What's your Biggest MAC Regret?


Well-known member
I kinda wish I bought strong woman it looks great with lip liners :( but now that we are shifting into spring I don't think I'll mind as much. My biggest mac regret is my blush palette I hardly use it and when I do it's like only one color some I've never used. I always buy individual ones ugh

Sarah Caron

Active member
Guacamole is still available on the site!! I saw it there today... Go under the "limited edition" tab, and it's right there!



Well-known member
[COLOR=800080]Biggest MAC regreats:[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]1) MAC Venomous Villans Collection[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]I mean what was I thinking? I adore all things disney. ugh. It was just a rought time in my personal like and makeup was just not on my mind at that time.[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]2) Barbie Loves MAC[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]I was working when it released, ran to my counter right after work and EVERYTHING was sold out! Although I did manage to get my hands on a Mattel Barbie Loves MAC Doll! I have 3 daughters and they ask me all the time if they can take it out and play with it. I'm like "no this barbie is not for playing)[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]3) Petals & Peacocks l/s[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]4) Blooming Lovely l/s[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]5) 3N l/s[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]6) Moxie l/s[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]Lastly not getting back ups of.... watch me simmer, CYY, Heroine (Reel Sexy), MM Beauty Powder and (Wonder Woman) Golden Lariat MSF.[/COLOR]
I wish I was into make up when the villan collection came out!! I've only tried on my watch me simmer once and have never touched it since -_-

Sarah Caron

Active member
I regret not getting the starflash eyeshadows... and I TOTALLY regret purchasing Coppering and Expensive Pink, they look absolutely horrible on me.


Well-known member
Mine is not buying ALLLLL THE VENOMOUS VILLAINS. Only got a couple of bits, kinda wish I had saved and bought more! MORE I TELL YOU!


Well-known member
Mmmmm this is tough
Probably missing a big chunk of the Pre Xmas stuff this year ie: extra dimension, crushed metal pigments....


Well-known member
Not being into LE collection or Mineral m/up when Metal Rock was released.

My one MAJOR regret.

Also, not backing up Rizzio l/s. Had I known if would be d/c'd, I would have backed up that baby so fast ...


Well-known member
Missing out on the Mac Wonder Woman collection. Sigh* I want those lipsticks and lipglass. Man just thinking about it makes me angry. Smh


Well-known member
I SOOO regret that I didn't realize just how much I loved Viva Glam Cyndi l/s till it was too late. It is the perfect lip shade for me. It sat unopened in one of my makeup drawers for months before I tried it on. I then started wearing it more often and before I knew it there was less than a third of it left. I tried to hunt some down but no luck. I did get several Cyndi l/g at a CCO while in San Francisco last summer. It is very pretty but not like the gorgeous lipstick. I think I'm going to blast MAC with a gazillion emails begging them to please send Cyndi back to us. We love her. If they can't call it Cyndi then release it with a different name. But I would rather my money go to VG. I would stock up big time. Another regret is over the years I have bought so many backups and then never finish the first. I've sold some, given some to neices, daughter-in- law, friends, and still I have a bunch. I also regret my giant VV haul. I knew most of the colors wouldn't suit me but logic went out the window and in went the "Oh Goody MAC and Disney" And I just had to have one of each different pic on the product. At least I skipped the products in reg packaging. That would have been even more $ sitting in a drawer. Some products I've only opened to look at and others I've swatched. I tried the cool liquid powder a few times but it didn't agree with my hormonal skin. GIANT regret is the amount of money I've spent on products that I rarely if ever use. I could have fed and clothed a few families for probably a year. Ok now I'm going to go bang my head against the wall.


Well-known member
I'm with shadowaddict Viva Glam Cyndi is perfect. I wore it a lot when I first got it, then didn't wear it for a long time. A few months ago, I was looking at a pic of me wearing it on Mother's Day in like 2011 and while we were looking at the pics my mom was like "What lipstick was that, it's really pretty!" It was Cyndi. I refuse to wear it again until I find a new one.

Ditto for Creme Cerise from the Cult of Cherry collection. WHY didn't I buy a backup??


Well-known member
Right now I'm also in the wishing Cyndi was back. Bought one at a CCO in '11. Didn't realize its epicness until I got home and when we went back she was all gone