[upcoming] Flashtronic, Rushmetal, Painterly, New Lashes and Plushlash Mascara


Well-known member
really, i hope theyre not until somewhat in september, because honestly i dont have any money and need some time for some saving up lol


Well-known member
It appears Flashtronic and RushMetal are Fall/Winter. good and bad ~ good because I can plan to save and bad because I have to wait!

Someone **please** give us a preview/description of the colours, if anyone knows!! eeeeep!


Well-known member
Stupid question from me,when is Fall/Winter? I guess winter is during the Christmas. How about Spring, Summer, Autumn?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LuvBeMac
Stupid question from me,when is Fall/Winter? I guess winter is during the Christmas. How about Spring, Summer, Autumn?

Winter is from December to February,
Spring is from March to May,
Summer is from June to August, and
Fall/Autumn is from September to November.

At least that's how it works up north

Originally Posted by galvanizer
It appears Flashtronic and RushMetal are Fall/Winter. good and bad ~ good because I can plan to save and bad because I have to wait!

That seems to be incorrect. MAC has always released more than one collection every month, so why would they put a hold from June until September to give us another one? The original poster of this thread said these collections would be coming in the second half of the year. Since there are 12 months in a year, and it starts on January, she would be referring to July and then on. MAC always releases MSFs during the summer and winter season, and we have yet to see them this year, so Flashtronic (the collection with MSFs) must be released this July. It could only make sense, since there have been past summer MSF collections released in the same month (A Muse in '06, Goldplay in '05, and Rococo in '04).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by charismaticlime
Winter is from December to February,
Spring is from March to May,
Summer is from June to August, and
Fall/Autumn is from September to November.

At least that's how it works up north

That seems to be incorrect. MAC has always released more than one collection every month, so why would they put a hold from June until September to give us another one? The original poster of this thread said these collections would be coming in the second half of the year. Since there are 12 months in a year, and it starts on January, she would be referring to July and then on. MAC always releases MSFs during the summer and winter season, and we have yet to see them this year, so Flashtronic (the collection with MSFs) must be released this July. It could only make sense, since there have been past summer MSF collections released in the same month (A Muse in '06, Goldplay in '05, and Rococo in '04).

I'm only going by Spectra's own Colour Stories page... I have no other info.


I have some info I believe is related to RushMetal. I spoke to Mac Pro customer service about 2 months ago and they mentioned MAC is reformulating the 'reflects glitter' line and will be launching a bunch of new duo chrome colors in July. So I believe part of this launch will be new reflects pigments. They were used in the Fashion shows in the spring and were a big hit. Colors I heard were coming out in Reflects are blackened gold and copper rouge. But she said there's a bunch so I'm betting this is RushMetal collection. That's all I know but would appreciate anymore info or color descriptions

I'm all over these piggies! They are my favorite.
As for the 'fall' launch....you know how everything in makeup comes out wayyy before the season starts so it makes sense they'd be launch a fall collection in July actually.


Well-known member
^^^ By "reformulating" do you mean that the original Reflects glitters will be reformulated? Oh no!! That would be bad, IMO.. they are perfect as they are.


Originally Posted by lemurian
^^^ By "reformulating" do you mean that the original Reflects glitters will be reformulated? Oh no!! That would be bad, IMO.. they are perfect as they are.

I'm not sure if they are touching the old ones but she mentioned the new colors will be a nicer/finer texture and that the line is really nice.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cno64
Have mercy!
I may die broke, but I'll die happy, and well made up.

Couldn't have said it better!!


Well-known member
July/Aug would make more sense for the release of Flashtronic/Rush Metal (perhaps the Fall/Winter is for the season they're meant for? You know how fashions are released before the season?)

Duochrome pigments? These are definitely going to set me back... I do hope they're all eye safe. Really ticks me when they release non-eye safe pigments.


Well-known member
just heard about a new collection called Smoke Signals, which is apparently new eye kohls?

also the baked eyeshadows with flashtronic wont be duos but they'll be swirled together colours. so i guess they're like mini MSFs


Here's what I saw on the Specktra Australia chat page about the upcoming collections.
C-Shock -
Flashtronic - 3 LE MSF's and some mineral e/s
Rushmetal - 8 new pigments, some duochrome/reflects line reformulated
Painterly -
Novel Twist -
Smoke Signals -
Blue Storm -
In 3D -
New Lashes & Plushlash -
Matte 2 -


Well-known member
Just wanted to share my discovery! I found this pic on ebay today:


The seller ("my-nannies-attic" is the seller's name) mentions receiving a large shipment of sample items. I think those must be the new MSF shadows! Woo-hoo! Not sure about the smaller shadows below, or the blushes above, or the MSF, but anyway maybe ya'll can figure it out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACHOMULA
Just wanted to share my discovery! I found this pic on ebay today:

The seller ("my-nannies-attic" is the seller's name) mentions receiving a large shipment of sample items. I think those must be the new MSF shadows! Woo-hoo! Not sure about the smaller shadows below, or the blushes above, or the MSF, but anyway maybe ya'll can figure it out!

OMG, if those are the blushes I want all of them!!!


Well-known member
The shadows look awesome, it looks like there's actually veining in them this time? The MSF looks kind of blah though (if it's even a new color because it kinda looks like Shimpagne), I hope the other colors will be more exciting! Anyone have any idea what the neutral-colored stuff next to the shadows is??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreamqueen
OMG, if those are the blushes I want all of them!!!

me too!!!! Especially with the bright peachy orange!!!!!!!!