Recent content by cutandrun

  1. cutandrun

    Do I have a very very old pigment on my hands?

    I recently bought a dc'd pigment off ebay, when I received it I compared it with a sample I had of the same pigment and it was definitely genuine. However, I am curious about one thing- the batch number makes me wonder if this pigment is super old. Usually the batch numbers I've seen consist of...
  2. cutandrun

    has anyone seen this dress?

    Ok, was just browsing communities on LJ when I came across this post. I really really need this dress, but I'm not from the US so can anyone tell me if they've seen this dress at wet seal, (the poster said it was from there) cos the site doesn't show it... Or if you've seen it, or something...
  3. cutandrun

    the original blue pigment

    Hi, I was just wondering if it was worth buying the original, d/c blue pigment? Does it resemble any other existing e/s like freshwater, and how similar is it to rebelrock blue pig? If anyone has swatches that would be great too, thanks!
  4. cutandrun

    'Eva' Unknown e/s, need help identifying!

    I was just looking at an auction on ebay, and was wondering why I hadn't heard of the name of this e/s before. Does anyone know what it could be? It looks authentic, but i tried to look up the name and nothing came up! Would greatly appreciate anyone's help...
  5. cutandrun

    Hot makeup to go with a hot dress, pls help!

    Hi everyone, I'm wearing this dress to a school leavers' ball on saturday, and I need help and advice with the makeup i'm going to wear... Thing is, though, I hardly wear makeup in school, and I love people's reactions to me wearing makeup when I do wear it, so this time I REALLY want to...
  6. cutandrun

    anyone here from boston? i have a qn...

    I'm going to boston tomorrow, and was just wondering if counters there still had sundressing pigments and eyeshadows? Basically, are they fast/slow moving, and could you tell me the names of the slow moving ones? I'd be so grateful if you could give me this info, cos if the counters are fast...
  7. cutandrun

    What is the BEST deal/bargain for mac you've ever gotten?

    Ok, I admit- this is partly a thread for me to publicly celebrate winning a melody e/s on ebay uk for £7.52 shipped!! That about $15 I think, so just slightly above retail? I've seen it go for a lot more in other mac communities, so yay! But I'm also interested to know what your best deals were...
  8. cutandrun

    Nooooo... Confirmed, Sweetie Cake isn't coming to the UK!

    Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, though I think you guys knew already, but the live chat I had just confirmed it. Funny thing though, the person I was chatting to was called Stacey, and I'm called Stacey, I wanted to laugh, might not be that funny to you guys, but my name isn't that common...
  9. cutandrun

    the art of the crease, and convince me to keep stars n rockets

    Ok, so I have several questions and need recs too. I'm really just getting into makeup and I always hear stuff about defining your crease. I have asian eyes, but they are double lidded (the lid is very small though), and I do have a crease. I'm really confused because I don't understand what...
  10. cutandrun

    My MAC day- comments on some uk MAC stores!

    Okay, so I said I'd post how my day went in the other thread about where UKers go to buy their MAC, so here goes. First though I have to say, I didn't have time to cover all MAC stores (didn't go to the house of fraser one in bank, or the harvey nichols one). That, I am doing tomorrow (haha...
  11. cutandrun

    UKers... where do you go to buy your mac?

    I need a store/counter where the service is good and where the SA's are talented. I live near Brent Cross but I find that the service is really not that great, sometimes the SAs are kinda rude too. was thinking of maybe going to the pro store instead. Someone on mua mentioned the mac store on...
  12. cutandrun

    lots of recs needed please!

    For reference, I am about NC20, black hair, dark brown eyes, chinese. I already have: E/s Aquadisiac Nocturnelle Trax Say,Yeah Li'lily Beautiful Iris (doesn't show up on me!) Tilt I don't like the last 3 very much, I've come to realise that I like super vivid/bright pretty colours. Am...
  13. cutandrun

    Need help with a swap

    I'm new to swapping, yesterday I listed some items on MUA, including a 316 SE and 129 SE brush from the Teal stashette kit I got for Xmas, since I already had a blush brush, and don't like using lip brushes. I got a swap request from someone asking for both these items, she offered me 4 UD...
  14. cutandrun

    UK people, RR blue is still around?!

    Today, I went to the MAC counter at Selfridges and was just browsing round when I saw on the pigment stand RR blue! It was definitely it, I've seen it in pictures, and I'm really surprised it's still around. Wasn't it discontinued in summer? Anyway, just to tell you guys if anyone wants it, I'm...
  15. cutandrun

    e/s to go with negligee l/g

    I tried negligee on a few days ago at a MAC store, and it just looked so pretty! I've been looking for ages for a medium pink, and this is it! But cos it looks a bit bright on me, what e/s do you think would go with it? (I am about NC20, dark brown eyes, black hair, asian) TIA!