome rides there too), and tomorrow we're doing one of the Disney waterparks. We also have a good pool and a kids' slide which my lot really love.

Speak soon!
Oh wow! It sounds like you're having a blast :)

I ended up not getting anything from QC. I'm not really wanting anything from Surf Baby, or the magically cool powders either. This should be great for my wallet, but I have been spending all of that saved cash in Boots and Superdrug! Haha! In some kind of fit of making some more cash I depotted my Naked pallet the other day. I half regret it because it's not all pretty any more, and what if no one wants to buy the colours I decided to sell?! Not everyone owns something like a z-pallet! But on the other hand, I only use half the shades and I'm sure there will be plenty of Spektrettes wanting to buy them if I cold ever be bothered to sort out my selling post :p

What is everyone up to this fine bank holiday? The weather has been killing me lately!


Well-known member
wow! you were brave depotting your naked palette - but if you only use half if it then there is no point letting some go to waste :)

and i am working tomorrow and saturday but then i have the whole of next week off work! hooray! i hope everybody is set to have a great Easter weekend!
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